
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

~Rainy Rain~

Happy Sunday, nice quiet, rainy weekend..
Thank God we didn't get what they got
in Oklahoma, I have cousins live there I
hope they are ok... All my outsiders are
hunkered down, only ones don't care are
the birds, they love the rain.. :-)

It was a nice quiet week, thankfully...I'm
having trouble with my power chair.. The
left back wheel is sticking kinda and making
an ugly noise.. I told my nurse I either need
a new one or someone to come and fix this.
Apparently since I'm on Hospice they feel
that I'm dyin and I don't need a new chair.
Really! I told Fanesse (nurse) that if some
thing goes drastically wrong, they will be in
trouble.. What if my chair just refuses to
move or the wheel falls off? Id be stuck!
Id have to push my life alert or call 9ll.. I
cant go back into my regular chair, my arms
would not be able to push that chair!.. Shes
checking into it, said MAYBE they can fix
this, Id have to let them take it, and they
give me a loaner.. well... that's not too good
either.. :-)

I'm VERY picky about this chair. I don't let
it get out of my site..I don't let anyone sit
in it and I cannot use a loaner.. for one thing
there is that thing Donnie cut off mine in
front, I will have to learn how to drive one
with them on (its the foot thing holder)... I
also don't especially want to sit in a chair
someone else has sat in... Like I said I'm
very fussy and picky.. I didn't pay for this
chair, but its mine, it cost almost 8,000.oo
as in EIGHT THOUSAND dollars.. Its not
leaving my site.. They will fix it here or get
me a new one... They will probly just stall
around till I do die then they wont have to
get me a new one.. Every 5 years they are
required to get us new ones, and the 5
are up, I got this one when I lived in the
little house... Fanesse is working on it so
she will figure out something I'm sure she
is very capable... :-)

Well, this storm is getting worse and I don't
wanna get hit by lightening.. This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE is closing down... Keep well and God

Always, Lois****

 "God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....


  • At 7:16 AM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Get Penny to give the wheel axle a small squirt of WD40. I bet its just that the axle is dry.
    Take care, Honey,God Bless You,
    Love You




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