~Flat Tires?~
I think my tires are flat on one side..lol.. I do.
I sit in front of my computer for a long time.. I
am always finding something to do..to look up
or inquire about.. I noticed a bit ago when I had
gotten back to this desk that when I pulled up
to it, that if I moved closer than where I normally
sit..that my chair goes back a bit.. Now either
my tires are flat on one side..OR..lol..hmmm Do
you think I have made ruts in the carpet? that
keeps me in the same spot every time.?. If I move
a bit back or specially forward..I have to set the
break to stay there..so its got to one or the other..
LOL... I looked down at the carpet..but unless I
get all the way down there I cant see well enough
LOL... I looked down at the carpet..but unless I
get all the way down there I cant see well enough
its too far away to see exactly if I have a ridge
down there that these tires are wedged into when
I sit here..This computer has been in this spot for
over a year now..hmmm maybe its time to move
it again..Since Ive had this Ive moved it.. 5 times
and THAT is NOT easy..This last time was really
hard and that was because of the cable..i had to
or no cable for another 2 weeks waiting lol...so
it was ME move it or wait..and I HATE to wait..
lol..Well I think maybe I need to re-arrange this
bedroom..just to get out of this rut here :-)
Speaking of ruts..and bears..My dad, me, mom.
sister (that was pregnant) and brother in law...
all went down this road..I was about 10 or so..
My dad had heard bears were at the dump and
eating and we could see them there he said. It
had rained heavily that morning and that sunday
afternoon all of us went to check out the bears.
My dad parked the car back on the highway
and said we should walk down the road that
led to the dump..There were only 2 ruts that
were full of water and the strip down the middle
was walkable. We all got out of the car and
started down this 2 track as we called it...
Single file we walked..my dad, me, mom, sis &
her hubby.. My dad was a little ahead of me and
we are all just chatting away..about be neat to
see the bears and watch them...All of a sudden
my dad YELLS >> "BEAR!!!! RUN!!" and turns
and heads straight at me...I scream..turn and
start running like 60..I hit my mom, knocked her
into the water, my sis stepped into the water as
I raced past her. I ran smack into her hubby
screamin and yellin " RUN !!" Terriffied! I feel my
brother in law grab my arm and say "LOIS!
dads kidding !! I stop-look "what??" I say, dad's
dads kidding !! I stop-look "what??" I say, dad's
laughing so hard as he is lifting my mom out of
that water..she is furious..my sister is REALLY
mad..and her hubby is laughing too, as he helps
her step out of the water.!. My mom SAT in it..I
ran into her so hard...My dad is laughing- looks,..
says "Lois..theres no bears.. we were taking a
walk down here to get some berries..and I thought
this would be funny..and it was". He is just having
fun with me.!.and wanted to see what I would do
if he scared me...later he told me that if he KNEW
there were REALLY bears there he wouldn't let us
WALK down a road to them..that would be like
leading a lamb to slaughter lol..And he was right
that would have been very dangerous...He did
that deliberately just to tease me lol..At least I
didnt get in trouble for knocking my mom and sis
didnt get in trouble for knocking my mom and sis
in the water HE DID..lol..Boy were they mad..
WELL??? I was gettin otta there ..lol I was
afraid of bears.!. still am :-) Thank goodness I
had such long legs then LOL.. those berry bears
woulda got me for sure If I didnt :-)
Well I got short ones now..but well I can still move
pretty fast let me tell ya..probably NOT down a 2
track dirt road..but..I get I can get this chair movin
pretty fast..and I can stay in that little path I, like
a dweeb, trimmed through the dining room lol and
thats the 2 track im going to follow..right into that
kitchen and eat something.. Not real hungry but a
light snack, crackers maybe, sounds good...
kitchen bears..here I come..ready or not :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv Ya..& thanks..
Always, Lois***
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 3:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Morning dearest Lois!
Why in the world do you have carpets in your home?
If i was in a chair i would get rid of them.... No need for those and having to smash them clean, now and then.... Your chair is your feets, and these feets dont need a cozy carpet to walk on. Carpets are just trouble, and that is a thing you DONT need any more of!
And bears have hard times to get a grip for their feets, on floors without carpets. Thats good cause you are slow when running from bears with flat tires.... All this writing just to say that you are my best friend, and that i shall try to read every line you write.
Have a real good day my dearest one, you are goooooooorgeous. And you are mine... I hope...
KAO ***+*
Your own
At 4:03 AM,
Lois said…
Good Morning Dear Robert...Thank you so much.. I have missed your sweet comments, so nice to read you again.
The carpet here is very thin..not thick at all, in the winter it helps for warmth. I roll just as easy on the carpet as I do the bare floor in the kitchen.
I hope you have a good day too and that you are well..take care .. :-)
Always, Lois****
At 5:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
You're sure there aren't flats spots on the tyres (Sorry, tires) where you always park in the same spot?? !!! lolol ;o) Check by rolling real fast across the kitchen floor when you go to eat. If they go Gerdump, Gerdump Gerdump, then that's the problem!!
Loved the story, so well told.
Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from
At 5:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wild life:
I grew up in and near Kansas City. I remember seeing jack-rabbits which could run up to 40 mph or 60kph and that was FAST!!
Other than snakes I didn't see much more wild life.
We could see evidence of deer eating the shrubbery up in suburban Connecticut. Growing up in Kansas, we were more worried about Tornados. (Twisters)
At 5:23 AM,
Lois said…
LOL.. Gerdump??? hmm I never hear anything lol..too funny :-)I am so pleased you enjoy my stories Raife. I
really enjoy writing them..
Momar..a rabbit that runs 40 mph? wow..glad they arent vicious lol. No wonder there are so many what can catch those buggars..shheesh running fools aint they? lol...
I live in tornado country sorta..and we have been so very lucky here, I have never seen one and PRAY I never do..we have no basement here so good thing i can bend in half in case I do have to kiss my own butt goodbye lol...
Hope you have a good day :-)
Always, Lois****
At 8:26 AM,
Gray said…
So you are stuck in a rut?
There is a problem with the floor in one aisle of my supermarket. The floor is not quite flat and rises slightly to the place where the cart is even with the loading area of the counter. If you use that register, the cart inevitable rolls away from it's appointed place, eiter forward into the person in from, or backward away from the register. It is remarkable inconvenient to inload your cart with oine hand and hold it in place with the other. Experienced shoppers avoid that aisle to the extent that they often use it for training new cashiers, as it is much less busy.
At 9:02 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Gray,, I think that is whats wrong with where this desk is.. Ive had my desk here at this spot for a long time..since I moved my puter back in here 6 months ago it seems to have gotten worse.. I think my rut is deepening lol..Im stuck lol
Hope you have a good day today :-)
always, Lois ****
At 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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