
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

~Boards N Grabbers N Me~ :-)

I've been asked a few times about transfer boards. When I first
became a below knee amputee, the first thing they did show me
how to use this transfer board. The PT guy came in explained
what to do and how to lift up and sit on the end and slide across to
what ever I wanted to sit on, a chair etc. They never showed me how
to do it going into a car or any type of vehicle I guess if I knew how
to push it under my butt and push my self across was enough..Well
it is alot different to slide across on a flat surface , like from chair to
bed. When I transfer from my chair to a car seat. I have to allow for
the wheel of my chair. Depending how high up the seat was that I was
transferring to. When I pulled up to a car I realized I can't go straight at
it and just go forward, I have to go sideways along the side of the car
as the doors dont open wide enough, so that means this board has to
go over top of my wheel..which is sort of like a teeter totter..where the
center of the board is on the wheel and goes up and down on each end-
depending on where you are...

You can see how thin it is..but its very strong..well it holds MY weight..
You see the boy, he HAD to get in the photo..he is worse than me...
Isnt he cute tho? LB is close just out of view..hes not like Dutch.. :-) The
board is very highly varnished, there are no rough spots and it is very
smooth and easy to slide on, and usually when I have used it..I wear a
silk skirt which makes it even easier to slide on.. :-) The holes on each
end are hand holds for carrying it..It is NOT light weight ..its not real
heavy but cumbersome for me anyway.. Its hard for me to carry it and then
roll this chair.. Preferably whomever is with me will carry it for me.. I hope
anyway.. :-)

This is my newest transfer board.. its hard plastic, you can see the sort
of arch shape..that is to go around the wheelchair wheel not over it...The
disk..on the right side is slid up under your butt , you sit on it and push
yourself and you will slide to the other side..

The hole in the center, now behind the disk is to carry it.. its not light in
weight and not easy for me to carry at all.. I would only take this if I was
with someone that would carry it for me...

You can see how the disk has gone from one side to the other. This is
very handy especially if someone cannot really transfer themselves or
even help very much..If you can get this under the butt..well just a very
light push will transport the person quite easily to the other side...I had
no idea they had these until I saw a book of gadgets that are available
to us..which we very seldom see, I think sometimes they dont want us
to know all that IS available for fear we ask for it and then they cannot
refuse us..lol..makes sense yes? :-)

There really are alot of things for us to use to make it easier for us..to
reach or to carry or even transport, I'm really glad of that..but like I said,
they , well Ive not been given a book but one time when I saw this to
really see what IS out there for us that we could use..and unless they tell
us how do we know..Most, like me..I just use what ever I can to adapt..
and do what I have to...The GRABBERS below are the two I have.

They are both plastic, you can see the top one is not near as sturdy
as the bottom one.. I dont use the top one for heavy things, I dont trust
it..the bottom one has proven to be more stable than the top. The top
one if you look closely you can see a sort of thick string inside the
black grabber end.. and I dont like the trigger handle..On the lower one
the grabber end is more stable and when you compress the whole
handle..you are holding it with your whole hand. They both come in
handy and I am so glad I have 2 then I dont have to keep searching
for it.. I keep the heavy duty bottom one in the kitchen and the light
weight top one in my bedroom..Im steady dropping stuff...The bottom
one also has a magnet on each end of the grabber. to pick up a pin
or whatever..mine I think fell out lol...

Of course the boy HAD to get in the photo..Isnt he awful ? he's
worse than me lol... hes such a rotten child..has to be in the middle
of everything and see what is mom doing.. he could have smiled
though couldnt he? For what ever disablility they do have alot of
things to make it easier to do things.. I saw many things in the
hellhome that they taught some of the dearies that were having
troubles with hand co-ordination from a stroke or what ever..Its so
good that people ARE inventing these things for us...

I have made the biggest mess I am almost ashamed to admit it..
but I just couldnt find that white board.. I KNEW was under my bed.
Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to see under a bed from a
wheelchair? I mean I bet I swore at least two times LOL..ok 3...It
was NOT easy.. I had the flashlight and then I had to get a mirror,
The white board was wayyy under my bed..I had to go and get the
broom, lean way over and hope I could push that thing out with one
hand.. I had to hold on with the other or I would have fallen out on my
head~!~ I KNEW was under there and I bet took me an hour to get
it out.. I was so mad.. :-) I have a habit of sticking boxes etc that things
have come in, under there.. I thought I had put my jewelry box but I cant
find it..I really NEED to. I dont like the Idea of not knowing where THAT
one is at ALL.worries me. I have found so many things that seemed
to have disappeared its pathetic.. I think I have a ghost ..I really do.. I
dont know where the stuff went-well my TEETH for one! they have
NEVER been found..now THAT is weird..

Speaking of teeth..lol.. I am glad I kinda dont need both tops and
bottoms for that little steak sandwich I plan to go out and fix. I really am
hungry..I didnt do alot of cookin as I was DIGGIN and messin up my
bedroom most of the day-I dont get it cleaned up Raelynn will surely
call me a MessyMargaret or something alot worse!!! AND there is
not room for even a weeble on that bed!!! :-) ok..I'm hittin publish
and sayin' "Nitey Nite"

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya..and Thanks hey? :-) hope
the post was interesting for you :-)
Always, Lois****

I promised a photo of me,
so here ya go lol... aint I just GORGEOUS??? :-) you better say

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    Love those gadgets. Guess they are of some assistance but nyou shouldnt really have to ask for them. You should be given the choice of the one's that suit you best. The system obviously isnt any better in your countryn than mine. People too tired to give you good service!! Have just read your post of yesterday on the delivered meals. Pleased I dont have to eat them. Cant be very nutritious. sound like a good shakeup is needed all round. Pleased you finally got your underbed fiasco sorted. As a gadget man would recommend you apply for a hydraulic pusher arm with a wee blade on it, that can be fitted as needeed to the front of your chair and by extending the arm with the blade on it the devise could be used to push stuff out from under the bed or where-ever. Usful for all sorts of things,even sorting out cats. Must go back to the drawing board and stop woffling. lol Have fun Lois whatever your doing. There is a bright side to every situation. Sometimes it takes a little time to see it.

  • At 7:04 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning RJ,
    How nice to hear from you :-) Took me a while..but hey, I'll figure out something lol... The lady that gave me the book to see all the things we could use got into serious trouble for letting me see it, she just gave me the book and said "pick what you need" I did, and I felt bad, cuz she got in CRAP for that !!! We are just sposta do what we can..there are Thousands of things for us..we just dont know about them and they aint telling..Well RJ, that would be spending money on us..lol..Thats a good idea tho.. Sure would have helped me yesterday.. Shoot, took me hour-half to get my bed cleared off.. I need a better storage strategy LOL.
    have a great day! Ya, those bright sides have a tendency to hide once in a while lol.. :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:10 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Wow, thanks for all the photos and the explanations. That was a lot of work. I enjoyed the cat photos too.

    I'm exausted after coming back from vacation, then driving an elderly relative in a pickle to a facility three hourse away, and then having a minor car breakdown on the way back.

    We had a good time vacating though, and it is good to read all the posts here that were made while I was away.

    Thanks as always for the photograph of you in your skirt. A great way to start out my Monday.


  • At 10:37 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Welcome Back Gray~!~
    Missed ya!
    Was kinda but I dont mind :-) Some have asked and are curious..and you know me, I just tell EVERYTHING I know lol. I had hoped would be interesting. Some have no idea all the things we have available..WE DONT EVEN lol..

    Vacations are great..but there is just NO place like home..ASK Dorothy lol. glad your back hon and enjoyed catching up.. Nice to read you again :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 11:28 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Nice to read you too.

    Speaking of Dorothy, I work with a woman by that name and we were commenting on how you hardly ever see woman named Dorothy or its variants under 35 or so. I grew up with quite a few, but none younger than me.

  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    I had a Aunt Dorothy, married to my dad's brother..always was full name too..never shortened to Dot . Most of the old names aren't used now.. I had a aunt Dehlia.. and my Grandmothers name was Ruby, the Other Beatrice, and my mother... Violet...great names.. hmmmmm :-)
    Always. Lois ****

  • At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    "Yes, Dear"!!!!!!!!!! ;o)
    Thanks for the pics and the descriptions, they are very interesting - so is the pic of my fav. Weeble!!
    It's a shame you don't have anything like our REMAP organisation over there. I used to be a member, and we made all those things that are NOT in the catalogues for disabled people. Payment was left to the recipient, so if they couldn't afford to pay, they didn't have to, REMAP footed the bill. I made several interesting gadgets to help people and sometimes, the client came up with an idea for a device that I could build. It was really interesting work and a great joy to be helping people.
    You'll have to tell the boy what curiosity did to the cat!! lol
    Take care, Hon, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya Raife !!!! :-)
    Always so nice to hear from you.. I keep tellin Dutch that, but I think he sees the light go on on the webcam and that sets him off lol..no tellin.. hes really a HAM, little porker :-)

    Yes, all these things sure come in handy, and there are alot of them out there but with out knowing how would anyone know about this catalog of neat stuff. I was surprised to see all they had.. I had no idea.

    Good to hear from you Raife, hope all is well over on your side of the big pond :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1 out of 5 Americans Have HERPES!!!!
    Herpes signs and symptoms in ladies can take the type of a variety of different outbreaks and problems, and sometimes equally women and men can display no symptoms whatsoever.

    Herpes is much more typical in women than males, with 1 in 4 ladies in the usa troubled through the problem. Genital herpes is really a sexually transmitted illness, and as soon as contracted stays inside the physique for life, lying dormant until a bring about for instance anxiety or illness leads to an episode.

    Right after contracting genital herpes, most ladies will demonstrate symptoms of an initial outbreak within the following 2 to 10 days. Signs within the preliminary breakout and subsequent episodes can final as much as 3 weeks with no therapy.

    Early Genital Herpes Signs and symptoms in Women - Just before the Herpes outbreak

    Just before an outbreak of genital herpes takes place, you could encounter any or all the subsequent:

    one. Itching or burning within the vagina, labia and surrounding locations, such as the anus, upper legs and buttocks

    two. Unusual vaginal discharge.

    three. Swelling from the lymph nodes, combined having a feeling of pressure or bloating in the abdominal area.

    4. Flu like symptoms such as headache, nausea, fever, sore limbs (which includes legs and buttocks), muscle and joint soreness.

    5. Urinary soreness or burning up, or perhaps a difficulty urinating

    [url=http://www.herpessymptoms.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/]Genital Herpes Signs and symptoms[/url] in Girls - The Outbreak

    When the [url=http://www.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/] herpes outbreak[/url] starts, you could experience the subsequent:

    one. The appearance of sores or blisters that may array in size from tiny pimple sized dots to huge, coin sized sores. These sores will burst and scab over because the episode continues. They could appear on your own or in lesions, and may look about the genitals, anus, buttocks and thighs.

    2. A red, itching or burning rash.

    3. Discomfort when urinating

    4. Vaginal discharge.

    With no treatment, these [url=http://www.herpessymptoms.herpesoutbreak-gentalwarts.info/]]genital herpes signs and symptoms[/url] in women can take place over a monthly basis. If you are suffering from any of those signs and symptoms, specifically if they're re-occuring regularly, you might have contracted genital herpes.

    You will find broad array of healthcare, homeopathic and normal remedies which are very efficient, you need to instantly look for therapy in case you are suffering from any of the above.

    Genital herpes features a significantly greater effect than the physical. It can make women experience on your own, ashamed, depressed and anxious. Should you think you are enduring from herpes, you need to look for therapy, as reducing and controlling outbreaks can go a extended way in direction of restoring your self esteem and confidence.

  • At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Rock Band

    It looks like the obtain of Harmonix by MTV is last but not least paying out off. This online game is lets four game enthusiasts, a guitarist, bass guitarist, Drummer and Vocalist possess a blast on or offline because of the groundbreaking rock band rhythms task. It characteristics loads of tunes licensed from many large record labels. Whilst it is not wholly ideal from the perception that it really lacks the “world tour” tad to give it that touch of making it large, Yet it give people today a likelihood to explore a perhaps unfulfilled ambition like a musician in the rock band and it performs out wonderful for a substitute for those who just will not be in a position to ever perform onstage with real music instruments.

    BioShock some consider to be addictive games

    Designed for perform for the Xbox and PC its setting is based in an option truth that is an underwater battleground. There’s a significant of technique and pondering involved in this first particular person shooter adventure. Attacks from mutants and mechanical drones that roam over this underwater world make for a very exciting task. An intriguing online game it captivates the people suitable in the beginning wherever the primary player “Jack” ends up within the scene thanks to a plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean. From then on Jack creates his way as a result of the video game advised by diverse charters, he learns his of his origins along with the goal he's there. It’s a true thrilling adventure and undoubtedly worth wanting out.


    Part in the 5 games constituting 'The Orange Box', 'Portal' turns out being a pleasant surprise this year. This special and revolutionary game is usually a puzzle of sorts with an fantastic story line. The puzzle online game is dependent on the concept of your special gum that is helpful to shoot portals and set up worm holes to enter and exit them every once in awhile at the same time regarding zap objects. The gun can be operated on nearly every one of the flat surfaces inside puzzle. What makes this adventure exclusive are the fantastic variety of loops, comic narratives and great graphics and audio. The theme song of this action which it is possible to hear towards the end may be a perform of genius.

    Call of Duty - 4

    Of all games presented I'd say this is clearlyone of the most [url=http://addictinggamestoplay.info]addicting games [/url]Fourth release during the series of the same name Call of Duty - 4 is a master piece from X-Box. This hottest entry presents a successful and dramatic feeling of realism along with a feeling of immediacy towards the player. The adventure gives you a alternative of playing a US Marine as well like a British S.A.S. This supplies the game a special global appeal as players are drawn to it having a feeling of loyalty and patriotism. Drawn through the hottest experiences of war, this video game will take the player around the globe, from 1 extreme battleground to yet another, be it the Middle East or Russia. Rendering illustrations or photos through the worst offerings of contemporary warfare, you might be enthralled by the truth of war and its effects inside real community. All stated and accomplished, this action will certainly keep you on your toes.


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