
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, July 03, 2006

~5 Steps~

I was sitting here not really knowing what to write about again.
I got to thinking about how I really feel about the loss of my legs,
I was asked recently did I go through the grieving process of
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.. I dont think I
went through the denial...well may be I did..when I thought "well
aint this a bitch?" and "what am I gonna do NOW". I didnt bargain
I had no reason to..they weren't going to grow back. I knew that..
so how could I bargain? for what? The bargaining maybe went
along with the acceptance, such as maybe a prayer asking to be
able to handle this. I've said many times "Lord...get me through this,
just get me to the other side, I will try, help me".

Mad..yes..I get so mad..I guess the best way to describe that
is when I say " I wanna tear my face off and be somebody else"
That movie..face off.. reminds me of it...Put my face on another
body..please.. I get mad and actually will sit and get SO angry
and mad because I cant reach something or Ive dropped some
thing for the ten thousandth time..and its NOT the chair Im mad
at all, Im really MAD at me, because Im IN this chair...But then,
If I sit long enough..Im glad I have it... I dont like to get on the
floor at all..the only time you will see me down there is if I fall out
of my chair.. and I dont really want those little boot things. well I
would be even shorter than I am now..what good is that? I'd
reach even less.. and Ive been on the ends of my stumps.. I
did NOT like the feel..maybe because the bone is so far from
the end.. I know many do , but well I DONT lol...I get mad at the
fact that I wonder if I would have lit up that cigarette knowing this
could happen to me as part of the cause? I dont know..If I had
known maybe that this was DEFINITELY going to happen..They
warn, saying cigarettes WILL cause cancer..maybe not in YOU,
but in someone else..and we all just take that chance..I did...and
look at me now...

The grief? I can only compare to the feeling of hearing my Dad was
dying.. like a huge hand reaches into my chest and grabs a part of
my heart,, the pain is horrendous..and the gaping hole left there is
unfillable by anything.. and never gets smaller...Its the only way I can
describe it.. I think the loss of my legs is worse. I cant see my Dad,
unless I look at his photos.. But I have no choice but to see where my
legs WERE..daily..all my waking hours, I'm reminded..maybe thats
why this grief will NEVER go away and stays raw and so fresh, that
some days.. I will be honest.. I cry for them..for the loss.. that knowing
I will NEVER have them back..and just Look at the total turn around
my life has had NO choice but to take..and I have NO choice but to
well ROLL with it and some days that is SO hard to do..
The depression I think is the same as the grief..the same affect.. when
I grieve I go to a dark spot..get angry, and well get into a snit..where I
do feel sorry for myself..and just have a big old pity party..and cry ..but
I know I am NOT the only one that goes through this.. and I dont think
honestly this depression or grief will ever go away..how can it? This has
affected the whole rest of my life.. and I am reminded every waking hour
of all the changes thats taken place because of the loss of just 2 legs..
when all they did was walk..I had to shave them had uglies toes of ANY
woman in the world too I want you to know.. but.. I think what is making
me mad..is because it DOES put limitations on me..as to what I can do.
I can say I can DO anything.. well.. no..I honestly cant..Be honest here..
theres alot I just cant do.. Well maybe if I was 20 or 30 .maybe but..I
dont think so. I still couldnt walk could I? :-) The depression is something
that we have to accept as well..and as the time goes on..for me.. I can
feel its getting better or worse..and people that really know me can tell.
I go into one of those Snitty things lol..

But the steps? well steps start and end..some of these dont and are
continuing every day and wont stop..so are they steps or just the path
we now are on? ..Well..right now? lol You KNOW what Im gonna say,
Im on the path to the kitchen lol.. yup.. lunch..well..they delivered it,
that I will admit..but Im very hungry if that tells you anything.. And my
boy here is laying on my keyboard..so I think hes trying to tell me
something too, get off it or hes gonna type and I might not like what
hes got to say :-)

Happy 4th of July tomorrow when y'all have one of those juicy burgers
or eat some of that homemade Ice cream some I know are making,
you better take an extra bite for me, when you do, think of me and say
"ahh thats so GOOD, I wish Lois had a bite" smile though and know I
can taste it too :-) Nitey Nite!!!

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My dearest little Lois!
    This was one of the most touching blogs you ever had written... Even in our deepest chats you have never put it this way. I feel so sad for you, and i wish i was there to hug you and make you feel better. I do hope that the fact that you really are admired and loved, can help to take away SOME of the grief and pain that your legloss must have given you. I want you to feel good all over, even though i know it must be hard to feel so at times (well all the time)....
    For me it is work today, but even in the hardest work i promise you are on my mind all the time.
    This my love was touching, and i sending you all the kisses and hugs i can think of....
    Kisses all over
    Your own

  • At 5:07 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Rob,
    Its sometimes very hard to really describe the loss of not only legs, but of life as I knew it for over 12 years that David and I were married. Big big changes..and the loss I feel its very hard to describe. the hardest part, is knowing it will never end..but well, time stops for no one, just keeps ticking and its my choice if I roll along with it willingly or am dragged kicking and screaming. smoother rides are more fun..trust me :-) luv ya Rob..thanks hon for your sweet words...
    Dont work to hard now..:-) have a great day...:-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Ron, Nice to hear from you. I have photos all thru my blog of me, where ya been ? lol :-)
    Always, Lois****


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