
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, July 04, 2008

~Meet My Great Grandson, Alex~

I would like you to meet my great grandson Alessandro
Joseph. Is he a cutie or what? Hes such a smiley happy
boy. Hes got 2 really great parents, my honeygirl Kelli
and her husband Jorge. Alex was born April 16.The day
before my youngest sons birthday which is April 17. So
Alex's special day will be remembered easily..Kelli has
already gone back to work, the way things are now,
both parents have to work. She works days and Jorge
works afternoons, so it works out really great for them..
They know if they need anything or help that dad and I
and her Papa too, we are all here for them..Kelli is
my boy Donnies only child, he has 2 step daughters
though, Nikki and Amber that each have children too..
They are all my honeygirls..Kelli is my Dolly...

Kelli is a very special girl..I had her since the day her
mom brought her out of the hospital..They came right to
my house and that's where Kelli was just about every
single day until I left, when Kelli was four..Sadly shortly
after I left, her mom was killed in a car accident. by then
I was in Niagara Falls, Canada, and I just couldn't come
back then, it wasn't safe.

When I would cook, I had a type of tall bench, light
to carry. When I was getting dinner ready Kelli would
watch every move I made, she would get that bench
and drag that thing all over the kitchen so she could
see what I was doing.. I explained everything I did..so
she could learn how to cook, mostly how to do it safely.
I had to be very aware where she was with that bench,
Kelli was in the process of dragging it up by me when I
suddenly turned, almost knocked her and the bench
over.. We learned..

As I was preparing dinner one night for her Papa, she got
her bench as soon as I told her "lets fix Papa some food".
She was ready and eager. She climbed up on that bench,
sat there by me, eyes wide open, watching every move
I made.. She looked up at me and put her little hand on
my arm and said "Gran, when I be big, I can be a good
cooker, just like you" I assured her she would be and she
is ! Shes very good at everything she does and we are all
very proud of her. Shes my Dolly, as I have called her
since they laid her in my arms I said "what a dolly", Ive
called her that and of course Honeygirl..which she is.. I
think you can tell this girl is very special to me.. :-)

Well for the 4th of July were no fireworks for me, it was a
very quiet day. Penny came but I told her to come in late
and she doesn't have to do much just really, take out the
trash.. Theres not really a lot for her to do.. I told her she
didn't have to come by but she is mainly to take out the
trash etc..Its hard to keep up if too many days go by..So
I appreciated that she did come by today.. I hope you
had a nice lazy day and a relaxing week end..after a long
week of work its needed..The 2 D's are off to the races.
Donnie being such a good mechanic hes in great need.
They will have fun tho and sure need the relaxing time..
I did have a wonderful surprise today tho. Mary, my dear
friend, your call was so very nice and I deeply appreciate
that you thought of me and phoned..how very nice.. You
will have many many stars in your crown my friend. :-)
Thank you Mary :-) Just made my day..

Well Penny has gone, I ate some fish and now Ive been
here my work is done for today..But it cant end until you
know what.. my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"...

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Isn't Alessandro just a little poppet? What a gorgeous smile! You must be ever so pleased, both for yourself and for Kelli and Jorge.
    Have you had a cuddle of Alessandro yet? I'll bet he smells of Johnson's Baby Powder!! - or at least, when he doesn't need a clean nappy (Sorry, diaper!!)
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 11:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I worked July 4. I cooked for the guy the day before at home. I made a Tuscan 2-bean soup. One was pureed in the soup and there were also lima beans. Next time I make that soup I'll use Lima grandes. Every time I make that soup, it improves a little

  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife,
    what a honeyboy hey? We are sure glad hes here..

    Hi Momar,
    Thanks for the photos, looked like you had a great time..I think your a good cook..

    Nice to hear from you ~!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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