~New Bird~
I sat and watched a robin take a bath
then dry off in the sun. He or she had
the best time in that birdbath splashing
around. Penny has to clean it out at least
the birdbath that I don't know if it was
hurt or if that's its color. But it was red
on its back between its wings, just where
another bird or even possibly a cat. Ive
never seen any of my outside kitties go
after one of the birds but a bigger bird
could have injured this one. I sent the
photos to a friend of mine that knows
birds. I looked in my bird book but I
didn't find it. I hope it wasn't hurt and
my pressure and was NOT pleased at
all.. 175/102. I hadnt taken my pills
yet, so I took them and then waited
an hour and took it again, it was down
to 159/99, so I really didn't have to
take the extra pill . Ill take it again
and it even woke me up. I was dreaming
I was at a duck farm. On the way I
passed a small lake and I remember
saying, "look at all the duck butts"..
The ducks were tail up like they
were looking for something on the
there were ducks everywhere, some
quacking and super loud, and there
were lots of dead ducks that the
people there were taking off the
feathers and the feathers were all
over the place making it hard to even
breathe, I think that's what woke me
I am always walking but I'm using fake
legs, I'm never in a wheel chair. So
strange to me.. Specially this duck dream.
later today, till 7, probly why I had the
weird duck dream! :-) I'm still a most
GORGEOUS WEEBLE of course, keep
well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 3:51 PM,
d said…
Wow ... hey Lois you are just going wild with that camera of yours ...
you are gonna wear the thing out ... But I will say this: the pix are interesting ...yeah. Happy Forth. (I know a guy who always gets a fifth for to celebrate the forth.) hehehehehehehehehehehe.
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