~No News~
Well its 3 in the afternoon, Ive not heard from anyone about
anything other than Big Daddy Ken calling to find out if he can
stop by for the rent.. I told him, Ive asked Chris many times how
he wanted me to get it to him..by mail..or by Penny, and he said
he would come by which he never does.. So I don't worry about
it..when they are ready to come and get my part of it..I have it,
its one of the first things I do at the beginning of the month..if I
write the check or not.. I write it in my checkbook, then when I
write the check, I put in the check number.. Its easier for me so
I can keep a good control of my very strict budget so I can
keep my bills paid..I hate when I have to get help to pay these
really high ones I know there are others that probly need the
help more than I do..but sometimes.. specially when other stuff
goes wrong..or these 5 week months.. sure make it hard..
Penny came today and tried to fix the handrails on the potty, it
helped a little what she did but the plastic thingie broke right off.
Why I have no idea.. She tried tho.. I had hoped that Sandra
would have called me back.. I will call her again to remind her
before this day is over.. I havent heard anything about the skin
Dr appointment either.. and as sore as my thumb is today..well
they need to get on the stick.. This is not good..and I cannot
risk infection..I dont think calling will make any difference..it
hasnt so far.. So its just a matter of wait.. If my thumb gets alot
worse or more painful well I will just go to the ER...then they
WILL have to do something.. My dr saw the condition.. IF I HAVE
to go all the way up to the med center..and endure the agony
of a ride up there and back.. well .. that wont cut it either but I
would do it if I have to .. I cant risk a thumb.. boy..be kinda hard
to type !!! :-) that right thumb is my space bar thumb.. all my
wordswouldlooklikethis, and thats not good :-)
Was a nerve wracking day again tho..the past few days the guys
are out there ..the strikers.. the car horns are blasting constantly
cuz they wave at the cars.. When I called about it before to the UAW
hall they made them move and the car horns stopped.. I would think
there is a noise ordinance this close to the hospital...I called them
again.. I honestly hate to complain..but I bet if they were home they
wouldn't want every car that goes down the street to blow their
horns!! Some that do will just lay on them for the length of this
whole block ! Im getting really tired of this, at least it hasnt been
all night like it was before and not at 5 am.. If THAT starts..well I
will file a complaint.. this isnt right.. I sympathize with these guys
if they arent happy ..then get another job.. but this strike here I
heard on the TV has caused 3 or 4 other plants to lay off and 1
I think to totally shut down because they rely on them for their
parts to do their production.. THAT I think IS wrong.. if this only
affected this plant here and these workers..ok..but the dominoe
effect this one is having sure isnt good..
Well was a half Good half bad day, we are all clean and fed and
all that good stuff, now Im just gonna wait for big daddy and see
if my phone rings.. I hope Ken knows I don't see anyone after 3,
I have to get my GORGEOUS WEEBLE rest time in :-) I HAD
to say that.. and I have to say my daily "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and THANKS!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 11:47 PM,
MaryC said…
I guess they didn't need the check the first of the month right.
My stomach is very upset tonight, trying to get it settle down a bit...a friend told me it might be the bug that going around, it better not be that...I want to go out for lunch with some of my old school friend Thursday. It will be the third time we have got together for lunch.
So nice seeing them after all these years. Getting older has it rewards, seeing old friends.
God bless you Lois
At 7:36 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
They want their money when they want it.. when I want or need..then its wait wait wait.. I hope you get to feeling better.. I do know what you mean ..that same stuff is going around here. Lots have it..its a stomach virus I guess.. good a name as any for it LoL... Take care of your self Mary.. hope you have a good day today.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 7:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
When I think of cars and strikers I think of the US and VW making cars in Mexico. I know in Europe VW is making cars in the old Skoda plant in the Czech Republic and France is making Renaults in Romania etc. Car manufacturing is expensive. The US car workers make a lot of money and benefits. Hey people have to live.
At 2:20 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar,
I think the car mfg. in europe do better..all the ones here have LEFT! USA isnt like it used to be..its scarey to me..
Good to hear from you :-) hope your well..
Always, Lois ****
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