You should never make out a grocery list when you are
hungry...:-) like going to the store hungry..THAT is a
HUGE no no...Ive done that and I have come home from
the store with so much JUNK food..well was good stuff
but not for a nice full meal..And I would get stuff that I
could open on the way home and snack on if I hadnt
already opened it when I was cruising the store! :-) I
munched all the way home..then by the time I got there
well I wasnt hungry and who felt like cooking then? I
enjoyed the stuff that said "to open: tear here" I can't
tell you now many times I could NOT find HERE!!! lol
Seemed the hungrier and more desperate I was for
something to eat the harder it was to open.!!! :-)
This hand..well its really more the bottom part of my thumb
that is burnt..the top as well..quite a few places got hit..
not really where it rests - as I dont have anywhere to rest
mine..But when I grab the wheel on this chair..or try to do
a fast scoot..(well sometimes is necessary) its not easy
cuz its like anything else..you always seem to hit the sore
spots..I got the top of my hand as well..but they are just
little spotty places..well some are kinda big..they are just
red, no blisters like at the thumb...I enjoy cooking I always
have..but when it gets to be an ordeal...and something
you really have to WORK at..with also the fear of being
maimed, or cut or burnt..it takes the enjoyment out of it.
When I do decide to make a nice big dinner.which my
favorite is a nice beef roast with mashed potatoes..and
of course the GRAVY...MMM some baked corn..yes..
good stuff..and easy too..The things that are hard for me
to do are the prep..peeling potatoes..or cutting up and
dicing stuff like onion or whatever..the position I have
to sit in to peel potatoes, I pull my garbage can up to
the front of my chair and rest my arms on my stumps and
proceed to peel them same with onions..but if I stay in
that position for too long with that added weight on my
stumps..boy do they let me know right quick to move and
find a new position..they REALLY ache..I guess cuz I'm
cutting off the circulation which is already bad from the
bypasses Ive had. I keep that wooden tv tray in the kitchen
as its a good height for my chair..just perfect..I just wish
that it was on wheels...
I feel so sorry for those people out east..I dunno but the
way this weather is changing..it just seems these storms
and downpours of rain..it seems its so angry and mad..
the weather EVERYWHERE has gotten so violent..and
mean.. Its scary.. I know here theres no where to hide..
I head to the bathroom when it gets real bad here and the
boys usually follow me where ever I go..I keep their travel
case in there ..might need it never know..and I would rather
be safe than sorry or endanger my boys..Speaking of my
boys.. I made LittleBoy so mad a while ago he actually
growled at me lol..he did, the stinker..guess what this mean
mom did? ALL I did was try to hold him.!.He got furious..
and his ears went flat down on his head and he got so mad
well ha! guess who the HEAD kittie in THIS place is??
well HE knows now AGAIN.. MOM rules..I held him down
and refused to let him go..I kept petting him..rubbed his
ears..and I think by the time I let go of him he got the idea
that I AM the boss ..He sure was mad though..didnt even
LOOK at me for a few hours..Dutch ran when he saw me
grab LB to hold.. I know what he was thinking."SHE AINT
GETTIN ME" :-) rotten kids..naaa I would be really lonely
GETTIN ME" :-) rotten kids..naaa I would be really lonely
with out their company..we understand each other...
Now that I wrote about food..I KNOW..say it...go ahead..
"her next words are..headin to the kitchen" I know lol
hmmm ok..lets see..ok..lets change it to this....lol
TIME for grub..rub a dub dub...:-)
Lunch was again something that doesnt need mentioned.
and ohhh yes.. I did get cable back.. at 10:45 this morning..
I was glad.but I am keeping AOL for a backup..Comcast is
NOT dependable..their excuses were everything from snow
to a car wreck..lol.. apparently it was a problem down where
they keep the access panel here, I guess someone was in
there fixing things..probly providing "certain" residents with
free cable..which has happened before..Its fixed and I will
be fixed here in a minute too..soon as I find that Grub,, and
hit that publish thingie.. Nitey Nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya, & thanks! :-)
Always, Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 5:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
Tut,Tut,Tut - That "To open, tear here" label really means "I'll make your chair shrink"!!! Now, a nice peach or an orange or an ENGLISH apple!! or even a banana would keep the hunger at bay and be good for you - think of all those vitamins!! lolol ;o)
DO be careful with those burns, won't you?
Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from
At 7:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Food as medicine department: I haven't had roast beef and mashed potatoes for years - my mother cooked that way. I tend to buy only basic foods and then fix them for only me to eat. I am a member of the japanese bowl culture. I mainly eat out of bowls. My main course is elbow macaroni in the bottom of the bowl, then a bean mixture, topped by shredded chicken, grated cheese and then bread crumbs then I nuke it (Microwave). eccentric but enjoyable.
At 8:06 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife! I like fruit..not all the time, but I do, but its not the same as something like a cookie lol..THey used to give us fruit for desert.. and I am just one that does NOT see it as a desert!! lol..I do like peanut butter n jelly sandwiches with baa naaa naaa lol..:-)(i had to say that) :-)
Yes, Im keeping a close eye on these burns..bad spot..theyre doing ok though.
Momar..good morning my friend.:-) That sounds good..but honey you can eat ANYTHING out of a bowl..even roast beef & mashed potates and dont forget the baked corn..lol. I love a good pot roast..or big pot of beans, with ham and onions..or some great ham and cabbage.. now see? you got me hungry and its only 8 am..thank you VERY much MOMAR!!! :-Dsheesh.. lol.. naa some coffee is waiting and I love toast n butter dunked in coffee...MMMM some good stuff maynard...(remember that show? Dobie Gillis)
Hope ya'll have a good day..take care..Luv ya!!!!!! :-) oh thanks hey?
Always, Lois****
At 9:21 AM,
Gray said…
I think that we need to invent a food preperation platform for you.
Thanks for commiserating with our weather. Yesterday I watched a commercial dock float down the river. I read that it later crashed into another dock, damaging a lot of boats. We are safe, however, and if we get through this afternoon's high tide OK, our town will have survived with surprisingly little damage.
At 10:03 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Gray..
yes Ive discussed a low bookcase type thing that I can put my counter appliances on and be low enough that I can see into them something with a dropleaf front ..have shelf under to keep ones not in use- then covered by the drop leaf, for when a appliance, slow cooker, bread machine, deep fryer,, toaster.. electric frypan.. All these can be kept there would be a good thing..but NO ONE makes them sadly..Ive asked some furniture places if they did..nope..The Amish here are wonderful wood workers but also costs an ARM and a leg..well that leaves ME out dont it? I aint got a leg to stand on LOLOL OR TRADE :-)
I think you may need an Ark lol...
How is worcester town? flooded too?
Weather has gotten so mean...:-( big meanies.. :-) well try to stay dry Gray...
Always, Lois****
At 10:19 AM,
Gray said…
Sorry to dampen your expectations Lois, but Worcester got much less rain than my area.
At 10:53 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Gray,
Well thats good tho..Id hate to see anyone lose their home or business.. really, that would not be good....
Always, Lois****
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