
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

~I'm Being Neat~

I am trying to keep up on things here so they dont get too
out of hand in case Raelynn wont be here friday or even
worse not at all.. I hope she will she was very nice. If I
pick up and dont leave anything out for Dutch to get his
claws into I should be ok.. LB hes mr neat..all he does is
eat, sleep , play and drag his girl friend around lol...I mainly
have a hard time with the floors ... well this carrying these
4 pails of water every 2 days into the humidifier does take
its toll.. I dont have anywhere to put it other than in the living
room..It sure makes a big difference in here tho..I can tell.

I have been really seriously considering moving but I am
not planning into rushing into anything without a guarantee
it will greatly improve what I have now.. From studying
some facts from the ACA that they sent me I am considering
a few different places... The hours set for home help vary on
which agency you use, not on income, but what THEY feel you
should have or need I guess... Some only go by what their
assessor feels you need. COA goes by what their NURSE
feels is necessary. Some by the Dept. Of Public Health. It
varies state to state, this decision wont be rushed into I cant
risk that... I have to be careful.. I had considered Canada or
even over seas in Europe..but I am not in a big hurry...Donnie
says I am NOT moving anywhere.. but HE lives on a lake the
lucky dog...:-) THATS where I wanna live ..on the water..well
not ON it..but BY it ...well a houseboat would work tho ..then I
could fish all the time I bet the boys would like that :-) Dutch
keep on I would use him for bait on his BAD BOY days :-)
no no just kidding.. hmmm wonder what I would catch? haha
I know.. a CATFISH :-)

I was asked the other day after I posted about how I go about
getting dressed that I did not say anything about Undies..lol..
well want the absolute TRUTH??? I DONT wear ANY !!!! :-)
Panties, silk or other wise are the same problem as wearing
pants - the on off bit, and a bra? well they are THE most uncomfy
thing I think a woman could wear and I havent in years.. The
last time I wore one was to my neices funeral in 2003. I very
seldom go out anyway and Truth known I have NO idea where
it even is.. NOTE*** IT.. I only have/had? ONE...just for "in case"
I am very particular about how I dress, yes, but why wear some
thing so confining as a bra? They dig into your shoulders and
ribs..and who cares here anyway I dont think my boys do lol
they could care less.. lol...and I like comfy.. :-) so NOW you
know...any more questions :-D i told you ,..just ask lol...I just
have NO shame do I ? lol..oh well this is just me.. :-)

I have been trying to get my email program straightened out I
have such a mess in it.. I keep it like its a file cabinet, If I lost
it I would be in trouble.. I have quite a few addys etc of former
friends I no longer hear from that I hate to delete but I guess if
I dont hear back they dont want to hear from me and its time
to just take them off my listing...I hate doing that .. I enjoy getting
letters and keep hoping I will hear from them again but when
a few months go by I kinda figure I wont be hearing from them
again.. I dont understand tho if someone takes the time to write
and then all of a sudden stop with no goodbye or anything what
I did or said that they did not answer and it does hurt my feelings.

I phoned and checked on my sis last nite.. I hate to see my phone
bill..but I like to keep tabs on how she is doing I worry as this is
how all this started with me... She is doing ok she said although
she is still worried about the insurance and so far she wont need
surgery .. She did tell me Bev, her now oldest daughter is going
to get remarried soon. She is such a sweet girl...Hard worker
and was diagnosed with MS about 5 or 6 years ago..SHe has a
very very bad back from a car accident and from the tests taken
at that time they discovered the MS...We all have our crosses it
seems...She is doing very good tho..and we are so happy for her.

Well its that time again to go and hunt for a snack..Lunch was
a barbecue sandwich that wasnt too bad.. but they had CARROTS
with it and well like I said the other day I just dont LIKE them..and
NO I am NOT trying them .. I KNOW i dont like them lol...ICK..
Have any more questions..well just ask!!! :-) I'll tell you...

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks...:-)

Always, Lois ***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good morning hon!
    So you dont like carrots? Well cooked (boiled) they are truly "icky", but raw they are delicious, and longlasting lowcalorie stuff... But i can imagine you have problems eating them anyhow. You could grind them..... But they would get icky once again, if...Hmmm.
    Dont mind the carrots dear, i love you without them!!!!!!!
    Your own

  • At 3:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    A "catfish" indeed - That is just such a terrible joke! ! ! ! LOL ;-)
    Take care, dear,
    lots of love and hugs,

  • At 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Living in 3 rivers must be like living in Gerona near Barcelona or Herisau near St. Gallen. The small satellite cities do not have tv stations and sometimes do not even have radio stations. My brother lives in Joliet near Chicago. When there is a flu epidemic in the satellite city, the big city media do not always cover the health news.

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob, Thanks, I just dont like carrots or celery lol, never have.

    HAHA, Raife, I thought was kinda cute lol.. :-)

    Hi Momar, its not too bad here we do have radio, and we even have cable now :-)
    Luv Ya's...thanks :-)

  • At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    when you did wear bras/panties,what sizes were you

  • At 10:35 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well I'm NOT tellin!! lol..
    you will just have to guess...

  • At 11:15 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    Very nice post. I enjoyed it.


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