
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~Change In Plans~

Busy, busy day today, lots to do..Penny is here to help..
My company that was due tomorrow has changed plans
and will be here today instead, which I wasn't really prepared
but with Pennys help it should be fine.. We, well she, is making
a pasta salad and I got some lunch meat for a light lunch ..I am
not positive what time they will be here ..I don't think for lunch, so
this is more for a light supper. Doing a lot of driving its kinda
hard to slow down and eat right away..So I figured something
lite with some Iced Tea...They plan to stay down at the Lodge
on Palmer Lake for the night, then stop by in the morning for
coffee then be on their way farther north... It will be good to see
them..Will help lift my spirits after the way this week started..

I do hope they don't run into bad weather though..I checked the
radar and I don't know for sure which way they are coming from
for sure, there are so many ways to get here, Colon is right between
the 2 major highways that run east and west..the toll road, and I-94
which is just north of me. But even the weather man on the news
last night said severe storms for here this afternoon with of course
possibilities of tornados..That's the one thing I hate about summer..

Would you believe we have our own oil spill? its running into one of
our major rivers here, the Kalamazoo River which feeds into all the
other major rivers in lower Michigan;..Was all over the news here
last night and REALLY BAD..These rivers are a drinking water for
lots of people..not counting the wild life..From what they said some
plant dumped it or it escaped..Its in the river now and moving into
the others..There are 3 rivers that meet in Three Rivers..hence the
name.. and this oil spill COULD reach there..THATs not good..

I am pleased I got my ring off my finger, I was pulling and tugging
at it yesterday after I noticed the swelling wasn't too bad on my
hands and after a bit of hard twirling I got it off..I'm so glad I didn't
have to get it cut off..:-)

Well Its time for me to post this so I can help Penny get the food
ready for later..So, this GORGEOUS WEEBLE bids you good
day and I hope you have a good one..:-) Remember.. I shall
return!! :-)

Always , Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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