Holidays, the main thought is all the good food. I have seriously been
considering doing some baking of my wonderful cookie recipes and
giving them out for Christmas. Get some pretty tins to put them in..I
know I wouldnt mind getting some home made treats. Only BAD thing
is ...yup..the pounds will go on and I will end up sitting on them within
a short time.. THAT is the one drawback.. I could make all these cookies
and breads I want to make, but now-I know - you know - EVERYONE
knows you bake it you TASTE it..lol...at least I do, and the extra pounds
go on..
I happened across a video clip while I was searching for my stolen and
posted photos and watched this dak laying and doing stump exercises..
she laid there and did about 10 lifts, of each stump in different directions.
Up down, side to side. Then she did sit ups.. Not alot but maybe 5 or 6 ...
I got to thinking.. well I should maybe get into doing that every time I get
onto my bed.. Doesn't take very long.. and the hardest thing to do is the
bloody situps.. But I bet in a short while I could probably do them with not
alot of effort..I can try at least and see what happens..When I had to get my
chair made a tad wider made me really think . "hmmm, me thinks I'm
getting wider here " and I didnt like that too well...
I was told once how lucky I get to sit all the time..well I've been sitting now
since 2000.. thats a long long time and I will be sitting for ever...Its not that
great..trust me. When you gain weight.. the harder it is to do anything, even
reach the floor. let alone transfer..or move around whether its on the floor,
bed or anywhere you are. Dragging a fat butt around is NOT easy.. trust me.
So I think I may start to do these stump exercises and sit ups..
I know every time I spill or have to wipe something up off the floor, which is
daily, is like doing sit ups since I have to totally fold in half to reach the floor
from my chair.. Maybe I have short arms or something.. I have long fingers
but still I have to lean as far as I can in half to reach it.. I cant reach the floor
at all if I lean over the arm of my chair which sometimes I do knowing Im
either going to have to really stretch if I am picking something up or I have
to drop it if I am putting something down...hmmm maybe thats why my butt
drags so bad? Cuz I have short arms? lol ok .. that works for me.. I like
that thought better than knowing it drags cuz its FAT ;-) That's my story
now - I have SHORT ARMS.. and I'm sticking to it.. :-D
now - I have SHORT ARMS.. and I'm sticking to it.. :-D
So that decided, if I start doing exercises..I can make those cookies lol...
It wouldnt hurt me to do these exercises tho..and probably make me alot
healthier and make me feel better too...I really don't eat a lot of sweets. I
have them here, but I only eat them once in a while when that sweet tooth
starts..and we all have a sweet tooth of some kind - "Sweet things" we
like :-)
I listen to my music and I do alot I sit in this chair and do my own version of
a chair dance.. I listen to those old rag time pianos, or some good Rock &
Roll..I do exercise I guess you could call it cuz I cannot sit still .. I get to
rockin back and forth, & side ways to the song and that IS a form of
exercise too...and the music makes it even better...then you dont mind
especially if you love to dance which I sure did and love music...
Well I think talking about dancing and exercise I will just dance this SKINNY
butt of mine . right on out to the kitchen and get a little snack . I have some
great p , b & j crackers (peanut butter n jelly) out there I think are not that
fattening ..well ok the peanut butter is..but I'll eat them fast and maybe they
wont stick to me lol..
Y'all have a good one now y'hear.? luv ya.. thanks for your sweet comments..
Always, Lois***
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I lost 3 pounds in a year. re: excercise - I walk and you will find some exercise like wheelchair dancing. Keep on trucking.
At 11:39 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar, with 2 messy cats I get quite a bit really and I admit I do make messes I have to clean up too which is ALOT of exercise when it comes right down to it..lol..
Always, Lois***
Hey these wheels are steady truckin' :-)...
At 5:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
The lady doing the exercises is my friend, Aliona, I think. She has also put on a little weight since that film was shot.
The exercise would also be very good for your circulation, so go for it.
Don't overdo it, though. I have heard it said "There are no suicides over thin women", Stay a bit cuddley!!! lol
Love and hugs,
At 6:03 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Raife, cuddly is a nice way to put it lol...works for me. :-) I think the name on it was Jill, cant be sure tho.. I was so amazed at all I saw there--I know most was forbidden and without permission I'm sure. I could be mistaken tho..Hope you have a good day take care :-)
Always, Lois***
At 6:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe you could make a video of your own exercises.
At 6:25 AM,
Lois said…
Good idea Harry! I have been trying to decide what to give out for Christmas. I will see what I can do. :-) Good to hear from you again..I've missed you.
Always, Lois***
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dearest Lois-honey, i have said it before... You are unique but still VERY normal.... You have short arms and short legs, thats good. It would seem uneven, if you had short legs and long arms, dont you think so? You are perfect in more than this way, you are gorgeous either way i look...
KAO ***+*
Your Rob
At 11:10 AM,
Lois said…
Rob. you say the sweetest things..How nice to read, yes would be uneven, its always good to match, body parts, clothes, everything.lol..still is a good excuse to be a dragbutt tho :-)
Always, Lois ***
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