
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, February 10, 2006

~OHOH.... Electric is UP~

My caregiver showed up today, I am glad, I didnt have to
carry that pail of water 4 times over to the humidifier.. I
did get my electric bill and it has gone up since I got it..I
dont know if I can continue to use it.. Its gone up by over
$ 20.oo .. which for me is alot.. and NOT allowed in my
budget.. I had feared it would.. so now I know.. I know that
isnt really alot of money.. but for me it really is.. I have no
choice but to stay with in my budget or I can get in trubble..
and I can not afford that at all!

Rae got some cleaning done and restocked and cleaned
out my fridge and is going to make a pot of chicken soup
for me.. We were discussing how hard it is for me to work
and cook in my kitchen I went out and showed her just how
my stove top is at my face level and she does agree it can
be dangerous, and specially the oven.. It would be nice to
have something I can put my deep fryer or my bread maker
even my coffee pot on that I can use and SEE... like a low
shelf thing or something.. with electric plug in place of
course since all this stuff has to be plugged in.. I cant reach
the back wall to plug in things.. Its VERY hard to do

I explained to her that I have NO idea what they even have in
the grocery stores..as I havent been in one for over 4 yrs..so
unless i see an advertisement on tv or get a sales paper I
have NO idea of the new things they have there I bet I would
just buy the whole store if I saw what all they have lol.. No.. I
really dont buy alot as I dont really eat alot.. well sitting all the
time its not like I burn up alot of energy... Although as fidgety
as I have been the past couple of days...My tail bone is just
giving me fits.. I think if I can turn the mattress on my bed
well flip it over.. I havent figgured out how to do that yet.. but
I will..lol..I can do that myself I think.. if I pull the mattress almost
off the bed,, then get up under it.. I should be able to push it
far up enough that it will fall over. lets hope it doesnt hit the
pictures I have on the wall...lol.. I think I can do it.. I just have
to study it more.. just like a plan of attack so to speak.. I know
well am pretty sure I could move my desk down there but I
worry that the back of all this would be up against the wall
between me and the guy next door and I dont wanna cause
any kind of problems...I know the level to keep my sound at
that debbie told me she could hear when she was here so
I dont know if that will work ..hmm guess I could keep the
volume turned down tho.. Well I will figure out something..Like
I say "where there is a Will, there is a WAY,, I just can NEVER
find WILL when I need him LOL... I think he hides lol..:-) even
my ghost doesnt offer to help lol..... sheesh..whats a girl to do?

I am going to call my sis later and see how she is doing ,, this
worries me as this is like bad dejavu as this is how my leg
really started with a break. then the amputations. .I know she
doesnt have PVD.. her dr. has checked..cuz I asked her to make
sure he did..just to be safe.. She is a diabetic tho...and she has
trouble with her legs, walking etc.. so this does make me worry
but I dont say a whole lot as she is staying in close touch with her
doctor I told her to make sure she reports even the smallest thing
I am sure she remembers what I went thru .. I have no doubt.. she
came to see me every week end when I was in such a horrible
state in the hellhome.. I dont remember most of the visits but I
know she was there.. She has told me some of the things she
witnessed and scared her really bad, many times she said she
felt she would never see me alive again..I keep tellin her even
now..naaa cant get rid of me THAT easy lol.. I still have LOTS to
do.. I havent been over seas yet.. or out east.. I would like to do
some travelling i think.. not by flying tho..I am chicken when it
comes to that..so that may limit my going over seas...I would
consider it if I didnt have to go alone tho maybe..I m not keen on
deep water either so I dont know if I could handle a boat either..
do they still have ships that go to europe? lol..
Well my chicken soup is waiting for me..and I am gonna go and
get a nice huge bowl of it.. and eat it ALL..lol.. i might let my
boy have a taste ..If I dont he will pester me to death until I do..
he has to smell or taste EVERYTHING..Dutch is the noseyist
cat in the world I think.. Rae likes him but she has no choice..
he follows her all over watching her lol...LB was acting strange
today. he greeted her then hid under the bed till she left..He's
been sticking real close to me lately unless Dutch bites him
and runs him off .. Hes making me worry lol.. kids...:-)

oh.. I will be putting a new photo up on here tomorrow and one
every day until the 14th... If you take my photo from here which
I know it will be.. PLEASE.... I.ask you DO NOT put it ANY
WHERE but into your computer or the trash bin ok? I get very
seriously upset when my photos are put other than where they
are ment to be.. PLEASE do not post them anywhere or trade
them or give them to someone else.. ok? .. I wouldnt
do it to you.. I get seriously upset when I find someone dis
respects me or my wishes as far as my photos are concerned
I dont mind sharing with anyone.. but do NOT put them any
where else..THEN you may see this BAD temper I have LOL..
I DO ...I'll admit it..well right is right, wrong is wrong is how I
see it.. when i found those 6 of mine I was VERY upset.. they
had NO right being where they were..and the TRAITOR that had
them had NO right to have them at all.. So - end of this lesson..
but I do hope you will respect me on this PLEASE..do not
post them in ANY group or site..thank you... :-)

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? LUV YA..! and thanks :-)

Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when you post the new pic(s)post of those sexy stumps-chad

  • At 5:56 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Chad, I'll see what I can do. :-)
    Always, Lois***


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