
Amputee life before and after...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

~Tornado's Is Scarey~ :-(

The other night we had some horriffic storms. On the TV
it said 3 tornados were sighted and 1 touched down. A
town about 5 miles away was hit, not badly but did some
damage... Tornados, for me are so scarey, there is just
no place to hide here... We are all on one floor, I go into
the bathroom..its next to the inside hall..but tornados take
the roofs off and suck the people and things out ...then
collaspe the building... So what do we do here? there's
nothing we can do.. I heard the sirens go off... barely..just
faintly, if I had been asleep, I would not have heard them,
and if the tv wouldnt have been on, I would not have known.
Makes me wanna live in a basement :-) I hate these storms.
The lightening was so bad, lit up the whole apartment. And
to describe the feeling when I heard the weather guy say
well fooey...good thing I was in the bathroom by the potty
you know what I mean?? lol...

I was telling a friend this..most of us here are in chairs even
tho many can walk..to live here you only have to have a
disability, no specific kind..I was telling her we needed a
basement, with a ramp that we could all go down and hide,
we got to laughing about some of us, well the others..hitting
that ramp and we could see all of us piled up chairs and all
at the bottom of this ramp hiding from a tornado..I dont know
which would be worse, all of us piled up in a basement or
getting our butts sucked out of the building :-) well I think tho,
if I had my choice I'd rather fight off the others in their chairs,
than end up in another county hanging from a tree :-)

This weather is changing so bad..its awful...no matter where you
live theres some kind of problem the people in California, I
read on MSN that they predict that fault line to go any day..Well
thats like those people in New Orleans..well no not really but a
warning is a warning.. I was told I had 3 days to get out or die?
well I dont care if I had to walk , roll..crawl or whatever.. I would
go.. Id steal a car if I had to...I saw all those animals left behind,
I was sick...I couldnt watch it anymore.. I used to live in Houston
I still have many friends there..a few went to help the people that
were evacuated there and they were so amazed at the attitudes
some of the people had..that THEY should be treated as special
and waited on etc.. well.. i would help them yes..but if they had
2 hands..do it themselves..My friends quit helping..they were very
discouraged.. I, quit watching all of it.. It made me so sick. But I
KNOW I would never go back and live there again, no way. Its
not fixed..and another hurricane? well it will be flood city again..I
couldnt take that.. thats why I hate the storms here, let there be more
of what I went through the other night.?. might be Canada or Europe
here I come :-)...or a place with a basement that I can get to :-)

When we had our tree service in Indiana ..Willie had a bucket truck,
very high boom on it.. 60 foot? I dont remember..He had a tree job
to take down 3 huge trees in a customers back yard.. He said he
was all the way extended up in that bucket truck..and the wind started
to pick up..the sky got dark then turned kinda green. He started to
lower the bucket..and looked over to the west and saw this huge
cloud and a funnel start to drop down. He yelled at the ground crew
to take cover and get into the house..just as the owner came out and
yelled to "GET INSIDE" the ground crew ran..Willie is dropping that
boom as fast as he can..well he sees that dark cloud getting closer
and looks down and leaped OUT of the bucket and HUNG on the
side,, dropped , he was still pretty high up there. He said he hit that
ground running and just as he made it inside the house and half
way down to their basement the sound, like a frieight train for what
he said seemed forever, then stopped.. They all started to go back
out side.. and couldnt get the door open..looked and all 3 of those
trees that Willie was sposed to take down were laying in the back
yard lol..Luckily they did not hit the bucket truck or the chipper truck.
Mainly just the trees ..Willie said "well saved me from dropping those
trees" and he and the crew proceeded to clean up the yard :-) When
he got home and told me about this..which I knew this was going on
I was worried sick, he was laughing and the crew laughed saying
they didn't know that "old man" could drop and run so fast lol...

That picture up top is out of my sewing room window of a storm that
built up last year while they were building those apartments..that one
was a doozy too.. the other one you can see the rain on the glass and
the chair as the wind blew it by..it came from that dirty patio down by
the conference room..That was a nasty storm...

Talking about stormin..well time for me to storm out to my kitchen I have
some left over potato salad and I have to say.. I make THE best ..I
really like mine.. lol.. I do.. Ive tasted other and well I think I just have a
secret ingredient that no one else puts in that makes MINE so good..
ok Momar, Raife..got a recipe too? lol... Mine IS GOODER :-)
Nitey Nite...;-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya ..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    We don't get many scarey storms here, though they had a tornado in Manchester not so long ago - took a few roofs off. It's pretty gentle on Exmoor, gets pretty wet sometimes, though. It wouldn't be the green and lovely place it is if it didn't, if you get me.
    I can give you a killer recipe for Macaroons, and I'm pretty good at Yorkshire Pudding. I make a pretty good sausage tadpole (thats the same as Toad-in-the-Hole only in small tins!!), too.
    Hope that's not made you hungry all over again!! lol ;o)
    Take care, Hon, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife :-)
    Yes, its lovely by you..Your so fortunate...toad in the hole? ok..umm
    is that a poached egg on toast? lol, in a small tin? hmmm ..Yes, now I'm hungry ..thank you very much.. :-)
    Hope you have a good day..
    Always, Lois****


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