
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

~Sayings or Superstitions~ :-)

I had to take a pic of this lazyboy.. LB..cute hey? He has no shame :-)
There's a saying, or maybe its what some would
call a superstition, that goes, if your right hand
itches it means you are going to pay out money.
If the left itches it means your going to GET
money.. My left hand is itchy.... I wonder should
I play the lottery :-) Lots of people believe in
these sort of things, When I was a kid and was
walking down the sidewalk, the saying was "step
on a crack and break your mother's back". Even
the 'don't walk under a ladder'.. All sayings that
have meaning.... When I visited Hawaii, they have
lots of these beliefs or superstitions as some
call them. But if this itchy hand one is true.. I'm
so VERY glad its my left that's itchy and NOT
the pay out hand :-)
I watched the house across the field from my front
door and saw the lady and one of the kids well boys,
Ive not seen any girls.. I THINK they have 3 sons,
2 look school age and one looks older. They have the
2 black labs, the young one Jesse, and they have 2
cats.. one the color of mine and a black and white
one. :-) Arent binoculars wonderful? :-) Well anyway,
I saw the mom and boy drag the picnic table over
by the garden.. I watched when the man tilled up all
that ground and saw them plant that garden. Its been
fun watching it grow.. They will have a nice harvest.
They spent a long time picking all their tomatoes..And
LOTS more to ripen.. Tons of green ones :-) I wonder
does she can them.. They are the VERY best..
I used to years ago put up lots of jars of tomatoes, I
used a lot of them. I canned everything and anything
I thought would be good.. I havent now in a long time.
My niece Beverly still does I think, she likes to do that
stuff too.. My sister used to do a lot of canning but
she cant do it either anymore, Bev the wonderful
daughter she is, shares with her mom...I KNOW my
sis is MOST grateful..:-)

I need to look up on line about these sunflowers and
the seeds from them.. I don't know if I should have
Penny cut them and put them on the ground for the
birds or what.. I'm sure I can find out.. Ive never had
these kind of sunflowers, only the real tall ones that
get those monster heads on them packed with seeds.
The ones next to my dads garage were massive and
I don't recall them cutting the flower heads off, I
know he tied them up because they got so heavy, I
think mine could use that too :-)

I woke up about 4 times last night and with a VERY
bad stomach.. 2 days in a row now I have gotten up
and not done too well.. Almost wasn't worth getting
UP ! Well I had NO choice this morning..:-) I REALLY
didn't :-) But I think this drab weather the past few
days and the rain, yesterday honestly felt like a fall
day, was so cool and I saw leaves flying around the
yard.. This year has gone so fast.. Soon I will have
lived here a year. When you think ahead to NEXT
year, look how fast the year has gone by.. Almost
September, the kids are already back to school

I'm gonna relax the rest of the day and watch TV,
I hope I can HEAR it.. Its not doing good at all..I
wish I could read lips better :-) Time for this
ya "I'll be back ! " :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Real nice pictures Lois.

    I have a gmail account Lois and it goes into my incredimail too, but I use hotmail more...but if it give to to much trouble I might have to change...
    Facebook got a lot of people on it, I just don't have the time for the games they play on it.
    But it's been a good way of fining my old friends.
    I was sick a few night myself,I even wonder if I was going to make it for a while. I blamed it on the hotdog I ate...Bob did not get sick and he ate 2 of them.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 10:29 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    I am having trouble with the modem in my other house. People really depend on the internet.
    Gardening:Our tomatoes in NY-NJ have a fungus. Our local crop will be almost non-existant this year. We do get tomatoes from all over so the problem is not too critical.

  • At 11:22 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Thanks :-)
    Hotmail is going thru alot of changes, I have it as well..but Ive asked everyone to only use as a backup if they cant reach me thru GMail.. I dont do facebook or any of those things. Too invasive and once you do they keep records of all your mail, contacts and messaging. My space, even yahoo does that..nothing is private once you join them.. I dont join..but many I know have it..

    Hiya Momar,
    Do you have wireless? that would be your best bet then keep all the stuff in your place where no one can mess with it. If your modem quits putting out they told me to just unplug it and plug it back in.. the adaptor thingie.. worked for me.. Too many hands spoil the soup you know :-) LOL

    So nice to hear from you :-)
    Love N"Hugs,
    Lois ****


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