~Work Work Work~
I got up early today about 6:30..Why.. I have NO idea, I have
not one single thing to do today.. I am not expecting any
company and I have no appointments.. am I lucky I have
nothing to do like some? I talked to Donnie last nite and it
was almost 8 PM.. he was only THEN on his way home to
his house.. He stays so busy. But hes not the only one that
does that I'm sure, works so much they have no time for
themselves. Like Donnie, by the time he gets done with
his jobs, then he does favors for friends THEN he goes
either to Kelli's for supper or goes home and just takes
his shower and falls asleep as soon as he sits down ...
Kelli does the same thing...I know lots like this.. Penny
does it too.. Work, work, work..
Penny comes here to help me 3 days a week, and she
has another client she goes to help after she leaves here.
She runs her adult boarding house as well..THATs a full
time job.. The guys do take care of their own rooms but
she has all the rest AND is the major cook.. She stays
busy..and she may be moving this week end..as of yester
day she wasn't quite sure, things are changing for her..
Sadly, her new hubby was laid off from his job... He will
get unemployment as long as its available..But things
are NOT improving.. Not around here anyway.. Not like
they want you to believe on TV.. Things are NOT better.
To me its very depressing.. I can even feel the crunch..
The cost of food for one thing.. and the increase in
everything. The electric company and gas all have gone
up.. My electric had NO reason to double.. I had NOT
turned my AC on YET.. but it has..
I went over my electric bill..Penny pointed out some
charges that didn't make sense... So like a big stupid
I decided to call them .. HA! I called and after pushing
about 6 different buttons ..it said "wait time is approx-
imately 10 minutes"... I was gonna wait, but I hung up..
I would like to know though why some of my bill money
goes to some Palasades Plant place? I think these big
companys think if they put you on hold for 20 minutes
you will give up.. which I did, BUT if I had a speaker
phone? I would have waited.. Probly sTILL be waiting
too ! :-) They got us no matter what..
I think Canada is smart and if I was, I would move there !
Never hear of conflict or problems like what we have here.
If our government would quit giving all these millions of
dollars to other countries and help US. I think THAT
would help a lot, AND if some of those high mucky mucks
up there in Washington would take a cut in pay I think
that would help.. All these senators and others that are
travelling to all these countries..for..to TALK.. know what
one of those trips cost? ALOT.. I have to quit watching
the news.. I watch Ricks List a lot.. hes pretty good.. But
its ALL depressing.. The poor Gulf..just makes me sick..
For not only the people but the animals as well.. so sad..
and STILL they do nothing..but TALK.. sad sad sad..
Well I'm done with politics and crap..not a thing I can do
about it. I have TOO many of my own problems..So if I
just think about those I wont have time to worry about
all this crap that's going on out in the world..I have a
major issue facing me that I am NOT pleased with at all.
I just got a call from Rebecca..I HAVE to see Doug from
CMH tomorrow.. I hate that man.. I have NEVER ever said
that about anyone, But I will NEVER forget what he did to
me..I can forgive him and just contribute his meaness to
his being in sensitive and uncaring..but I wont forget.. He
caused me a lot of grief, pain and undo stress.. I have not
ONE good thing to say to him or about him...I will meet with
him tomorrow I have no choice, he has me by the short hairs.
HE controls this grant.. and If I am ugly to him .. well no telling
what he would do.. Probly pull me off the grant.. I would NOT
put it past him.. I will be my GORGEOUS SELF :-)
I promised Rebecca I would be good -but, they are to park
out front and come in the front door.. He is NOT to wander
thru the rest of my house.. They have to stay in the living room
and LEAVE as soon as possible.. If he pulls me from the
grant.. well so be it.. I wont kiss anyones ass....sorry.. BUTT,
well I wont.. Hes lucky I always keep my promises.. And I will..
She is to call before they get here. And that is between 10:20
and 10:30.. I will give Penny instructions that she has to stay
in the kitchen and NOT to talk to Doug OR Rebecca when
they are here... My whole day today is ruined now, having to
think about this.. I am NOT happy... :-( ANYHOWAY...
This Unhappy but GORGEOUS WEEBLE is gonna post this
and try to get my blood pressure back down to a calmer level..
I cant go thru the rest of the day like this.. Maybe I need a nap..
Anyhoway.. HOPEFULLY I will return tomorrow.. :-) Maybe I
better write this blog BEFORE they get here.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 7:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
yep everyone is so busy now days...and that is so sad...they don't have time to enjoy the people around them and the small thing in life that are the most important...
I love beening home more and the extra cup of hot cocoa...getting to chat with my hubby more is extra nice too.
Monday I should know about the CT scan, anyway that what they said...
God bless you Lois.
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know how they feel, I am working at least 15-16 hours a day and then I go home and work some more....ps...don't tell mom. :)
Love ya Auntie
At 11:45 AM,
Lois said…
Hiya Mary,
Life is just speeding by, stops for no one. Im a house mouse, I worked when I had to and did my job..but I LOVE being home.. I never get bored.
Hiya Honeygirl...
I KNOW how hard you work PLUS going to college! I worry about you just like I do Donnie... I wont tell Mom..but I think she knows :-D lol...you cant hide nuthin from her..you know that !! :-) So nice to hear from you...
Love N'Hugs,
Lois & Auntie :-)
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