
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

~Nice to See~

I had a nice surprise this morning, just a little small thing
but was nice for me. Look closely at the hook and you can
see the glories stretching over from the fence, in 2 places,
and had vined around that hook.. They do find something to
latch onto.. They have a hard time climbing that wood fence.
Next year it will be covered with that chicken wire and I
bet that fence, hook and everything will be covered with
those glories.. I havent seen any more blue ones.. Just that
one time.. Flowers are such a treat.. There are just such nice
blessings every day if you look for them :-)
There were 3 birds out there today that I have no idea just
what they are. I had thought at first they were female cardinals.
but the eye is very dark and the beak isnt orange like on them.
The feathers on top his/her head are like pointed.. They were
out there the same time as the squirrel and they were very
skittish, just flying all over wanting that food. I will keep an
eye , well that's all I have anyways that I can see out of :-)
out for them again maybe I can get a better photo...They are
pretty tho...
Squirrley is back every day.. caught that stinker this time tho.
With his hand in the cookie jar!! He can get that lid off faster
than Penny, I watched him... While he was eating though.. look
at the next photo.. his back....
I had thought he had 2 bad spots on his back and he does.. Also,
I noticed his poor tail is getting kinda thin... The way those guys
run across these streets out here that may be what happened to
him .. and then again could be his attitude around other squirrels..
he wont let them near there, I guess he figures that's his spot
out there.. He sees us and doesn't care.. He will look directly at
Dutch as if to dare him to come out there.. Dutch goes almost
insane when that squirrel taunts him... He slaps the window, his
tail goes 90 miles an hour and he will meow like hes so sad... These
guys have it so rough....
Every after noon the sun comes in that kitchen window.. that's
facing west... It gets so hot there when I touch the cats they
are almost hot.. Dutch HAS to have the upper hand... LB don't
care, as long as hes in the sun...

Rebecca came today, was nice to see her of course.. she has 10
clients she has to go and visit every week...Gas like it is I hope
they give her gas allowance. Her clients are spread between 3
towns...and her office is in another one, so she does a lot of
driving.. like Penny. Rebecca didn't stay but a half hour which
is ok.. we mainly just sit and talk and of course she asks if I
need anything.. She is going to do some checking about a chair
too... She may know some places other than the ones I do.

I feel almost my normal self again.. I laid there for a while before
I got in to my chair, doing one of my body scans to see what parts
of me hurt. Nothing hurt and I did not have a headache.. It has
stayed gone all day which I am most glad.. The headache is what
makes it worse.. They get so bad that my eyes feel like theyre
crossed or in backwards or something...so I do NOT miss that at
all... I decided since I do feel ok, that I am NOT going to do a
whole lot and just do my mail...write this.. send a few things that
I send every day .. I watched a good net flix and I may watch it
again before the mail gets here... It was Deja Vu with Denzel
Washington.. REALLY GOOD!!!! It was a great movie.. I sure
enjoyed it..

I am ready to get out of this chair for today tho and get a
snack.. lunch wasn't the greatest and I only picked at it, it
was mac and cheese, I know what cheese does to me so I am
just being smart.. I don't want to have to contend with a
bad stomach cuz I had to eat cheese.. :-) PB&J sounds good.
Penny comes tomorrow and she is getting me some bananas
and some zuchinni.. I cant wait to have some breaded fried
zuchinni sticks.. Good stuff... Time to post, eat and get out
of this chair and for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "niteynite"..

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Gorgeous,

    Thanks for the wildlife update. Watching is such fun.

    Glad you are feeling better. Hope you did manage to take it easy.

    Well - back from Chicago. Try to get caught up now - might take a while - lol.

    Been thinking of you every day!!

    Bare Hugs to a Gorgeous Lady,


  • At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Zuchini with orzo, a small pasta, or zuchini with wheat pilaf. I add a few slivers of pickled bell peppers.

  • At 2:06 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Butty :-)
    Its interesting to see all the critters outside :-) Its a good thing im on wheels.. helps this up and down ...glad your back ...

    Hiya Momar...
    Pickled bell peppers? Thats new.. sounds interesting..

    So nice to hear from you...
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awww... the cats are so cute! I love my pets. I have two cats and a dog, and they keep me entertained. They're fun to watch.

    Great wildlife pictures! I love the squirrels. Many people spend time trying to keep them out of the feeders, but I never minded. Squirrels have to eat too!

    We have red squirrels in this town. About ten miles away we had mostly gray squirrels, but on the other side of northern IN we had black ones! They were as black as a black cat, and the first time I saw one I was amazed. I was driving past a park, and I stopped in the middle of the road to look at it. My husband had a fit when I stopped in the road, but I had to get a better look. I miss those black squirrels. I've heard that a southern town in IL has the white ones. I'd love to see those in person.

    I have to leave for my physical therapy soon. :-)

    Have a great day. Thanks for sharing those fantastic pictures.



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