~Rough Monday~
Today started out on a bad note and put me into a snit for
hours. We lost power last nite and I fell asleep waiting for
it to come back on. When I got up this morning I turned my
computer back on and it refused to boot up. I did EVERY
thing I could and it refused to do anything and all I saw on
my monitor was "no signal" Last time that happened my
batteries went dead in my keyboard, which I don't see how
that would stop a signal from the computer to my monitor,
but that seems to be what its doing. Then I had to even go
so far after I put in the new batteries..turn it off at the surge
protector.. I was on the phone at the same time and not
realizing it was the phone plug too I lost that connection.. I
turned the computer back on and it did boot up.. I just don't
under stand this yet and why my keyboard affects the signal
to my monitor.. I hope my Knight when he finally does get
here is a computer techy..sure would help me a lot. ;-)
While I am fighting with my computer the COA calls, Norma
says, "I need the name and phone number of your HMO so
we can send them a bill for the ride we will be giving you to
the Dr tomorrow, so they can pay it" I told her that I thought
the rides were FREE..she said they are "DONATION". I
then asked her if they were going to send a bill to my HMO
and ask for a DONATION to pay that bill if they wanted to?
I don't know what this COA is up to.. They are totally invading
every thing of my personal private life. They wanted Pennys
full history etc when she rode with me that one day. I told
Norma to forget about the ride, to cancel it and I was going
to cancel my appt, and reschedule it so I can make the
arrangements with my HMO to set up a ride for me. I am so
sick of this. I almost called and cancelled my lunches and
severed all ties with it.. They have NO need to know all
these private details about me or my help or insurance. I
don't think I am wrong on this.. A Donation ,, then they send
you a bill.. I get one every month.. yet its free. I think of
those that just go along and tell them anything they want
to know about anything.. and the ONLY thing COA really
does for me is give me a lunch... I had a careprovider..
but they were paid for.. How can they say free and then
give you a bill..then to try every possible means to get
money from everywhere they can..for? to keep the lights
on at the COA and employ all those people that do what?
This was NOT a good day.... I still may stop all of my
connections with them..then again..maybe I will try to get
on their board of directors and write that expose' on just
what I KNOW goes on there..and how I was treated.. Maybe
it might help those that arent mouthy like me... Well some
one has to be...and I am not afraid of anything I will deal with
it head on.. So I either have to sever connections with the
COA or.. FIX the problems and contact Polly...
Lori was here today and I promised her I was going to take
her photo with my new camera..and I forgot..She is so tiny.
I bet she weights 80 pounds soaking wet..Shes so pretty
and a blonde of course.. She is working on trying to get a
refrigerator for me with a freezer so I can keep a little more
food here, I told her if they could, then this little fridge I have
I can trade for a air conditioner. I asked Lori about them as
I have NO idea about cost etc. she said a small 110 or a
4 or 5 BTU would cool this place just fine.. that they cost
about 70 or so ... Not too bad.. Maybe Donnie wants this
small fridge, he said he did, for out in his sun room. It
would be a good size for out there. It would be so nice to
have a freezer again. I miss that. I may have to do some
re arranging in my kitchen tho and move my table down to
the basement, as bad as I hate to, I may just have to do
that to be able to have a better fridge. And a better fridge
may mean eating more..do I see a problem ahead? :-)
Im glad this day is about done, I can watch TV news and
see why we lost power last nite.. I don't even have a phone
when the power goes out, which I should hook up a land
phone in the bedroom, I have to take this cordless one
back and forth with me at nite. I have for gotten it so many
times and to go all the way back to get it, I sure wish I
had an outlet in the bedroom for a phone. I have a head
ache as well and I think just some toast will be good for
me and lay it down, maybe tomorrow will be better....
"Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 10:04 PM,
momar said…
I was driving on Wantagh Ave. many years ago when I was married - I think the wife and daudler were in the car and as we drove by Wantagh High - their sign said *Feces occur,* (only in the vulgar) My daughter though she knew which students could have played that joke. Lois, in your case, bad luck seems to have occurred in a streak. Yes Sh*t happens.
At 10:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois Just wanted you to know I was hear...sound like you had one of those day...
God bless you my friend.
At 9:09 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Roger,
Yes but as the day wore on it got a bit better and I was glad.
Hi Mary!
So nice of you to stop by always good to hear from you..hope all is well...
Hope y'all have a great day today! :-) Im gonna try to..so far,,, so good :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey.
Another day, another Dollar - as they say. Hope to-day is going better for you than Monday. Then, Mondays always did have a bad reputation!!
Take care, Honey. Smile for Raifey - thats a good girl!!! ;o)
L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 5:09 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife!
catch up did ya? lol..Was a good day didnt do nuthin..just played all day..was fun.. Hope you had a good one..
Always, Lois ****
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