~I'm Flowerin!~ :-)
I was so surprised to day..guess what? I have FLOWERS outside. :-D
By the front door I have a pink Azalea , I didn't even know it was there
much less blooming.. Penny brought in the little stem in that photo..
and said the bush was almost done blooming, and had just forgotten
to tell me it was blooming so nicely..She said along the fence on the
other side of the garage I have tulips.about 6 of them so far, and
more to open AND I have some daffodils. I am so pleased!!! Out
by the garage, on this side, I can see a rose bush and a tall tree
thing..and in the flower bed Penny said there are some nice plants
but she didnt know what they were.. I look out that kitchen window
and see the stuff I could go out there and do. There is some tall
grass needs cut.the stepping stones are all over grown and there
are some spots that need replanted.. It could be really nice..
I was sitting here at the compter trying to keep Dutch away from that
I was sitting here at the compter trying to keep Dutch away from that
piece of flower and he just HAD to have it and a few times he tried
to carry it off..which it could have made him sick I don't know..While
I was fighting with him Penny had taken some bread crumbs out for
the birds, when she came in she handed me the piece of Lilac..I
love them..she said on the east side of the house there are 2 nice
big bushes that are starting to bloom.. I love flowers..
My yard looks so nice and could look even better.. I have enough room
My yard looks so nice and could look even better.. I have enough room
out there I could have a great garden.. I wish I did I would love some
tomatoes or green beans or squash..I love all that stuff..Chris came by
about 6 and mowed the back yard..theres a ton of branches out there
I saw him hauling to the road..he said he would make arrangements
to have it picked up..there is some behind the garage as well that he
needs to get plus that big ugly tire out there of no use... fill with dirt it
could be a raised flower bed..but its a big ugly black tire looks like one
from a heavy huge machine..its just not my style for a flower bed..
I prefer a nice white picket fence style around my garden.. But he
did do a good job and only took him minutes in that rider..I told him I
thought someone was being smart, when I said if I had one I would
cut my own grass so I thought someone sent it to me saying "here,
NOW cut your grass"! be funny.. Chris laughed and said I could do
all the neighbors and make some money..at 25 bucks a yard..ya..
4 yards..100 a day.. I could handle that..and Robert said they do
was before..Not at the apartment as there was no where clean
to sit and not a thing to look at but cars, dumpsters and parking
lots..here there is lots to see with all the traffic.. I make sure my
porch is kitty proof we will be out there all 3 of us.. Will be so nice.
I may get a hanging plant for out there that they cant reach.. I
plan to keep looking for a better equipped place for me..I may
talk to Chris see what he has..I know he has a nice place on the
lake..but its also 1500.oo a month rent..that is not even a level
for me to even consider..Its huge tho..4 bedrooms.. I guess I will
have to wait till my prince gets that bloomin horse headed in
the right direction and Im sure hes seen the perfect place for
me.. I would surely go too..Live on the river? yes..be nice..or
a lake? I could live quite happily I think..then a bus to go all
over visiting ... that would be a good life I think, and Im ready :-)
I have decided to not get the power chair. I am sick and tired of
fighting with these people..I don't have the room here any way
for another chair..I will just make do with what I have and when I
get a bigger better place for me I can get a power chair then..
As it stands right now I am back all the way to square one..I
am doing a total restart and it will take 8 to 16 weeks AGAIN
to get it.. I am sick of this game..I think this is the smart thing
to do right now.. If they get on the stick about my floors which
I may call Julia about it Monday or better yet I may send her
a email.. They were sposed to do something to fix these
floors and to get a shelf or drawer unit for under my table..
I still think I am going to get rid of the dining room table
in there and bring that gold cabinet out of the bathroom
and get a wardrobe for my clothes they have them at wal
mart.. I will have to get one of those prepaid credit cards
since they don't take pay pal...wish they did..but then again
I probly am smart NOT having one..Just have to pay it
back anyway..Its just easier to buy online with one many
places don't take pay pal..
Well I'm starved I havent eaten all day.. Was good Penny
came today now we are all clean and can relax all day
tomorrow..I usually do anyway.. Got some spaghetti
waiting for me..angel hair pasta, my fav.. Time to
eat, time to watch TV,, time to say "I GOT FLOWERS"
and time to say "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya and thanks! :-)
Always, Lois
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 10:09 AM, Anonymous said…
Well looks as if spring has sprung out your way. Beautiful!
At 5:41 PM, Anonymous said…
WOW beautiful pictures Lois, those flowers are just awesome.
And to think they are in your yard, Way to go.
Michael has a boxing set now, he been wanting one for a month. Trying to fine a place to put it is another problem. I think it will be good for him.
Love all the pictures of the flowers.
At 6:12 PM, Lois said…
Hello Robert.. :-)
so nice to hear from you.. Yes I think its here all the leaves are just about out.. I imagine it is beautiful by you as well :-)
Hi Mary! :-)
Thank you.. arent they beautiful? I wish I could get out to see them.. I am going to get another camera and maybe in time so Penny can take some photos.. I love flowers. Yes that may be good for Michael.. I always liked boxing on tv George Forman was my favorite..
Hope you had a nice day,,
Always, Lois ****
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