
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, July 11, 2008

~My Glories are Climbin!~ :-)

Well I want you to look at my morning glories..theyre
starting to climb. Everytime Penny comes she goes out
and fixes them so they will go around the boards.. I had
thought maybe some chicken wire would be good and I
could have Penny get some for on this side of the fence,
but who would put it up? I cant expect Penny to go out
there and do all that, she does so much already...But
when they really start good I bet that whole fence will
be covered and just beautiful.. My flowers are doing so
nice out there...Its nice to look out my window and watch
the progress...We had a visitor that hadnt been for awhile.
There you see her, I named her Mopsey, from in the
nursery rhyme, Peter Cottontale.. She isnt afraid of
us at all watching her or him.. I'm not sure I don't know
how to tell bunnies apart unless you LOOK! and that
is NOT possible... Dutch doesn't miss a thing that goes
on out back.. He lets me know when a animal or bird are
there cuz he runs back and forth from the window to me
until I go and look.. Hes a smart kid..
Theres a close up of Mopsey, She really likes the sun
flower seeds, we had them in a box so that they didn't
get wet when it rained, well they all were afraid of it
so Penny got rid of it today, but forgot to fill the bird
feeder and wont be back till Monday so our pets might
run out of birdseed...
There are my cone flowers I think they are over on
the side of the house by the fence is a huge bush and
Penny said she would keep tabs on it as its covered in
buds like that little one down the bottom.. These are so
pretty..For some reason my digital now is taking blurry
photos on the left side so I had to crop them I don't
know whats wrong.. and YES, before you say it.. I DID
clean the LENS .. I know I'm blonde but.. :-)
There are so many lillies out there and theyre so
pretty, these burgundy and yellow then the others
are all yellow. I hope whomever planted all this knows
how grateful I am..

I have to say I'm lucky I feel no sore spots or even a
bruise from my fallout..but then with all the 'padding' Ive
got back there I'm surprised when I hit the floor I didn't
bounce ya know? :-) But I didn't damage anything. I am
going to call and see if someone will come and check my
brakes tho... I have to commend our 911 guys they were
so very nice and didn't hesitate as to how to pick me up.
Being like I am with such short stumps its hard to really
get a hold well unless ya pinch me or grab where you
shouldn't!!! :-) but they did good, and I was glad they did
such a good job I was so embarrassed.. at least I didn't
look like Suzy frump...:-)

Penny came today and we are all set for the week end.. no
plans.. I am patiently waiting for my tax stimulus check , I
got a letter so I should be getting it in a few days.. Its so
nice to get extra , my checkbook just does a happy dance !
Well its very seldom its in the pink usually its almost in the
RED ... I'll use it for bills although I did ask Rebecca if she
wanted to take a day trip over to the casino.. I bet she
and I would have a good time.. She said she would go..that
her boyfriend would watch her son..so I might just say
"lets go".. I sure could use a holiday.. I havent been "away"
for.... well I have NO idea when the last time was that I
did get away from here..last time was in 03 when I went
to Elkhart to my nieces funeral... long time.. I'm due for
a get away...

My get away for today is away from this puter. I didn't
sleep real good last nite and I don't really know why other
than I didn't feel real good and It was so hot..even with
the AC on... just a spell I guess..too much stress lately..
which speaking of stress..I think 3 weeks now since I
called big daddy Ken, and Ive yet to get a return call.. I
HATE when people deliberately antagonize me.. then I
have to get all upset.. I HATE THAT!!! boy oh boy, some
peoples kids I'll tell ya.. give em books to learn and they
eat them :-) Time for me to eat some DIBS!!.. but first
my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite".... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest dearest dear one!
    I am home from Denmark, but prolly just tonight cause tomorrow i leave for the summerhouse.... I have birthday the 12 of July and exspect some company. I read back hurrily to catch up with you, and that "friend" of yours had a rotten opinion about you.....SAD!
    But i have been thinking of you every day and night during this first half of my vacation, and it has helped me a lot in different situations. Hope to be better to catch up on your site in the future, when i get my new puter....
    Kisses and all the rest!!!!
    Your own
    (Hmmm my birthday!!!!? Anything new to send???)

    ; )

  • At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When I was living on Long Island, we had sea gulls and wild turkeys come to the yard. we probably had racoons and I know we had squirrels. I haven't grown morning glories since I was a kid.

  • At 1:08 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Happy Birthday Rob..
    I hope you have a great day .. I hope the eye has recovered.. Im so glad you found some time to drop by and visit.. I will be making a new video tomorrow for sundays photo I will send it to you..

    Hi Momar,
    Would you believe we have sea gulls here? I used to see them all the time. I enjoy all the wildlife outside... Morning glories are just that.. Morning Glories as they only bloom in the mornings..beautiful flowers..one of my favorites...

    So nice to hear from you, THANKS!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always,Lois ****

  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them.

    I just took a picture of a mourning dove that has made a nest in a hanging planter of pink petunias. I'm going to write an article about it next. I had no idea that doves made nests in potted plants! I feel blessed to be able to watch her and her mate. They trade places each day, and they don't mind if I'm on the porch. I think it's amazing. I'll come back and post the article link about the dove that includes the picture once it's published so you can see it. :-)

    I'm very glad I found you, and I look forward to more of your photos and the interesting things you write about.

    Kim (Kay Ray)

  • At 10:13 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    hi ya Kim ! :-)
    Honey, I think its MORNING dove LMAO. too cute lol... I put some photos here of my lovey doveys did you see them? They are so nice to listen to with their soft coo's.. I enjoy watching mine...
    I think your site is really great..so many interesting things!you have my email..lovelylittlelegs@gmail.com write anytime !
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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