~Take A Look~
The Picture you see is of my kitchen looking thru the dining
room from my bedroom door...If you look closely.. on the sink
which is in the middle below where the 2 top cabinets go up.
you will see Dutch sitting on the left side of the double sink..
What I didnt know at the time, I had put a bowl in there to soak
What I didnt know at the time, I had put a bowl in there to soak
and had the water running, he was up there watching it LOL..
down below on the right you can see LittleBoy eating. Both of
them can jump from the counter where Dutch is to the top of the
refrigerator then to the top of that cabinet there on the far left--
and below that cabinet is what I call my pantry that has 5 shelves
in it where I keep all my groceries.. Then you see the side by side
refrigerator.. to the far right is the stove. and drawers on the left
by the oven and a cabinet below and above on the right of the stove.
Now if you can picture me sitting in that kitchen.. the top of the
counter comes just below my chin.. if I raise my arms up i can pull
all the way up to the sink and the counter top fits right into my arm
pits.. Now thats pretty high up yes? I was here by myself and I cant
be in 2 places at once so This is the best I could do...If its blurry
well just squint. lol.. Its hard to adjust when the camera wasnt right
here where I could see my monitor at the same time...which i have
to do to take a picture..But this will give you some idea of my kitchen
that I gripe about that abuses me. lol. Its a nice open one and I Like
that just wished it all was LOWER...
Anyway I was looking to see how much food I do have here to see
well if we got snowed in.. which the way our winter is so mild this
year I worry about this month cause I dont think the Good Lord is
gonna let us have THIS mild a winter..lol... But from being raised in
snow country, you learn to store food.. just in case you get snowed
in.. and in Upper Michigan they get alot up there and its easy to get
snowed in for days.. Well we did once in Indiana..days before they
said we could get back on the roads.. they declare a snow emergency
and if you are caught out in your car .or truck even, its ticky ticky..
only emergency vehicles or snow mobiles are allowed out.. and if you
are dumb enough to park on a snow route..well go find your car or
what ever at the car pound lol.. they WILL haul it off even if you are
standing right there...I think with all the stuff i have in my pantry and
cupboards I bet could last for 2 months.. I dont eat alot..so.. I bet it
I just got a email from a friend and toes were mentioned.. Since I
did last nite about my invisible feet feeling like I was a ballerina
on my toes.. I was asked do I miss the upkeep? HELL NO..lol..I
will be honest.. I had the most AWFUL UGLY toes I think God
ever put on a woman.. I HATED them.. I think I could have climbed
trees with those babies, let me tell you.. NOTHING I did..and trust
me I tried, worked on beautifying them.. I NEVER wore shoes that
they showed.. And I hated to go barefoot out anywhere .. i did at
home.. but for someone else to see them? NO NO NO...ugly fugly
I honestly DO NOT miss my toes.. I would spend hours hunched
over them trying to soften and shape and paint them . DID nothing
not one bit of improvement they were UGLY...Now I did have great
legs tho.. I did.. Well I was told alot I did.. But I liked high heels..and
i wore them every day to work.. I never wore pants or jeans when I
worked in export crating in Houston.. no.. Always skirts or some
great dresses I had... But No I do NOT miss my toes.. I DO MISS
shoes tho.. I did love high heels and STILL look at them in catalogs
the higher the heel the better too :-) And too now.. I dont have to
shave my legs now talk about a treat ? yeahhh buddy, I would some
times use my ex's razor lol. ya ya I admit it..a few times, specially
when he would use a new one lol.. well HAD to .. I mean talk about
cut my legs? sheesh one time I mean I had CUTS every where I
looked awful..blood running all down them.. I dont miss that at ALL.
and too Im saving money on toe fixer uppers.. shoes.. razors, socks
nylons.. so.. well I do have some nylons now tho.. well I do.. If I had
somewhere dressy to go.. I would put a pair on my stumps just in
case they did happen to show or something.. I like to look dressy..lol
now I dont like some amputees ive seen put on hose and let the
ends hang there .. no that I dont like at all..I still havent fixed mine, but
I dont plan on wearing them anytime soon.but if I was I would fix them
so they fit..with a seam at the end perhaps or just under the end so
that it wasnt seen... I know I'm picky but I think that just looks very...
well its just not my kind of look lets say...
Well its 6:30 I have NOT eaten anything all day, and I really am
hungry I shouldnt do this cause then I just grab anything.. I was lazy
and didnt put that roast on either .. but I got to thinking about dishes
and Rae wont be here till tuesday so I would have to do them ..lol
ok ok so I'm lazy lol.. I just hate the water runs down my arms when
I do dishes..then if I have long sleeves on they get wet and yada yada
I do dishes..then if I have long sleeves on they get wet and yada yada
lol.. so anyway I need food.. and Ive gone on long enough.. Hope
your having a good week end..
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? LUV YA>> & THANKS << ~!!
Always, Lois*** :-)
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 7:51 AM, Anonymous said…
If I went all day without eating, I would go into low blood sugar. Your apt is very spacious. My kitchen is filled with 3 refrigerators. Right now I have 6 tenants. Most of the people do light cooking. I did have one woman who used to spend 4 hours at a time in the kitchen. This next Wednesday nite the discovery health channel is showing a woman who is a quad amputee getting fitted for prosthetics. Wed. 10pm or 22h.
At 10:27 AM, Lois said…
Morning Momar, Yes, I have a nice roomy apt...its very wide open. My eating & sleeping have no schedules, I dont know if I have that channel or not. I will have to look...be interesting to see...
Hope you have a good day...
Always, Lois***
At 11:11 PM, Gray said…
Nylons on your stumps sounds very dressy, pretty, and definitely sexy. Thanks for the details.
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