~Neighborhood Stores~
Ive been getting some wonderful emails
lately that are funny and inspirational. I
love them all.. One, that I got this morning,
was about the old country store. It made
me think about the little neighborhood
grocery stores that were in the little town,
Stambaugh, that is no longer there, the
stores and now the town is known as
Iron River, in Upper Michigan.. I was
raised there and it was a great place to
grow up..Everyone knew everyone and
I think even to this day its still the same
way, even though the name of the town
was changed.
There were 2 stores within walking distance
of my house, one was Cavadias's and the
other was Sadino's.. Both were great stores
and the owners were wonderful friendly
people.. Cavadias's closed while I was still
in school and Sadino's after I graduated.
Each store has special memories for me. I
will tell you only one today...the other for
another day :-)
Cavadias's was 1 block from my house, all
I had to do when I would be sent there by my
mom was to cut thru 2 neighbors yards, go
between 2 garages, cross 9th street and I
was there. The main memory I have of that
store was when I was about 12 and I decided
I wanted to try to smoke a cigarette. So I had
to buy a pack, which back then, was only 25
cents...but I had to think of a reason to give
Mrs. Cavadias as to WHY I was buying a
cigarettes, she knew my parents didn't smoke..
I walked into the store and up to the counter
I walked into the store and up to the counter
and all serious told her , "My uncle Telfer is
visiting and I volunteered to come here and
buy cigarettes for him".. She handed me a pack
of Lucky Strikes, I told her that's what he
smoked.. I took the pack and headed home.
I hid the cigarettes under our back porch so
my parents wouldn't find them, I would be in
deep trouble if they did! Plus having to tell
them I lied to Mrs. Cavadias would put me
in even deeper trouble..!
I came home from school a day later
and as I walked into the kitchen I saw some
thing was being covered by a Kleenex on
top the radio.. I peeked to see what was
being hidden..As I lifted the Kleenex I was
horrified to see the pack of cigarettes I
had so carefully hidden under the porch!
I didn't know what to do. My mom wasn't
I didn't know what to do. My mom wasn't
home, yet I knew she was due any time,
so I ran out to the garage to ask my dad
about it.. They didn't KNOW that I had
hidden them..so I thought... :-)
I looked at my dad and he smiled at me
and said, "I saw you crawl under the porch
and you were the only one under there, so
I KNOW you hid them".. I hung my head
and said "Yes, dad it was me, I just wanted
to try one, but I never got a chance!" I never
asked him how he saw me, no one was out
side! I didn't ask him till I was a grown adult
years later... he said...
"I was here in the garage and looking out the
window and I saw you open the door to under
the porch. I knew you were up to something
cuz you NEVER go under there because of
the spiders and bugs! So I knew you had to
be up to something, I went under there after
you went in the house and found them."
After I went out to the garage the pack of
cigarettes disappeared from on top the radio
before my mom got home. She never ever
knew what I had done, I, of course NEVER
told her, and my wonderful dad didn't either.
So, there is one of my memories of our local
stores, even though its now gone, I still have
a great memory.. I never smoked or tried to
until after I graduated and left home.. The
moral to this story is, never smoke, that's why
I am legless and now in a wheelchair..I wish
I had known that years ago...
Happy weekend from this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE, I shall return... Keep well and
WEEBLE, I shall return... Keep well and
God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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