
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, December 10, 2005

~Stump Socks?~

The subject has come up as to whether I wear stockings or nylons
on my stumps, especially in the winter if they get cold.. I do feel the
temperature changes on them.. and cold really does affect my stumps
even my hands... But I dont usually cover them with stockings, only my
little mink cape which works quite well..But I have seen pictures of
cotton socks just made for winter and extra warmth, I bet they feel good.

I do have some nylons..well fishnet kind..and they have like an elastic
top and are called thigh highs... I think I did not get a large enough pair
as sometimes when I wear them the tops will roll down and then tighten
and it is like a tourniquet on them.. which is NOT good..then they ache
for sure, perhaps the thinner nylon would be better. I dont know..I dont
have any of those..well I do but they are too small ...

I put them on myself while I was sitting in my chair which maybe was not
a good idea.. I perhaps should have put them on over on my bed, and laid
down to do it and then maybe they would have went on more smoothly..
As I could raise each stump easier and maneuvered them on better..
It seemed the harder I tried to get them on the more they would roll back
down. lol..Ok ok I have fat stumps go ahead and say it :-) Perhaps that is
the problem.. I have not really checked out alot of them lately , well places
where they sell them.. Its too bad they dont think of these things for us.. I
bet there are alot of others that would wear them if they could fix that
problem unless I am the only one with FAT thighs LOL..
no comments on that now either :-)

I used to love to dress up over the holidays and if I was going any
where this Christmas or New Years I would definitely wear a pair just to
look nice and I know would really make me feel even more dressed up...
If for some reason my stumps did show then they would look very nice. I
think it depends on what I would wear a tight skirt or a full one.. I try not
to wear skirts that are too long .. I have gotten them caught in my wheels
and now want to see something funny? THAT is a cute site.. I have
rolled and my skirt is caught, the more I roll the more it pulls around the
wheel..so If I go the wrong way..yessss it pulls my skirt down and almost
off!! well not quite, but I know you can picture that in your mind..I look
like I am just stuck.. which I am till, I can really SEE what I'm doing..I try
to keep my skirts tucked in under my stumps if they are too long . I know--
I sew..why do I not hem them..some I do.. but alot of my dressier skirts
are pleated.. well I am NOT hemming a pleated skirt it is NOT easy..

I saw that gorgeous red leather skirt, and jacket and the red sequin top
underneath..& with a pair of red nylons..NOW THAT would look so dressy
and so wonderful for a great Christmas party or even New Years.. I have
a friend is having a party in Chicago for NYE,, I may stop in and say
hello..We have been friends for quite a while and she has invited me
many times to meet her when she is there , I should go..but with our
weather like it is..we may be snowed in! But Chicago would not be that
bad a place to be snowed in ...its a great city..I have been THRU it ..
many times...and Its not that far west of me, a few days there might be
fun since I know a few other people there. It might be nice to get away
for a few days..I would have to find a baby sitter for my boys tho..I cannot
take this unruly Dutch with me.. It would NOT be a get away then ...and I
bet they would like one away from me at times..specially when I have to
show them who REALLY rules here .
My sister came for a visit today and its always so good to see her, She
always brings something and today was no different, she brought me
a lovely dark blue sweater and a new throw to cover with, and always
she brings me cookies and candy of course, which I dont need but I do
eat some but not all at once. I dont eat alot of candy but its nice to have.
The sweater and throw were my Christmas gifts..She knows what I need
and like..The throw is polar fleece that is so soft and warm, and very
light weight for the warmth they provide. Its wonderful. I will use it, Its
been below zero outside and I can feel the draft from under the window,
my bed is right up next to it, sometimes I get cold when I nap...

I have a few chores to do before I settle in for the night since Jane
couldnt get out yesterday.. She is a very nice person..I like her alot she
does so much for me I am really grateful for her. So I will bid you good nite..
I hope you are having a great , safe, happy week end, stay warm, make
sure you have some warm socks for your feet. Wear 2 pair, 1 pair for you
and 1 pair for me..Ok, too hot-- .just think of me when you put yours on
then, hows that? :-) Kitchen duty...better get it done..wont clean by itself,
*sigh* and these kids won't help!!! lol...

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya..and thanks...:-)
Always, Lois.***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    warmth - ahh warmth! For men in the colder weather we like to layer up. I am wearing 5 layers between my bladder and the street. It works!!!
    I have a new tenant who is a viet vet and he is out in all kinds of cold weather. His answer is to stay on the sunny side of the street. It is 20 degrees warmer than in the shade.

  • At 11:32 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well thats a good idea. Polar fleece is very warm and light weight. so is
    nylon warm, why they make alot of outdoor wear out of it.. I keep it kinda cool just so I can use my nice
    warm woolbies I call them..:-) I used to wear a pair of socks.. a plastic bag, and another pair of socks, my feet never got cold, works good.
    Got to stay warm Momar :-)cuddles work too lol :-D
    ALways, Lois ***

  • At 11:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    You have Lovely stumps.
    I would just love to help you on with your nylons, it would be so much easier for you than trying to do it all by yourself!!! lolol.
    Love and hugs,
    Raife. :-)

  • At 6:17 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well thank you Raife.. trust me I need all the help I can get sometimes doing stuff :-) I'd let ya help :-)

  • At 11:39 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    I enjoyed this post. You are so beautiful. It's nice to think of you wearing comfy stump socks.

    I knew a women who used to knit her own out of heavy soft yearn for warmth.


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