
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

~Was a Good Day~ :-)

Donnie came by today to get his Christmas and to bring me a
roll of plastic for the front porch. He did a lot for me while he was
here. put the blanket back up over the window the cats pulled
down last nite.. I knew instantly when they did the cold air hit me
so suddenly.. He checked my cable and TV, some of my channels
are not coming in good.. . . he said the same as me, its an old
one and wont last much longer..He did go down and check the
filter in the furnace for me too..said I could use a new one and
told me what size to get to replace it.. He checked out my new
window and was curious as to why no storm then realized they
were double paned..even have locks on them so they can only
be opened so far..He said he needs some like that on his house.
He left bearing gifts as you see, plus his pocket on his jacket
was full of candy .. The Lions Club delivered the food basket
this morning.. I was amazed at how much stuff..a 20 pound
turkey for one thing.. I didn't know that..well that bird is on its
way in that box there to be deep fried by Donnie..Doug with
the Lions club called and said he would deliver the basket
and about 9:30 he was here.. Very nice man..I told him the
boys will love the box too..but you see Donnie has it, he
needed it to put his stuff in to get it home.. I will write a nice
thank you note to the Lions for giving all that to me..was very
nice of them...and to deliver it.. was specially nice...

About 1:30 today, talk about a surprise ! see that car? that's my
sister and Stanley, I was NOT expecting them..Scared me when
I hear this LOUD BANG! BANG ! BANG! I had locked the door
after Donnie left, I wasn't expecting anyone else...I opened it
and there they stand, Shirley says "we brought the rest of your
Christmas.. She sat on the couch and she proceeded to empty
2 bags she had carried in.. Stanley went right straight into the
kitchen, while Shirley is steady handing me caramels and
some bakery stuff like brownies, bars, she gave me a big can of
coffee and a HUGE package of TP (toilet paper) to me, TP is
a good gift..now, WHO cant use THAT?? :-) Then Stanley steps
back into the living room from the kitchen and goes over to
the desk and asks "where's a plug?"
There you see my tree..Isnt it lovely? its so pretty..you see who
is of course already over there looking at it..Its something like
the one I had..sure was a surprise..Shirley said she got one for
her sun porch and thought I would like one too since I didn't have
one..She is . No..THEY is, so good to me.. They brought so much
last week and again..Shes a good sis..Oh..and she brought me
some of that delicious Heavenly Ham..that has GOT to be the
very best.. Her sister Deidre sends her one every year and she
has to go to South Bend or somewhere to pick it up..She serves
it at her Christmas Eve late dinner after services. Its so good..
I am so set for food and goodies.. I LOVE caramels..and I had
to promise my self I will NOT eat them all in 2 days. .I love those

What a day, I am so fortunate. I really am.. all these wonderful things
sent to me.. such wonderful gifts that I sincerely appreciate..These
total strangers that are bringing food and gifts.. how wonderful.. I
should never complain...so many have it so much worse..our poor
guys over there in that damn war...not home to have some of this
wonderful food and good times.. I should NEVER complain, I have
dear precious friends , food, and GOOD food, a home, 2 lovey
boys.. and I even have a dollar in the bank..hey..cant get any better
can it..? :-)

I went and laid down as soon as I posted yesterday and did not
get up except twice for a potty call until 4 am this morning. I slept
most of that time. I woke off and on to change positions.. I have
to sit up to be able to change how im laying.. I cant just move
around with no feet to help push me around...I grab my wheel
chair which is right up next to my bedside and pull my self up
then move which ever way , or sometimes just grab my stack
of pillows on the end of my bed I keep there for sleeping . I
pull them in front of me , lean forward and sleep. Ive done that
since I lost my right leg the first time.. But I slept most of the
time. this tiredness I guess is just part of being in the dumps
and I do think I am coming down with something.. I have had
a bad headache all day even though its been a good good good
day, but as soon as I post this I am going to go and get back
up on my bed and watch TV.. I did see a good old clint Eastwood
movie tho..FireFox.. hes so good..I think my favorite of his is
Outlaw Josey Wales.

Its time for this Tired GORGEOUS WEEBLE to get back on that
bed in there and just do nuthin but watch TV and gee I wonder if
I will fall asleep? :-) that's a stupid question :-) I might have to have
a peanut butter cookie first though "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lovely Lois, got a lovely Christmas tree.... Lovelylittlelegs is just that! You are a GEM, as i said onehundred times before...

    Me myself is more than through as a human being. Being this tired is NOT funny, mebbe cancer? No lets not hope for something that bad... BUT this is no life.... Sleep sleep sleep sleep and finally sleep again.... And now its christmas with all this stress. Hope dear that you get the wonderful christmas you deserve!
    Dearest dear one, take care until we meet again! Tomorrow we travel....
    Your own

  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger momar said…

    I think when your mobility is limited it makes you more aware of your space. My patient needs to eat a richer diet. I think people need to put some spices in their lives. Austerity in foods remind me of the Swedes and Danes. Remember the French cook who livened up their lives. I forget the name of the film.

  • At 9:55 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob,
    Yes, its wonderful..we are enjoying it alot.. You travel so much Rob, and have probly passed your own self a few times. :-) My tired I think is stress and thyroid again.. :-)

    Hi Momar,
    Yes, I agree, I feel like a bull in a china shop most of the time in here. AND I most definitely agree with putting more spice in your life.. I just am having trouble finding someone to add it . My Knight I think lost his spice rack :-) LOL...not counting his horse LOL...

    So nice to hear from you.. have a good day :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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