
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, August 06, 2010

~Off Early Again~

I'm doing the same thing today.. I am shutting myself off early. I
did that yesterday and I slept better last night..I feel better Im
trying to get all the things sorted out , my finances especially...
I did have a nice surprise tho...

My sister and Stanley came by for a visit..Bearing a tasty
gift of blueberrys and strawberries.. Good stuff, that its need
less to say I enjoyed them immensely..We had a very nice
visit.Stanley had just gotten back from Haiti..he said it was
almost indescribable all the damage still there..Nothing being

I have watched the main news, no one but our local stations
have mentioned anything about this huge oil spill that's moving
down the Kalamazoo River and headed at Lake Michigan..That
could pose SERIOUS problems.. What is suprising to me is that
this company responsible for this spill IS cleaning it up.but..they
are offering to BUY every house along the river!.. The word is so
many are sick....A couple of girls saw some animals full of oil..
they waded out to help.. Their lower bodies are now have a VERY
deep smelly tan...They stained their skin! All the gossip among
the neighbors is whats so interesting to hear...Yet NOTHING is
said on our USA news stations..like cnn...amazing...Thousands
of barrels of oil here..underground..I have YET to find out where
its coming from unless its the Alaska pipeline they tapped.. I
didn't know it came thru Michigan.. Interesting...

I'm posting this now, so I can do the same as yesterday.. which
is not much...I'm Still a GORGEOUS WEEBLE and I will be
back tomorrow...:-)

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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