~Kid Got Caught~ :-)
Looky my boy, he got caught :-) he loves to play in the
sink. I missed LB cuz he was in there too! see the time?
I had just gone out there. They trashed my kitchen last
nite too I want you to know.. I rolled in there and had to
just sit and do one of my very familiar..'ok, how we gonna
clean this up with out making it worse'. Remember I said
I got my angel food yesterday? Well..this big dummy forgot
that there was a bag of rice.. You KNOW the boy has a
"thing" about bags, boxes and that kinda stuff.. ok..you're
already ahead of me aint ya? :-)
Yup, It looked like it snowed rice all over the floor, the table
and HOW it got into the sink I don't know unless perhaps it
could be from that little glass jar I keep on the table for them
with water in it? Know where THIS is going? :-) Ya, the boy
was playin I guess, had to have been, I hope, or was just bein
mean seein how big a mess he could make for his mother to
clean up!.. The water spilled onto the table..and onto the floor.
SO.. needless to say I had glued rice stuck to my table AND
to the floor.. water splashes when it hits the floor you know,
and rice..well it goes everywhere.. :-) I have such fun here :-)
When I sat there by the fridge I was glad I hadnt gone forward
to turn the light on, it was already light or I would have rolled over
all that mess. It took me for ever to clean that up.. The broom was
hanging in the basement stairwell so I couldn't get that, I used a
piece of cardboard off a box that was in the living room and sort
of scooted all that mess on that. The floor is still sticky but I did
get most of it up.. Penny will have to get the rest tomorrow.. But I
sure had a great start to my day.. I really did laugh though, I could
see those 2 cats just having a blast playin in all that knowing I was
asleep and they could get away with it.. Kids :-)
Well.. theres 1 of todays photos.. That is a new skirt. My sis brought
Well.. theres 1 of todays photos.. That is a new skirt. My sis brought
it when she came.. Was on sale for only 3 dollars and as pretty as it
is I'm surprised it was marked so low.. Its 2 layers, the under is
longer with a matching hem to the top part. Its very see thru with
out the black lining, its silk and I LOVE it :-)
I wanted to see which top I liked better and I don't have a mirror
I wanted to see which top I liked better and I don't have a mirror
big enough to see more than just my face.. So I decided to take a
photo in each top :-) Plus it makes me have to put 2 here of this
GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. :-) Be glad! There are 6 total! :-) If you
want all of them, write to me and ask.. :-) Which top is better? I
have such hard decisions to make :-D...aint it awful? I Love it :-)
Note the lid is off the birdseed, something, probly that gray cat, has
want all of them, write to me and ask.. :-) Which top is better? I
have such hard decisions to make :-D...aint it awful? I Love it :-)
Note the lid is off the birdseed, something, probly that gray cat, has
laid in the center of my flowers and note on the rose bush the leaves
are coming back for the 2nd bloom.!. I cant wait to see them ! :-)
My glories this morning all standing so proud and beautiful
My glories this morning all standing so proud and beautiful
out there like they are just waiting for me to see them. I
sure am enjoying them I hope they know it :-)
I watched THE BEST movie .. the net flix one, called NEXT with
Nick Cage.. Its one of those at the end you gasp and say "WOW!"
It was a little over on the violence, but I really really enjoyed it.
He could see into the future but only 2 minutes ahead. It was a
good movie the more it went on..then the end comes and your
even more surprised! It was good... I watched it Friday night
and went brain dead yesterday I guess and forgot to send it
back so now I wait till tomorrow.. I don't know what my next is.
Well I don't know what my next movie is but I know what I'm
gonna do next is go out and make myself some dinner. I havent
eaten today at all and I'm hungry.. I have a chicken I may stuff
with some corn bread dressing, stove top is the best and this
sounds so good with some mashed potatoes.. am I making you
hungry? Well come on ! :-) Time to post, time to eat then time
to sleep, first my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite " :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 1:12 AM, Anonymous said…
Great pictures Lois, pets sure know how to make big messes at times.
The Morning Glory sure are pretty.
God bless you Lois
At 2:19 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Thank hon! Dutch sure can be a messy marvin.. hes learned that quite well lol.. I love flowers.. Im pleased theyre doing so well..
Nice to hear from you my friend..
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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