
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, March 10, 2008

~The Lunch Sweetie~

Meet Donna.. This is the sweet little lady that brings my
lunch every day..She always has time to stop and of course
pet the both of the boys..she cant leave until she does- they
see to that.. She has pets of her own and my boys wait for
her every day..She delivers my 'wonderful?' lunch whether
its raining or sunny. not on the bad snow days though.. I
showed her her photo and told her I was going to put it here
today so that everyone could see she is real. I should have
taken her photo with those wonderful lunches she brings..
She laughs when I tell her how badly something looks or how
awful it tastes..and I know she passes my comments along
to the higher ups.. And I am NOT the only one that complains
according to her.. Im not sure how many she delivers to but
quite a few.. I will have to ask..be interesting to find out.. But
she is a nice little bright spot for us and I appreciate her a lot.
So..now when I say Donna, or the lunch girl you know who I
am talking about. :-)

Penny came today and she put on a loaf of saffron bread..If
you could smell it in here..its heavenly .. I LOVE saffron.. I just
wish it wasn't so expensive.. I figure with the cost of it and
the mix..well about 10.oo.. but worth every single penny..this
smell brings back so many memories of watching my mother
and my grandma make those great saffron buns.. I cant make
them..so I settle for the bread..which is just as good when you
have to have a saffron 'fix' so to speak.....and Penny and my
breadmaker sure can make some great saffron bread..
I did accomplish something..and I have to say Penny was very
proud of me as she knows me really well and knows how badly
I hate going to the Dr. But I called and I made an appointment
for as soon as possible..which is this wed. at 10:45. so.. I will
be going to the Dr then. I called COA and have a ride set up
with Curtis to come and get me.. Hes used to taking me and
hes so very nice.. I took the photos that I put here for you to see,
and more or less for a record to show if this trip to the Dr will
help and heal what ever this is.. its on BOTH hands and part
of my arms as well.. Some of these spots are scratches from
playing with Dutch..and they refuse to heal and have gotten
very red..as you see..
Myself.. I really don't know.. Ive never had anything like this.. but
I was sitting here trying to think of when this started and I can
only remember that when I started this patch for blood pressure
that before that I only had the tiny spot on my thumb..on the right
one. When I have to put this weekly patch on I switch arms. first
on the left arm then the following week to the right.. I read a
comment from Momar that this could possibly be recurring staph..
which.. rings a LOUD bell..as I KNOW for a fact I do have staph
that I carry..that's why whenever I have had to have invasive
surgery they do a flush of antibiotics to stop the staph..which a
couple times still didn't work.. So that could be the culprit..or it
has to be that patch that I really am allergic to and didn't know it
Ive never had it before..
Everything Ive tried just is not working, so I cant take any more
chances.. my thumb as you can see is swollen today and I will
admit..this is the first its really hurt..not bad..but its letting me know
that its there.. so its time.. But in ALL honesty.. I HATE going to
a Dr.. I know many LOVE to go.. I am NOT one of them.. but I
think she or whom ever the Dr will be this time can fix it or may
be, which I HOPE not..I will have to see a skin specialist or some
thing.. I sure don't want to .. but If I have to I will..This could be just
caused from bad circulation and Im not getting enough blood flow
to cure this crap and that's why its not healing.. and because its
steadily gotten worse.. I KNOW the blood flow isnt up to par in
both of my hands.. the extreme coldness I feel at times tells me
that.. But what ever this is.. I just don't want it to spread anywhere
else.. like to my left stump scar that still is NOT the best either..
its been flaring up a bit too..but it could be all connected and I
guess I just need to wait and see what the Dr asys when I go on
Wednesday.. and I WILL go...IF there IS no SNOW..and this is
sposta be a good week..Even Erica mentioned that when she said
"Hi Lois, this should be a good week to come here"... keep your
fingers crossed.. :-)

Right now, guess where Im going? yup..to get some of that bread
that is out there cooling waiting for me.. It should be just the right
temperature to handle yet the butter will melt into it and ok.. I
HAVE to Post this and eat some of that bread.. I cant Stand it :-)
Time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE words.. "Nitey Nite"

Go ahead, say it.. "its about TIME Lois, you made that appt." aint
ya proud of me? :-) wasn't easy you know.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya.. and THANKS !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    I work last night with Becky and will do it again Tuesday night too. The new staff only lasted one training day...But today they got 2 more staff to train for Becky.
    Then Patsy will have her surgery Thursday, so I will stay with her for the first 24 hours. I don't know if she will need me after that...All she need to do is call me, she live 3 block from me now. Just have to wait and see.I hoping I can get her into her car to bring her back home...Her right arm will have a big ball under it to hold it up...it will be under the arm for 6 weeks....it blow my mind to think about it.

    So glad you called the doctor, your hand is in bad shape my friend.I hope all goes well for you Wednesday.
    Donna look like a nice young lady, so glad she is so good to you.
    Trying to get Becky another air mattress,the old one gave her some problem...Hard to fine what she needs...but they are looking.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 5:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Well done for making that appointment. I hadn't realised just how bad that thumb of yours is.
    Please tell Donna that I think she is Gorgeous - not as gorgeous as a certain Weeble I know, though. We can't have you getting jealous!! LOL ;o)
    Take care, Hon. I'll be thinking of you to-morrow and having a little word with the Good Lord about you.
    L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wednesday, I will light a candle for your return to good health. I could say *eat your spinach,* but it has oxcalic acid which is not good for the kidneys and liver. so get well.

  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, time to go check it out. I dread it . but.. I have no choice..

    Hi Raife,
    I think it will be ok..just a matter of finding the right treatment..

    Hi Momar,
    Thanks bunches hon.. :-)

    So nice to hear from you, thank you for your concern..means a lot :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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