~Good Company!~
I had company last night and what a
treat! Donnie came by and he brought
my great grand daughter Kirsten with
him.. Bless her heart, she was so shy
at first but it didn't take her long to
warm up to me. She is so pretty. She
has the bluest eyes, and long blonde
wanted I was enjoying being with
Kirsten and Donnie! He measured out
back for the deck and its going to be
10 x 12. The cement is 10 foot across
but hes going to make the deck go
farther out into the yard than what the
cant wait to sit out there with the cats.
I sent Kelli the photos of her dad and
Kirsten and she offered to have Jorge
come and help Donnie build the deck.
That is just so great that he would do
many questions and loved my computer.
I showed her all the photos and I even
made a video of her, she watched it and
thought that was great. I told her when
shes bigger I would buy her a computer..
Donnie says "NO! you HAVE to say a set
time WHEN, or she will pester us to death
till she gets it!" I then told her when she is
12 I will get her a computer, which is 7 yrs.
Shes 5 now, so I HAVE to still be here in
was up a tad but not bad, I didn't have to
take another pill. I'm glad. We sat and
talked for awhile, she has 1 daughter and
lives in Sturgis which is south of here. Its
a nice town.
Well, I'm hungry and need some food. I
made 5 stuffed peppers plus put in a big
meat ball about the size of your fist. Donnie
sat on the couch and all he kept saying
was "MMMMMMMMMMMM, these are
SO GOOD!.. He asked if he could take
some home, he did, and left me 1, the
smallest of all of them.!. I had to laugh
when I looked in the pan after he left :-)
Donnie loves my cooking. Cabbage rolls
when he comes to build the deck and he
said he would bring Kirsten again!~
I'm a happy GORGEOUS WEEBLE , but
I need food,, keep well and God Bless..
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 7:22 PM, MaryC said…
WOW so happy for you, company is so good...
And it make it nice Donnie will bring Kristen with him when he build the deck for you...You are really going to enjoy that deck my friend.
God bless you Lois
At 11:31 AM, Lois said…
Hi Mary.
I cant wait to sit outside with the kitties..be wondcrful..
Bappy weekend!
Love n'hugs,
Lois ****
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