
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

~Early Post~

I'm posting this quite early as I don't feel worth a crap today..
I know I slept..but I also know I got up about a dozen times-
I was sick to my stomach.. I was gonna eat after I logged off
yesterday, but I didn't, I went to watch tv..About 2 I started to
get a really bad headache and decided to get on my bed.. I
fell asleep, I guess cuz when I looked at the time it said 4:30.
I still had a awful headache and my eyes hurt really bad.. Just
about 3 minutes of laying there my stomach did a flip and I
had to hurry up, feeling like ICK and drag my achy self into
my chair and rush to the potty.. I was sick as a dog!

That's such an expression.. do dogs get that sick?: :-) but
this went on.. ALL night.. I dragged my achy self back and
forth to the bathroom.. I am SO glad that I changed clothes
BEFORE I got on the bed that first time.. I put on a SILK
skirt.. and I slide so much easier when I am on silk.. I bet
every time I dragged myself back and forth on that bed I
patted myself on the back for changing skirts..

The nausea has subsided as LONG as I stay still.. I am
posting this now, and headed back to my bed.. I have some
soda crackers in there because I need to eat something or
I will get weak.. then its even harder to transfer..

Anyhoway.. I'm still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE, just sickly
today.. but its about time.. This icckyness seems to hit me
every few months for some reason.. I have NO idea why..
it can stop when ever its ready.. I'm tired of it I KNOW !
I hope YOU are having a nicer week end.. I will feel better
tomorrow when .. I SHALL RETURN! :-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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