
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

~A Test~

Surprise! a nuther photo of me..but this is a test..what
do you see differently? notice anything? Look close...
and don't say im fatter neither :-D...that is NOT it..I
am in my other manual chair.. do you see how you can
tell? Look at the turning wheel on my chair..the one I
use to move it. Its black..Look back at the last photo
on here..that wheel is silver..and the arm rest are not
all shabby. The break on the right side of my old chair
was getting really bad.. and that's not safe. If its one
thing, I do try to be safe, even though I do get into
problems..but those are just messy problems..not
safety ones... :-) The brake on my old chair was not
holding at all and when I went to back into it and
almost pulled myself off the bed backwards I said
time to break in this one.. I call this my new chair as
it really is even though Ive had it over a year I think.
I only used it off and on slowly breaking it in..My old
one will move on the slightest touch.. this one does
not.. They are identical chairs..well my old one does
have paint on it though..this one doesn't.. other than
that they are the same...

To roll in here with this carpet I knew my old chair
would be better because it is so easy to drive as
I call it..this one I knew would be harder to move and
it is.. I just have to have patience. It will loosen up.. I
do want to get a new cushion for it though.. I need one,
my butt print is in the other one and its foam. so when I
get off of it and it looks like im still sitting on it..its time
to get a better one... :-)

Since that storm its been so nice and cool..I was reading
about the different towns that storm we had went thru..and
there were quite a few..even down into Indiana..It was a
bad one..Penny said everyone is talking about it.. I hate
storms..and I don't think there is really anywhere that doesn't
have its share of bad weather.. I have to say, that with a
tornado there is just not enough time from the warnings..to
the actual thing to protect yourself.. The devastation it can
do is almost as much as a hurricane.. but with a hurricane
you have warnings.. I wonder do they have tornados over
seas in Europe? We never hear of them...

I would love to take a trip to Europe, visit all the great countries
over there..Norway, UK, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany,
Portugal, Italy, France, it would be great.. I would like to take
the train across Europe that would be a trip. I got a power
point show of a train ride through Alaska, and it was amazing
made me gasp a few times when it showed the train on the
edge of a mountain..but the scenery was just amazing.. They
say the Alaska cruise is a wonderful trip just breathtakingly
beautiful.. I don't think there is any state or country that is not
beautiful..Every state here has its own beauty and all in different
ways.. I think that's why so many people when they retire buy
RV's or trailers and travel..go all over the place, rather than
sit in Florida and wait for a hurricane :-) Id like to travel..

I think the only travelling I will be doing tonite anyway is out
to make myself some toast and settle my stomach, I got into
a fight with a former friend and its upset me a tad.. I hate to
get mad. Ive got to keep the happy stuff and get rid of
the sad stuff..its too easy to be sad.. I know some toast
would make me happy and some TV for a while.. I stayed
up late last nite which is unusual for me..but then I slept
late which is unusual for me...Penny comes tomorrow and
we are going to tackle my bedroom and move the bed I
hope...Time for toast and time to say" Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya..and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Brake on wheelchair sure need to work well,and they always need ajustment at times.
    It still cool in the morning here, but it warm up during the day.

    School will be out May 25, I always look forward to it...I need the rest from trying to get Michael up every morning... Bus come aound 7 A.M....In the summer Michael can sleep till 8 A.M.

    Got one more training day with new staff for Becky...I really like her, I think she will do everything Becky needs to have good care.
    You have a great day Lois.
    God bless you.

  • At 6:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh honey! You can sit in any chair, and still be my gorgeous Lois.....
    I love your hair and evrything belov, i appreciate the new pic as much as i appreciated to hear your voice the other day. Take care you dear Lois of mine.
    Your own
    R O B

  • At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    QUOTE LOIS:I wonder do they have tornados over
    seas in Europe? We never hear of them...:END QUOTE

    NOT HERE IN SWEDEN, and as far as i know, they are uncommon in the whole of europe.
    ROB / again

  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Nice photo, Lois. I think that you will figure out how to travel to Europe sooner or later.

  • At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, we DO get the odd tornado here - but it is very unusual. We had one, in Manchester, I think it was, just a few weeks back. Did millions of pounds-worth of damage. Nearly all the houses here are brick or block or stone, with slate or tile roofs, but a tornado will still lift a roof clean off and break the odd wall down. But, like I say, its pretty rare.
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger momar said…

    I did my travelling when I was young. now I look after my 2 houses - It has been so much work to get the houses ready - I do not think there will be any more. Once I went to Switzerland and since I lived there 6 months I had many happy memories. I worked, had a work card, health insurance and went on vacation to the UK. many memories.

  • At 6:31 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi :-)
    So great to hear from you!!!
    Any kind of storms are bad news..and I know I dont like them.. I think everyone should travel its good for you. to meet other people see how they live, I think it would be great to do..

    Hope y'all have a great week end.. :-) Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just a test,but still a gorgeous pic


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