coming here and posting.. I really don't.. Its
not like I'm so busy busy.. I just play on this
machine.. I notice the count is going down
and that's my own fault cuz you don't know
when I'm gonna write something.. I'm bad..
I have been getting TONS of spam on here.
They put stuff in my comments and it doesn't
show up in comments but I get an email of every
comment soon as its posted, I woke up this
morning to 22 spam emails! I don't know how
to stop it .. I'm gonna check and see cuz I hate
all that extra mail... I might have to put a code
thing on the comments just to stop it maybe...
Its COLD I want you to know.. I'm still trying
to get caught up with my electric bill, I got a
shut off notice for the 8th and I owe these
people 362.oo... Ive been trying to get help
with it, but this state is broken and there is
no help available.. so other than going out and
robbing a bank, couldn't you just see that?
Well this chair goes about 30 miles an hour
I bet :-) I have to call the electric company
and see what kind of payments I can make
to catch it up, and now I have to worry about
gas bills... I cant win !
My doctor has been here, and he has taken
note of I guess my decline.. The attacks are
almost daily, this morning really scared me,
I had to take 2 nitros... The phantoms give
me so much stress too besides the bills.. and
try as hard as I can I cant avoid stress...
Maybe if I won the lottery, I already have
my list for that! First I gotta play and I
don't have that many dollars left over!
Maybe I need to take up a collection.. I
do have that donate button that works...
I'm kidding... this too shall pass...
Ive been making calendars and these
new things called head tags, I can put
my head on another body.. if only that
were true! I did see that movie face off,
with Nick Cage & John Travolta, THAT
was a good movie...
Well I'm done here for today, I will try
to do better, I'm gonna go fix this spam
thing.. Y'all keep well and God Bless.. and
WEEBLE !!! :-)
Always, Lois
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again.....
At 9:51 AM,
Unknown said…
I sure hope you are able to get that electric bill taken care of. I know what it is to worry about utility bills and soon cold weather. We are all electric here..shiver shake. Hope your health holds out..putting you in my prayers.
At 9:51 AM,
Unknown said…
I sure hope you are able to get that electric bill taken care of. I know what it is to worry about utility bills and soon cold weather. We are all electric here..shiver shake. Hope your health holds out..putting you in my prayers.
At 11:06 PM,
barebuttbob said…
Hey Gorgeous - great to hear from you. I wuz gettin worried.
I'm sure you'll get things straightened out with Reddy Kilowatt.
Thinkin of you all the time
Bare Hugs,
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