~Wrong Picture~
I received an email from my caseworker Laima, and she
says I have reached the 'LIFETIME' cap on funding from
APS. So I may be reading it wrong or not understanding,
but does this mean if I live for another 30 years, hopefully,
that they cant help me anymore? Will that mean I lose Penny
as well? I had never heard of this. She did not mention a
word of this to me before nor had any of the other workers
that I have had. So she said no chair from them and if I have
someone else to ask for arm rests and a cushion to ask them.
She cant help me.. Something is wrong with this picture.
I put a call in to Deborah with my insurance and I am pretty
sure she can get them for me but it will involve again calling
the clinic and getting the girls over there to do get the papers
from the Dr that I need these. Which knowing them.. well I
am not holding my breath... But Deborah wont be able to help
me get a new chair.. I did phone a place in Kazoo that is a
disability resource center. The lady that helped me get my
first apartment is with them, Mona. So perhaps they can
direct me to someone that can help me get one. I will sleep
so much better I have NO doubt...
I had a surprise visit today that I was apparently supposed
to be told would be here..and that was the City Inspector.
Bob something.. I was sitting here about 930 and KNOCK !
KNOCK! KNOCK! scared the crap otta me! when that happens
KNOCK! KNOCK! scared the crap otta me! when that happens
and I am NOT expecting anyone my heart about jumps out of
my chest, it scares me so bad.. When I opened the door he told
me who he was and that he had to inspect the house. I didn't
mind, but I should have been informed.. He offered to come
back another time, and just reschedule.. I asked what all he
had to look at and was hardly nothing.. he just walked through
checked the basement and buzzed the smoke detectors ..
Scared the daylights out of the boys... :-) He was very nice..
Ive been in this house for almost 2 years now, and I asked him,
why is this the first time this house has been done.. I explained
I have a grant and they have to check this place once a year...
according to HUD rules.. I guess this is a CITY thing... they have
to check out all the rentals and make sure the landlords fix the
places.. which they don't... Ken promised to paint and to fix the
bathroom floor and he hasnt.. Its awful... looks terrible.. but its
not carpet which is a very good thing.. I still would like to take
this out of this living room and the bedroom...
I feel a bit better today I'm still sneezing but the cough has
subsided which I'm glad. I still have the headache but not as
intense.. I swear it was so bad for a while it made my eyes
cross.. I usually don't get headaches.. when I did before it was
because my blood pressure was sky high... Its not Ive checked
it.. I do every so often... Time to eat something, lunch was its
usual guess what kind and I am hungry.. I have some shrimp
in the freezer and I may just have a few of them.. Theyre pre
cooked and I usually just nuke them for a minute to take the
chill off.. good stuff.. Time to post, eat and then get out of this
chair.. First my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Never mind, Honey, when that nice Mr Obama is President, everything will be alright????
"They" do seem to be Humbugging you about, don't they? I suppose they are all skint with things going as they are at the moment. I hope some of these Bankers and mortgage sellers get their come-uppance soon.
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 11:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Will I'm back had a wonderful trip...
I hope thing get better for you.
God bless you Lois
going to bed now.
At 2:14 PM,
Lois said…
Hiya Raife,
I HOPE your kidding lol..Its always something.. never easy..
Hi Mary!~
Welcome back~!!! you were missed my friend.. I hope you had a great time.. its always nice to go but still there is just "no place like home".
So nice to hear from you :-) Thanks!
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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