
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

~My Boys~

There is one of my favorite photos..Of my Dad with my
boys..Mark on the left and Richard by his grandfather.
They had been playing basketball as my dad had a hoop
hanging on the back of the shed so you had the paved
alley as a nice place to play basketball.. I remember one
day my mom invited my her 2 sisters, my Aunt Lillian,
Aunt Phyllis, and her mother, my grandma, to our house,
they had tea and visited for a while, my aunt Lillian a go-
getter, always busy, a dedicated fisherwoman too! she
saw the basketball hoop and decided the 4 of them
needed to have a basketball game..It was so funny to
watch these 4 ladies chase the ball, none of them came
within 3 feet of the hoop! They laughed and had the
best time.. I'm glad I can remember, they all have been
gone for so long now...But seeing the basketball there
with the boys made me think of that..
These photos were taken shortly after I had left,
their father had taken them up for a visit with my
parents, I thought that was really nice, since I couldn't.
They had the best time from what my parents said.
Mark even remembers.. That fish up there that Richard
is holding I believe Mark caught it.. Of course out at
my Uncle Stanley's lake, Little Haggerman.. The lake was
owned by the 4 people or 3 perhaps, whos property was
next to it.. It was an excellent fishing lake specially for
Northern Pike, which that fish is.. Ice Lake is where I
caught my 32 inch Northern.. I wonder where it is now,
David didn't give it to me when he packed up my things,
he kept it, but he always said, with my permission, that
HE caught it..but I Did :-)
Well Penny came today and bless her heart she worked HARD.
theres the poultry netting its called which I call it chicken
wire.. I gave her my staple gun that I had to buy to put up
the plastic that never got done.. But it worked really good
for her to put that up... She then had to pick all the glories
already vining through the holes...Then she watered them.
She left to go to the store, and when she came back I
told her to look out there.. Everyone she had put thru the
holes had fallen back down..Before she left, bless her heart,
she went back out there and put them back up again.. Shes
a good kid.. I am so grateful to have her... She does so much
for me.. She checked out the basement and was glad to see
Diane had done a good job.. I'm pleased and It does smell
better..however Diane said the carpet on the stairs is
what needs to be taken up.. She said that in front of Ken,
he just looked at both of us and said "well we're done,"
and they left ! so I guess if it needs done it will be up to
me to find someone to do it or knowing my girl.. Penny
will offer to do it.. Gas is $4.29 a gallon here.. I feel bad
when I have her run all over town for me, but she does.

Well I had egg rolls for lunch and mojo's..and I am NOT
hungry, so later some Dibs will taste good, I have a spot
on my tail bone that is really sore so I'm getting out of this
chair so I can even my weight out is what I need and I
get that on my bed so..Guess where I'm headed? Yup,
to watch TV, well I may play some lazer tag with the
boys.. They've already gone thru 2 sets of batteries..
But they LOVE that thing..and It is SO good for them
to run..Dutch does all the time..but LB is so laid back I
only see him run when hes going after Dutch! Its that
time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lil' Butterfly,
    I recall the young good looking boy saying to his father "When can we go back, When can we go back" I also remember some type of fishcake or such that Granma in Michigan made that didn't even make it over the stateline before two little piggies scarfed vehemently. "Richie did it!!!!" I remember absolutely loving driving the jeep and almost losing continence when Grandpa said" OK, you drive." The visit was almost perfect. I think I even got a fishing rod for the mammoth 14" and 19" Pike. (Was 4 at the time, Amazing what can happen in 20 years ;] )
    God bless
    Take Care
    (More Tic Tac Toe soon ya cheater)

  • At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for sharing pictures of your son, great looking boys Lois.

    Another one of those days here for me,just can't get everything done.

    Becky going to have x-ray done on her right knee Thursday, it not working right.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Had some minutes while i am in town checkin post!!!! The other half of the family is watering the flowers, and then we go back again! Allways good to see how you had it past days, and allways sad to realize you are so far away!!!! : (
    BUT you are never longer than a hotmailaddy away, that way we really can SEE eachother. ; )
    Take care my dearest of dearest
    KAO from your own

  • At 9:17 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hey HB, :-)
    I will have you KNOW I do NOT cheat.. Was fun playing tho :-) Its the most beautiful place in the world, the UP and some of the finest people anywhere..

    Hi Mary!! :-)
    I enjoy putting photos..they bring back lots of memories. I hope things improve for you Mary I wish I could help you.. I hope Bob and the girls get better...

    Hiya Rob :-)
    Mr, Vacation Summer House :-D.. Nice to hear from you.. I do hope you are having a nice holiday. I shall be patiently waiting for your return to netland :-)

    So nice to hear from Y'all..
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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