~Porcupine Mountains~
That's me, my Dad, and my sister Gayle,well was Gail
back then. We are standing at the outlook for Lake of
the Clouds, that's in the Porcupine Mountains, or the
Porkies as we called them, in Upper Michigan. All of
the UP is national forest. The Porkies are up by Lake
Superior by Silver City, one of the best salmon fishing
towns. Check out the Porkies, want a nice vacation?
That's one of the most beautiful places to go. IF you
like the outdoors that is.. We were on a Sunday outing.
Look at how I am dressed, I have on one of my very
best favorite dresses, that my mother made for me.
GORGEOUS KID.. :-) I liked to look nice even that
are friends of mine and my ex. This was in 89 I
think. David and I moved back to the UP from NY,
and they came for a visit as we had met them there,
Tim and Diane. They came for a visit, went back home
and with in 2 weeks they had moved lock, stock and
3 kids to the UP... I thought it was so neat to find the
old photo and then this newer in almost the same
place as I stood as a kid.. I think I was about 7 or so.
There is a method to this picture madness now, If you
There is a method to this picture madness now, If you
take these photos the one above, and the one below
this one in the middle and put them side by side, they
will all connect. I stood in one spot and just turned and
took them. The one above you can see the hiking trail
bridge, I think theyre are even people on it. Ive taken
photos like this before and its so nice to put them next
what is so great there are so many many places to see
up there, mines and not to mention Lake Superior. I
wish I had all the agates that we always seemed to
find on the shores. The drive up there is wonderful...
No matter which way you go, each time we would go
up there by one route thru Watersmeet and then
back go thru Marinesco and along Lake Gogebic.
Note all the Indian Names.. Some of the NA sites
up there are amazing..That whole area, well no, the
WHOLE upper penninsula of Michigan is one of the
most beautiful places to live, if you like small towns.
I asked my dad once, why he liked it there so much,
which I already knew the answer, my dad was a very
dedicated outdoorsman..but his answer was, "Lois,
Ive travelled and seen many places, you remember all
the summer vacations we took, but theres no place,
like home, and up here is God's country, where living
is the best". end quote.... He knew..and I agree, if I
could live back up there, yes, I would live there, it
IS God's country, well..look, see the photos ! :-)
Did y'all read the comments from last nites post? I
am amazed and have to say that young man, Marshall,
kept his word. He is all the way in Malaysia and he is
a HP tech that I talked to for quite awhile about this
stinkin Vista, and how all the other 9 people I talked
to had NO idea what they were doing.. He even agreed
about the system restore that the one woman said to
do.. I gave him this blog addy and I am so pleased he
came to visit.. Perhaps there IS hope for Hewlett
Packard, its so nice to know they DO have some half
way decent employees. I wish the rest were as good!.
Uneventfull weekend..Well my boy did call last nite.. He was
so tired, he worked both jobs yesterday and he was on
his way home.. Donnie knows to check in with me at least
once a week or I get nervous..and then I call THEM! They
are all fine, and Kelli is STILL waiting for the baby diapers
I gave Donald over 3 weeks ago.. by the time she gets them
they'll fit him like a band aid...hes growing so fast !.. :-)
I got up early and I havent eaten all day, so I'm kinda
hungry... I have more news but will spare you until I write
tomorrow to relay it :-) good news too !! :-) So its time
again for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 4:42 PM, Anonymous said…
Good afternoon Lois. I love the photos! The U.P. of Michigan is one of my favorite places on the face of this planet. The first time I went there I felt as if I had been there before, and in a way I had. I went with my parents, but it was 15 years earlier when my mother was expecting me. It was a very strange deva vu experience. Maybe it was because of all of the photos I had looked at from decades past.
I LOVE fishing, but haven't been in years. My dad taught me everything I know about fishing, including how to clean and fillet them. That never bothered me. We had caught so many that he needed a hand. I've been the family fish-cleaner ever since. *LOL*
I was thinking the birds I mentioned before were called "mourning" doves. *LOL* Actually, I think the first site I searched to look up info on them spelled it that way. Go figure. *LOL* That goes to show that not everything we find online is correct. :-) The father dove is sitting on the nest right now. They trade places mid-morning... or should I say mid-mourning. *LOL* Thanks for the correction. It would have looked silly in an article spelled the way I had it.
As you can tell, I'm long-winded. :-)
Have a wonderful Sunday, and I'll save your email addy.
{{{{Hugs}}}} to a new friend.
At 4:57 PM, Unknown said…
Whey Hey! another photo of you, and looking beautiful as ever. I'm so pleased you decided to keep posting pics of yourself after the recent 'unpleasantness'...
You said in post a few days ago that you hoped this site helped people understand what life as an amputee was like - well it does, and the photos you take of yourself illustrate your writing perfectly.
At 5:02 PM, Lois said…
Hiya Kiddo!!
Yes, there is no place can compare to the UP.. its wonderful there, its a totally different lifestyle..and its great...
I LOVE to fish, I have since I was little.. Donnie has a pontoon you will have to come by and we can go fishin LOL... Your not that far from me you know..so you could take a trip here..be great!! No, im not a fish cleaner or a live bait as in worms fisher person either, lures work for me or plastic worms LOL..ick..
Well I could be wrong.. I thought it was Morning.. maybe im wrong..lol.. they are out early and coo in the mornings so..you may be right.. I never checked..yes they mate like geese a mate for life.. so Im told..my 2 are so pretty and here every day, I bet they have a nest in one of my trees.. I worry about a cat thats loose out there of the neighbors.. I dont know why people let their animals roam then cry when they get hurt.. go figure LOL..
Good to hear from you kiddo and yes, we will be Great Friends!!!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
mourning..hmmm sounds so sad..maybe they are..i dunno NOW I HAVE TO GO LOOK..sheesh LMAO
At 5:09 PM, Lois said…
Hi Alycidon,
So nice to hear from you! Yes, he has apologized and I have too.. I feel my photos are unique as they are me, and there are NO others like me. (and everyone said"thank GOD") :-D life is good and too short..we gotta get along...we are all so different that disputes are likely ..specially with someone so outspoken as me :-D
I try to show this life isnt easy but its doable and even with a smile on your face.. Im very blessed to have such dear friends..
Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate hearing from you :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Always,Lois ****
At 10:13 PM, Anonymous said…
Wow wonderful pictures you put in here Lois...
Bob still passing small blood clot,hoping to talk to the doctor Monday...
God bless you
At 2:04 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey gorgeous
Thanks for the great photos - looks like a beautiful place. Have to put it on my itinerary sometime! But I'm not a fisherman - although I certainly love beautiful outdoors like that
And thanks for the even more lovely photos of your Gorgeous Self! Looking great as always,
Bare Hugs,
At 2:25 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
I am sure praying for Bob, I hope he gets better soon.. I hope the girls are doing ok..not to mention YOU!..Give Bob my best and Im so glad you like the photos...
Hiya Butty!
Your so sweet..Im glad you enjoy my pics like I do yours..If you get a chance to go up North Bob its the most beautiful country..there are cabins and hiking trails..its a holiday playground. If you fish for salmon that is the best area.. I think you would enjoy it..its just as beautiful as Alaska.. BUTT ..now..if and when you GO.. I get to go too Deal? lol..
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
At 10:21 AM, Anonymous said…
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