
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

~Story for You Tonite~ :-)

I thought I would write something different and tell you one
of my stories.. This one is true-..it is.. its about a fishing trip
my ex-husband and I took..We would load the car up on the
week ends and sort of travel the back roads, find small rivers
or lakes..bait shops to look around in..and we would stop at
different places and try fishing for a while, just to see if we
could catch anything.. Some times I didnt fish but I would sit
in a lawn chair and chat with my ex while he did...

This day, a saturday more than likely, I dont remember, we
had taken a drive along the fox River up in Wisconsin, when
we lived in Green Bay. Was a huge river .. We followed it
for a long time..and found a spot that looked like other cars
had been parked there ..was a nice spot on the river bank..
We unloaded the car and my ex got all his stuff out and got
his pole rigged and baited...we used night crawlers..big ugly
worms...ICK...(HE baited my hook when I fished) and cast
it out in the river... the fishing began... lol...

He propped his pole up on a Y shaped thing that was already
there that other fishermen had used to prop their poles on too.
So he pulls up his chair and sits down to WAIT.. He and I chatted
and talked about this and that..and about half hour he reels in
and looks at the now dead worm..and says "Hmmm No, bites"
puts on a fresh worm and casts out again a little farther over
this time.. props his fishing pole again and sits down.. This
went on for an hour or ... he got NOTHING...

I looked at him.. I said " your not doing it right, thats why you
arent getting any fish" He looked back , smiles and says
"like YOU can catch one, miss smarty?" I told him "SURE"
He laughed.. (men of little faith...hehehe) I got my "lucky"
fishing pole as i always called it..and asked him to kindly
put a worm on for me....well they really MOVE and stuff
when you jab that hook in..ickkk.. He puts my worm on, says
"Need me to cast it out too?" I SMILE.... I stood there,, and
cast my line out... :-D smilin the whole time...I said.."YOU
HAVE TO CALL THE FISH DAVID." :-) I heard him laugh.

I kept standing there..and waited for about 3..4 minutes and
reel a little bit..let the worm settle.. (I used a 3 way swivel)
lol...and reel again....let it settle... I did this until it came back
to shore.. I did the same thing again.. I called the fish as I
told him before.. I threw my line almost in the same spot..
as before.. I let it settle...reel.. settle..and about the 3rd time
I went to reel..BAM!!!! I GOT A NICE HIT..I YELLED!!! "
SEE?" and I reeled into shore.. ..lolol..

I did the very same thing on the 3rd cast.. and put my line in
the same spot, of course AFTER i called the FISH. again.On the
2nd reel in on that cast that fish hit again BAM!!! - I Pulled back-set the
hook and started to reel that puppy in-laughing so hard watching him.. I
was having a blast ..specially when I looked over at my ex's face as he
stares at me in TOTAL disbelief... I reel in a really nice wallyeye...... I
flipped it up on shore..and looked at him as hes picking up my line to
take the fish off..hes mumbling.."I dont believe this"....LOLOL. :-D

I looked at him.."I TOLD you "... "You HAVE to CALL the fish"

Honest to GOd..he baits his line..walks over to where he was
and SAYS... "HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY" and cast out his line.!.
He did this and let his line settle again.. I told him.."ok now
reel it in a bit..move it" he did..and just kept reeling it slowly
into shore.. I told him "Just reel a few times and stop..dont
reel all the way in this time.. He stood there called those fish
and cast out....His 3 rd reel in..YUP..he got a bite...scared him
and he didnt set the hook fast enough and lost it..lolol.. He
looked at me..says "no way" and cast out again.. He DID
catch a fish lol..

He really BELIEVED thats how I caught that fish..NOW YOU
believe that too yes?? lolol..no no no..I just used a different
type of attack.!!! He cast out and let his line sit there.. I kept
mine moving...THATS the secret.. After he made a total ASS
of himself calling the fish.. I finally told him the truth !. I had
the best time...I laughed all the way home mocking his little
call to the fish :"HERE FISHY FISHY " .....TRUE STORY...
hahaha...wanna go fishing with me? I KNOW how to fish now..
and I can even make Flies..but thats another story I could tell
you, I thought this would break up the monotony of me and
all my what are they? idiosnycrocizes? did i spell that right?
LOL.. But you know.. thats how you have to do everything..
if your going to get any thing done and done right.. you have
to have a plan of attack..like I do even now ..lol..:-D works
for me..lol... I caught the FISH lol.....
Well thats my post for tonite..we all just went fishing lol..I
KNOW my ex still calls the fish too hahaha. The pic up top
is of some lake trout i caught in Lake Michigan on my
brothers boat..wow..back in 85? Im not sure..but I had legs
then...Nitey Nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya & thanks..:-)
Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:56 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    That was one of your best postings, Lois. I really enjoyed it a lot. You should try some more of these stories. I got a good chuckle out of that.

    Also, those are great photos. That was a good day!

    I live on the seacoast, and have since '81. I don't fisd in inland lakes or rivers much any more, because I have been seduced by the excitement of the larger fish. I pull stripers and bluefish out of the sea or the mouth of the river here. Thee's almost nothing more exciting that catching big bluefish on light tackle when great number of them come in to catch the fish coming down the river as the tide goes out. Many people don;t like it, but I do. I smoke my own.

    In the spring I catch cod and pollock off the surf at night when the tide is high and the moon is full. Also, I love to eat sculpin- delicicious because they eat shellfish, and flounder. Sometimes I eat skate or shark, but I don't like them as much.

    Nightcrawlers may seem yucky, but you should try handliny clamworms and seaworms. They have moncers and a milllion legs,a nd they bite a little.

    Thanks for the story.

  • At 4:58 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well Thank You Gray!!! I love to write stories, I call them my life stories.. I have quite a few..however this is one of my favorites..lol..I wonder if he still calls the fish? LoL..

    I used to fish off Galveston and talk about some BIG fish..I caught a hammerhead shark once. I learned to fish from my dad when I was very young. He taught me, I have loved to fish ever since..I miss it. Ive caught all kinds big, small..mean, and UGLY ~!~ ever see a sheephead? Scared me,, they have teeth like a person.!.

    I've surf fished many times, in Texas and Hawaii and florida, great fun isnt it. Ever had pickled Northern Pike? good stuff.. :-)

    Best bait I ever used was shrimp, in texas, what we didnt use we took home and ate lol.

    Ahhhh those were the days my friend.
    I'm glad you liked it.
    Always, Lois****

  • At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I eat fish - It is too much trouble to catch them. What kinds of fish do I eat? Salmon, tuna, herring, and white fish. That is everyday. Sometimes when I am in Brooklyn's china town, I can buy, salmon, catfish or some filets of whatever. It takes me less time to buy and prepare rather than go out and fish - I consider fishing to be a leisure-time activity - leisure - I just do not travel to go fishing.

  • At 7:20 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar, Yes fishing is alot of work and you have to really enjoy it to do it.. I think its cheaper to buy the fish the cost of fishing tackle is outrageous LOL...

    Fishing is very relaxing, I just like to be by the water.

    Have a good day today Momar..
    ALways, Lois****

  • At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well Lois, There is definitely something fishy about that story - lolol. I can just imagine the expression on his face...you must have cracked up.

    I have been fishing a number of time, but never been catching. Well - have to try that technique.

    What's that I hear? "butty, butty, butty....." Hey, - I'll bite for you any time.

    Bare hugs,


  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Butty,, can't you just HEAR him...He believed THAT more than he did me telling him how to fix his line and reel back in!!! and hes NOT BLONDE lol...MEN..LMAO...:-) he would die if he knew I put this here hahaha

    I guess I'm using the right bait then hey Butty?? :-) (I knew that) :-D
    Luv ya...
    Always, Lois****

  • At 3:33 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Lois, you definitely understand the fine art of using your bait and talking nicely to your fish so that they actually enjoy being hooked.

    You devoted readers would like to know what kind of pole you prefer, or whether you find that variety is best. I would always be happy to chat with you about rod technique from a woman's perspective- clearly you know how to get the big ones.

    I hope I'm not fishing too close to the edge!


  • At 3:51 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray, Have to make sure you use the right bait or lure if you are gonna catch the kind of fish that are keepers...:-) Some you cant throw back fast enough lol.
    Always, Lois****

    Ps.. Best fishing is close to the water ..dont worry about the edge lol...

  • At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Lois!
    A fish is best without bones, if so i love it.... Do you see the point? I like you too, and.... Well one does compare strange do one?
    Anyhow take care, while i go fishing in the refrigrator... See ya sweetie

  • At 7:27 PM, Blogger Lois1 said…

    wonderful and I agree with gray more stories like this please you have a gift as you said we all went fishing and this was my first time fishing..........wonderful just wonderful

  • At 3:45 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob, fridge fishing is good too ! :-)

    Hi Lois! Im so glad you liked it..Fishing is fun and relaxing Im pleased I got to take you the first time..:-) nice to hear from you Kiddo~!~
    Have a good day :-)
    Always. Lois****


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