
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

~Great North Woods~

My friend Gail from up in God's Country (HOME) told me
she stopped by my weblog (I hate the word BLOG, sounds
so iccky) lol.. and when she told me, it had reminded me
of a story that happened when my ex, David, and I lived
up there.. David loved it ..he was a hunter, bow and arrow,
rifle, and even black powder deer hunting..he hunted for
months as each gun is a different season and makes the
whole deer hunting time longer.. Gails hubby Larry and son
along with David were AVID deer hunters.. Up in the North
Woods its a BIG deal- the opening day of Deer Season.
Would you believe they used to..i dont know if they still do,
but school was closed the first day of Deer Season as none
of the boys would be at school..Was a tradition, every
mothers son up there was a hunter lol...There were certain
traditions and rules that apply to a true deer hunter..

On the opening day..a hunter takes a piece of venison(deer
meat) from the deer the year before that he has frozen and
kept..they build a fire out in the woods. for lunch..and cook
the venison and eat it that opening day..Some hunters do
this for breakfast..most for lunch tho...That i guess is a way
to guarantee that you will get a deer this season...Seems
to work too..David got his every year. Oh, and the guys all
grow beards..until they get a buck..see a beard , no buck
yet..clean shaven..TADA!!! they got their deer. A six point
is ok..but 8 or 10 or bigger is THE best and the kind you
wanna mount head and all..David kept all his horns..and
each set was mounted...AND HAD to be hung on my
living room wall now..yeahhhh lol..He had his wall with
the deer horns..and the mounted fish, they were all on
the one wall in our living room..it was really neat..I had
put a great fly rod up across the top..then the 3 mounted
fish..my northern pike and his brookie and my dads
german brown from back in 1955...they looked really
nice up there..was a great conversation wall everyone
noticed it...

David & Larry went hunting one night after David got off
work..as it got dark in comes Larry & David and Gail..
David had gotten a buck..with his bow..the arrow was
on a tracking string..but it had gotten dark and they
wanted to track this deer, and wanted flashlights and
lanterns and David was going to take his 3 wheeler to
haul the deer out..so he loaded that into the truck and
the 4 of us IDIOTS ventured INTO the National Forrest
to track down this deer in the DARK... NOW, every
one KNOWS you do NOT track a deer in the dark its
just a no no .. up there is called the Sylvania Wilderness
so does that give you an idea as to why you dont go
into the woods, not on a trail or road in the dark? Well
we did..just marched right on into the woods to David's
tree stand, found the string..and proceeded into the
woods following that line..which we gathered up as we
went, just like we had good sense..ya we did hahaha.
we are in the middle of the Ottawa National Forrest...

We found the deer..the guys examined it, walking all
over tying the deer to the 3 wheeler .. Gail and I sat
on a log and chatted.. When the guys said "ok ..lets
head back" we all 4 looked at each other saw the
string we picked up..and we each pointed in a different
way as to which way was back to the truck.. My
stomach did a flip..I looked at Gail ..she looked Shocked
and said " Oh my GOD... HOW are we gonna find
our way???" well .. David and Larry says go this
way..Gail and I said NO..its that way..but we went
with the guys.. We started thru the woods..dragging
a bleeding dead deer behind the 3 wheeler and
off we went..

We walked and walked Gail & I are panicky now..
then we laugh..as we knew if they had to call out
search and rescue for us..ohhh no no no..we
would NEVER live that down not in the small town
we lived in.. So we decided it was best just to stop
wait till daylight ( it was midnite or later by then)
and build a fire.. I was scared to death of a bear
smellin that dead bleeding deer that we dragged
with us..we would be easy game..lol..The day
before now..it had rained...so the woods were
wet..and damp..We all 4 looked for wood and
then started to see how we start this damp wet
stuff on fire as we were cold and a fire would
be nice...We all smoked, not Gail..but who carries
paper etc..we didnt know we were gonna have
to build a bond fire out in the bloody woods at
midnite to fend off bears and the cold lol...We
dug all our ciggies out of the packs and used them
to get some smaller twigs burning and before
we knew it we had a HUGE fire going.. I told Gail
I didnt care if we started a forest fire I wanted
OUT of that woods..lol. It wouldnt have - the
ground and everything was soaked..and we were
careful..that is all we would need is to be chased
by a forest fire, a hungry bear and no telling WHAT

We sat around this fire for AGES it seemed, trying
to figure out what to do..all freezing and wet..and
scared..listening to the sounds of the woods..hoping
a bear wouldnt find us..Bears were and are very
common up there ..the woods are full of them...Soon
I hear something..I said "LISTEN..that sounds like
our truck horn"...we all listen close and hear this
HONKKK HONKKKK ,, David says "thats my truck
horn..GREAT..now someone is stealing the truck!!"
Gail and I just hung our heads thinking LORD....
what now.. The horn seemed to be in 3 toots then
stop..then 3 toots again..David takes out his 357
that he brought with and fired 3 shots into the air..
we heard 3 more - TOOT! TOOT! TOOT!... We all
jumped up and started off in the direction of the
horn..after about 15 minutes and the sound of the
truck horn getting louder we came across a old
logging road and decide to follow it..not knowing
if we were going into or OUT of the woods..
All of a sudden there were headlights glaring at
us, we hear this STOMPING and CRASHING
through the woods-- Gails son Larry came running
up to us..Hugged us all and was SO happy to
find us... let me tell you so were we.. needless
to say..we never did that again..and it was a huge
buck David got..a nice 8 pointer..but I still dont
think what we went thru was worth it..but then I
am NOT a hunter.. Some Joys of the Great North
Woods... we didn't tell too many people either
and swore Larry to secrecy about our stupidity lol..
that was some good eatin though.. M M M...

The photo up top is another older one, my cam is
out of commission for a while, hopefully will be up
and running soon...You will just have to suffer with
that one :-) Time for some food..made chicken
breasts with rice, toh-mah-toh's and onion, baked,
really really good.. (tomatoes really) lol..and of
course..what? lol..yessss this girl is hungry...so
its time to hit publish. nitey nite.. :-) luv ya Gail...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya & thanks.!

Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beautiful woman in that picture.
    Bon soir,

  • At 2:05 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Bon Soir Robert,,, thank you, very sweet of you to say..:-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here is my venison story: I was dreiving along the NY State thruway, and stopped for gas somewhere up there. There were a bunch of men eatting venison stew and they offered me som and it sure was good.
    I can get goat meat in the local supermarkets because the afro-carribeans eat goat stew. Now I am trying to get frozen camel meat. I went into our local game specialty butch and asked for camel meat - and he said sure we have it - one hump or two.

    he was just kidding. but
    The Sudanese raise camels for slaughter, they get shipped down the nile to cairo on barges for slaughter and meat packing - now to figure out how to get some in the US.

  • At 7:22 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar, I got ahead of you and thought you were gonna say you HIT a deer with your car!!! lolol...

    When I made the mistake of going to Mexico to Reynoso we went to a restaurant there that served baby goat, called cabrito. they carried it through the restaurant 5 or 6 of them hanging over a mans shoulder- dripping--needless to say, I DID NOT EAT there. But they say it is very good I would think probably like our veal..which is calf?..

    Camels? well up here, over at this specialty bait shop, called Lunkers you can get any kind of wild game I think there is..I know they have buffalo..and snake.. not for me of course, but they sell it there.

    Hope you have a good day fella..good to hear from you as always.. Luv ya..
    Always, Lois****

  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Quite and adventure!

    I have spent a lot of time in the woods in northern New England around bears. I have never had a problem beyond having them trying to get to my food.

    My worst encounter with critters in the woods involved hornets and a steep cliff. I also had a bad porcupine quill problem once from quils lying on the ground.

    My worst encounter with an animal outside of the woods was one dark night when my dog went to chase a cat. I leaned over to pick the "cat" up and I got a blast of skunk juice directly in my face and chest. I got it in my eyes and was afraid that my vision would never recover. My mouth was open too.

    Thanks, Lois.

  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray!! ohhh no.. well living up North I have to say the worst I did was eat a bug, and get stung by hornets, picking berries of course.

    Bears are pretty much afraid of people except if they have babies. They have bear hunts up there that are quite exciting with the dogs and all. But hauling a dead bleeding deer, you never know..lol..

    The outdoors is great..I could tell a couple good un's lol...

    Have a good day now...
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 1:49 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    We will look forward to them.

  • At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Great story. I've saved it in "Word". I'll print it off and show my hunting friends down here. I know they will appreciate it.
    I should think a camel's hump would be a bit like a sponge - that's where they store water. Could have been camel we had at an hotel in Cairo back in 1951, when I was doing my National Service in the R.A.F. - it could just as well been horse or donkey, though, I guess.
    Venison is really good. We get quite a bit down in these yer parts.
    Glad to see you are learning to pronounce Toh-mah-tohs correctly!!!
    Take care, hon, the picture is tres, tres belle, merci.
    Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 7:01 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well thank you kind sir :-).. I like venison, we had a butcher we took our deer to after ONCE trying to do it ourselves ..*notice ONCE* lol...I liked the ground meat, or the jerky, and the sausage wasnt bad at all. My
    ex called it FREE meat..I can tell you a story about THAT too!!! lol...

    Amazing how food is something all of us know a little about, I know my nephew told me about some monkey brains he had overseas..Now THAT i do NOT think I would like at all... ick.. but to each his/her own...

    I'm just full of.....GORGEOUSNESS and STORIES lol..:-D...had to say that ..
    Luv Ya,
    Always, Lois ****


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