
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, December 24, 2007

~THIS Is A Christmas Present!~:-)

There is a great Christmas present isnt it? That is a babyboy.
And I lay claim to him as my Great Grandson. Even though there
is no blood connection at all.. This is Donnie's new grandson,
Kelli's baby. Due in 4 months. Is he precious? Look closely,
in front of his sweet face, there are tiny bubbles..Kelli said he
had the hiccups :-) Isnt he just the little man? This is a good, a
VERY good reason for me to sew again.. The boy needs some
blankets and quilts and clothes and well just all sorts of things,
I know between me and Barb, and her Dad, this baby will have
just about anything he wants.. and I am SURE it will be the
same for Jorge's parents..they have to be so excited for them.
I know Jorge is very happy, these kids deserve all this..they both
work 2 jobs, I wish I could help them more.. When you see kids
working so hard to have a good life you just cant help but help

There are so many kids that are just not doing good and boy,
it saddens me.. I look at Kelli, her mom died when she was 4
years old.. had it hard with no mom..she had Donnies wife,
Shirley, she has the 2 girls.. I consider them my grands too..
Nikki and Amber, lovely girls..beautiful. Kelli graduated, she
went to college, married her high school sweetheart.. has a
wonderful job as an accountant..new home..good hubby, she
did things in the right order..NOW baby is on the way...My
Dolly has done good..we are very proud of her...To have
watched this girl grow..its been a great experience.. and
really amazing...but what really is amazing.. I don't know
how all this time went by with out me knowing it !!! :-)

Its already over a year since I moved in here, it doesn't seem
like it.. These past days Ive been so tired the days are going
even faster it seems.. Leaving my desk so early and watching
TV, but I am seeing some great shows.. well.. yesterday I saw
my favorite football team get the pants beat off of them.. They
played like sissies.. I mean.. I didn't even watch to the end of
the game.. The Green Bay Packers are my team... I lived in
Green Bay for 3 years or so..great town..and it is really a great
team..Theyre a nice bunch of guys.. I lived right there but I
never went to a home game.. I could have walked to the field..
I lived that close in an apartment complex there.. I rather watch
it at home and have everything I needed right there, potty,
food.. and didn't have to wait in line either.. I have been to the
stadium, but not on a game day, I went when the team was
practicing and watched them for awhile..THAT I enjoyed..

Kids always watch the team, boys on bikes especially because
they know if they offer their bike to a player they sometimes will
ride it back to the lockers..now,,, what better treat is that for a
kid than to say Bret Farve or someone rode their bike? I would
like it if he rode mine :-) The players were and are very nice
to the fans.. always have time for them which is really nice..That
whole town supports that team..and they appreciate it.. If you
dont..well Green Bay isnt the place to live..:-) its a great town..
I really liked it there and it was good to me..My ex, David and I
moved there right after we got married and both got great
paying jobs.. Me with EDS, and him with a mold company..Its
a great town.. Lots to do and see, and one of the cleanest..

Speaking of clean, we are..Penny came and we got the couch
cleared off, she brought a bag of material up from the basement,
and It may be savable if its washed..its some of the cutest baby
print flannel..so I hope it can..would make some great blankets
and gowns... We held up the swag by the mirror, and I was so
surprised to see how great it looks.. Im afraid for Penny to put
it up though because of the mirror..if that fell.. Donnie put the
mirror up..and I think its stable..Ive slammed the door but..well
a hammer pounding is different..and I would be sick if that
mirror fell.. that would NOT be a good thing..We will figure out
something..maybe a drill..hmmmm.. see? gotta have a plan of
attack.. :-)

And you KNOW where my next attack is gonna be yes? The
kitchen..Penny got a chili and fries from Wendys and they have
the BEST fries and I dunk them in the chili..:-) well ? its really
good..the chili today was especially good, better than I remember
it being..since its been awhile.. There is some chili left and I am
going to have that and one of those lemon bars my sis brought,
THEY are SO good.. Penny said "I forgot to bring your chocolate
fudge. I will drop it off tomorrow" I LOVE that stuff, all this Sweet
stuff its probly a good thing I DONT eat a lot at other times :-) I
really don't eat a lot of sweets..I have them here in case..but I
don't have much that often..This stuff I have now..well- Penny
went to all the trouble to make it and bring it.I have NO CHOICE
but to EAT it..well..that's my excuse anyway.. :-)

Long day and its Christmas Eve..I am here with my boys..we are
snug and warm and well fed..I have heard from so many of my
dear friends I feel very special and I am most grateful for all I
have received, thank you for being my friends and my family..
*Merry Christmas *

With Love,
Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Merry Christmas Lois!
    Stay warm and snug and give the boys a kiss from me. I hope you have a happy day tomorrow. I have my family coming - there will be 9 of us. Today is my mother-in-law's birthday - she is 88 and confused as hell lol
    God bless you Lois - and get sewing - that baby will certainly need a quilt or two!
    Happy Christmas
    Julie xx

  • At 9:21 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Hello Lois
    I didn't get my turkey out in time to cook it, so I got a ham for Christmas dinner...Working those two days I got a little behind. I got my my pecan done and the Pumpkin pie is in the oven.
    I really try to have a nice Christmas for Becky,Pam...My daughter Beth is coming over for Becky and Pam and she will eat with us too....Michael is with his birthmom, he will have a great time there...he has called us twice so far.
    Sure hope you get a big meal for Christmas...
    I didn't get a lot of thing done in the home, but that alright...
    God bless you always.

  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Julie ~!~ Same to you !
    Was a very quiet day and I did nothing but relax and eat and watch tv.. Good to hear from you Julie ..

    Hi Mary, :-)
    You do so much, just constantly on the go..I hope you had a great day today..

    Merry Christmas :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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