
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

~I Got Stuck~

Since I had to move my computer back here into the bedroom
My sewing room is a disaster. I got stuck in there this morning
and the harder I tried to get out.. the worse it got . my tippers
got hooked in a basket, and I couldn't move. I sat there so MAD
I just could NOT believe it.. I was actually stuck...Now how the
HELL I thought do I get out of this???? lol..I sat there for a
second or two just shaking my head...:-)
I mean, the more I tried to move. the worse it got ~!~ I am
almost to the tire spinning stage with smoke coming out like
those race cars I am SO mad.. lol.. This was just amazing.!
Now remember I have alot of stuff in there, table, my power
chair, that MASSIVE cart..shelves, material..vacuum..well
lots anyway. That cart had me stuck. I finally just had to quit
trying before I blew a fuse. So sat there and just looked around
at the mess in there and sheesh.. I mean its a mess.. It needs
organized...badly..Finally I have to laugh at myself.. here I sit,
STUCK, and its my OWN bloody fault! well now, what is wrong
with THIS picture? I dont have enough??? ..that I have to do
stressful stuff to my own self cuz I am just a Messy Margaret?
I laughed.. This is good....:-D

I finally had to take the arm out of my chair and turn amost totally
around and see if I could reach far enough to get that basket
unhooked from my tipper..well,. hmmm nope..didnt work . why?
WELLL I told ya.. I got SHORT arms!!!! lol.. so..my next train of
thought is .. "ok.. how am i getting this chair unstuck..i could just
try real hard to smash the basket it was stuck on..I couldn't turn
enough cuz the front wheel of the chair was caught on the wrong
side of that cart and It couldn't turn..not while i was sitting in it..
So RATZ...Im stuck? till hopefully someone comes by? HELL
thats MONDAY !! lol...Now I REALLY needed a cell phone...

So the saga continues..Now I KNOW you're not laughin right?
lol..Well I look around close that I can reach..i spy my power
chair..i can reach it the joystick anyway to bring it closer.. so
I reach and get it moved closer to me..This chair is piled full
of stuff...So I look.. ok NOW where am I gonna put all THIS
CRAP? lol...Some went on the table , the empty spots I could
reach.. some I just let drop to the floor and when it was cleared
off.. I had to really lift my self across the tire..NOW, YOU KNOW
how EASY that was yes?? ya ,, ok, WELL> after almost ripping
my skirt right off , I do mange to get into it.. TADA !!!!
I back it up..and then I can reach the basket stuck on my manual..
I had pulled so hard it was really wedged...I didn't realize I was
THAT strong lol..well I was MAD at gettin stuck....When I looked
why, it was wedged up by the door and the underside of my chair
and then I had moved the cart..while my chair was back.and well,
it got me stuck. I got unstuck FINALLY and I aint going back in
there till its cleaned, I did this to my OWN SELF!!! duh! :-D

Thus ends todays Saga of Trapped in a Sewing Room.. Todays
Lesson?? DO NOT BE A MESSY MARGARET ! I was going
to go and make a couple new skirts.. I have some great silks
in there... And the more I tried to look for stuff, well thats why I
got trapped.. I ventured in there will all kinds of ambition and
energy.. Well pooh.. I was so tired by that little saga ended I
took a 3 hour NAP!!! The joys of chair life.. Just taught me....
well, I have to keep this stuff in order..If I don't well..what if my
power chair hadn't been in there? No telling how long I could
have been stuck..that huge cart the only wheels that turn all the
way around are the 2 front.. not the back.. THAT was the main
problem . That thing is SO huge.. I appreciate them getting it
for me but .. well maybe I can trade with Stanley..he could use
it for his shop. lol...Ive seen a couple online I think would work
great. I may get one for myself for my birthday..lol.. well its two
good reason to get one :-)

So I'm rollin again.. yes...down the path to my kitchen..lol
wish that WOULD grow back almost lol.. No.. just kidding..
I keep hearing a weird noise in my kitchen like a thump..
I have no idea what it is.. wakes me up sometimes.. I
wonder if I have a ghost? Hmmm.wonder if he can use a
hammer? lol.. Nitey Nite...:-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya...& thanks...
Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I once worked as a home health aide for a Bajun (person from Barbados) he drank a lot but at least did not have clutter. I mainly shopped for him and did his main cooking and kept the place clean. His big problem was he would get drunk,he had prostitutes come, and one smoked crack she had to go to the bathroom to smoke.
    He finally fell asleep smoking and burned himself out of his apt. Not a pleasant experience.

  • At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Your apartment needs cleaning WELL. not badly - geddit? lolol ;-)
    That was quite a little adventure. My imagination runs riot with "What ifs".
    I am so concerned for you, with no help alarm, how do you get help??
    Please take care.
    Lots of love and hugs,

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Momar..my word ! I guess NOT. You have just been every where and done so many things...amazing . :-)

    Hi Raife :-) I just have too much stuff.. I hate to throw anything away.. Bad thing is.. I DONT Know how I got all this stuff~!~ I think some one just left it here :-) lol...

    I guess it would amount to is how lound can I yell.. Penny claimed she heard my computer thru my door, then the hall..then her door.. so.. I bet I could yell as loud as I play my music. lol.. Or I would have been stuck till I figured out another way to get un stuck..lol. I AM getting a cell..keeping it right on my chair..solve alot of problems lots less worries lol..

    If you saw how mad I was..you would have laffed...I did LATER lol :-D
    Always, Lois***


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