~Chair Parking~
I look out my window at all the snow out there and cant help but think of all
the good times I had out there in it.. Yesss ,,, snow can be fun.. I remember
the walks when you didnt feel like it was even cold. The flakes were those
big huge silver dollar size ones that just float to the ground like they are
just fine wisps of glittery paper...Many times I went out in that just because
it was so gorgeous, the snowflakes were so soft and just melted when they
hit your face......
To live in snow country you have to love it or leave it. Now that I'm in this
chair I can only watch the snow thru the window.To go out in it now makes
the worse mess. it sticks to the tires.. then my skirt will get wet if I forget
to tuck it in..I've been out in the snow in my chair. I've had appointments
in the winter and of course our parking lot here is not the best at being
kept plowed and too they wont get rid of the first parking spot right by the
door to make it easier to get into the van that takes us, I've asked for that
to be removed since I've lived here and each time I get an excuse that he
cant JUST DO IT.. he has to go thru procedures and then wont be easy
to do...almost 4 years??? lol. I would think "NO PARKING" would work!
Everyone in this building here where I live is in a wheelchair except for
only 1 that I know of.......
I mentioned to a friend today in chat about I hate going to my Dr.s office.
When I get in there the waiting room is NOT the biggest, but they have NO
When I get in there the waiting room is NOT the biggest, but they have NO
where for me to put my chair that is out of the way of either the window
where the receptionist is or the doors.. Even over at the hospital lab here,
both the waiting rooms there is no designated spot for a wheel chair. I've
gone into the lab waiting room and had to sit right in the middle of the
room as it was long and narrow and chairs on one side that filled the wall.
That just seems so like making wheelchair people even MORE conspicuous
and you would think those places of any, would make arrangements for a
chair person.. I wonder why they don't? Then they wonder why we don't
like to go out .. Well who wants to sit right in the middle of a room , no
matter what kind of chair your butt is in?
like to go out .. Well who wants to sit right in the middle of a room , no
matter what kind of chair your butt is in?
The same with that restaurant, Applebee's. They say accessible, but are
they? I think only as far as getting IN to the building, once you get inside
its fend for thyself. I have never seen in a restaurant or anywhere, an area
that says for wheelchairs only..sure they have handicapped parking
outside, I have a thingie for that.. (hmm I need to check expiration date,
now that I think of it)...but they dont have any handicapped parking once
you get INside what ever office, lab, waiting room or restaurant you are
in,,I've never seen that, and believe me I've looked! Look around the next
time you go to one of those places see if YOU see a spot for a chair, I
bet you don't.
The last time I had to go to the Doctors, the waiting room was full , I had
NO where to sit out of the way. I asked the receptionist if I could please
come back there and sit, then I would be out of the way and not have
to sit and stick out like a bump on a log.. She hesitated and leaned over
and looked around the waiting room and closed the window . I saw her
open the door to the back and she helped me get back there. She
found a vacant spot and I waited to go into the exam room.. That was
like major furniture moving to be able to fit my chair in THERE! And
this was a doctor's office ?? Now, what is wrong with this? There are
so many even just little things but to someone like me, its an issue,
and is cause for me NOT to want to go out. The man that drives the
van to take me and is courteous to escort me all the way into the
waiting rooms shouldnt have to be a furniture mover for me to be
able to get my chair in there.. I told this to my dr. that this upset me,
she assured me, my next visit I would NOT have to sit out there ,
that they would do that for any chair person that came in..they just
were assigned such a small office that they did the best they could
and they did ,, I really appreciated it too, I KNOW I'm gorgeous but
I just can't handle being constanly looked at LOL :-) I need a break
once in a while lol...
Lunch today was awful..some kind of corned beef that looked a bit
sick..I took the cellophane off and of course Dutch had to smell it
to see if he wanted a taste and he immediately jumped straight up
in the air like the smell exploded in him and he ran off, came back
and acted like he was going to bury it.. Think I ate it? lol nooooo..
so needless to say I am a bit hungry. Then some tv, and well I
better check out QVC, I might have missed something ;-)
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya.. thanks !
ALways, Lois ***
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Living in a neighborhood that is 95 years old means that here amd there there are sidewalks without a cut for wheelchairs. Almost no houses have wheelchair ramps and our subway station has no elevator. The buses have wheelchair lifts, and then there is Access-a-ride which is completely wheelchair accessible. I hear that Washington is the most wheelchair accssible city in the US.
At 3:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
You are quite right, even my Dr. surgery waiting room, which is quite big, doesn't have space for a wheelchair. When my friend accompanied me on a visit to the Dr., she didn't want to wait for me there. Now I understand why. Thank you for improving what at the time was a vertical learning curve!! lol :-)
Love and hugs,
At 6:36 AM,
Lois said…
I've heard that too Momar, I have never been there tho.
It is unusual that they make it so we can get into the buildings, THEN what?
Thats probly why your friend didn't want to wait Raife, I wonder why places that would have many people in chairs going there dont think of this?
They have smoking and non smoking places now..but not for us.
Food for thought...
Always, Lois***
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