
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, July 07, 2006

~Every Day Is A Story~

I really enjoy telling stories. I do. Isn't every day a story in your life?
I look at these pictures and I remember when, what, I can look at
those picnics and almost taste the food, they bring back such
memories. Even some, where I am very young, I still can remember.
The time after my heart bypass and the amputations.. I can't be totally
sure if its what I remember or what I was told. I know the memories
of the ants and dust bunnies were mine..I didn't tell anyone about that
back then.. I wasn't THAT crazy, I would NEVER have escaped from
there then..lol.. I have to say, I am glad I didn't take photos of the bad
times, well I did but they were DURING the bad times, not necessarily
OF the bad times, I do have a photo of some bad things maybe, like
that horrible sunburn I got in Galveston..Lord, that was awful.

We lived in Galena Park still, this was before the boat . :-) and decided
to go fishing out on the jettys in Galveston..great fishing there, I loved
that town... well I decided I was going to get a sun tan, and not fish. I
looked at my watch and laid down on my back. I laid there and SLEPT,
for 3 hours.. I woke..turned over onto my stomach and slept for almost
another 3, I had worked all night , 3rd shift, got home and went fishing,
I was VERY tired..so, my companion, fished, and kept checking on me,
he said later, to make sure I didn't fall off that rock. I looked fine. (of course)
thought nothing, I was asleep..all was ok.. ya, sure...:-) Frying in the hot
Texas sun, laying on a rock out in the Gulf of Mexico? ok.. :-)

I woke, slowly sat up..and boy, I mean I felt STIFF. I could hardly move.. I
looked at my self and HOLY CRAP!!! I mean..I got a really bad SUN
BURN..I looked like a lobster.!! I cant believe I was that DUMB..lol..To
lay out there in the sun for 6 hours? what a moron! No wonder I couldn't
move.. I slowly got up and could barely walk back to the car..the more I
tried to walk the more light headed I got..Hell, I gave my own self SUN
STROKE here..DUH ..I Knew better!!! I puked all the way home.. :-(
Thats what I get for being so tired.!!. I yelled at my companion, poor
guy, I said "WHY the HELL did you LET me sleep like that???" He says..
"HEY ~! .. I was FISHIN" :-) lol...men.. below is burnt me...lol... I was
fried. what a doofus.. I did that ONLY ONE TIME too.. :-)

I got so burnt..when I stayed in one position for too long I could barely
move. By the time I got home I was almost cryin I was so sore. I was
mad at my companion for letting me sleep, I was mad at me for being
so STUPID as to lay like that out there.. The jettys in Galveston are
great places to fish from..they are huge pieces of highway and concrete
that jet out into the gulf..I really dont know why they were there..but theres
alot and on any of them the fishing is just great, well the fishing in
Galveston is great no matter where you go and under that huge bridge
before you get into town? Well, we had the boat then, and theres a
launch site there..we put the boat in..and went up under that huge
bridge almost to the center, and caught some of the biggest fish, trout..
drum..huge ones.. Well the center is so deep.. Some of the old pilings
are there, or were and they had ladders you could climb and we would
tie the boat up and go on top and fish..and have a picnic and STUFF
:-) it was very secluded now. (hehehe)..hot, warm..could even swim
there if we wanted to..we didn't ..that would scare the FISH lol...I
think there was where I caught my first Sheephead, I had never seen
before..and did you know they have a mouthfull of teeth that look
like PEOPLE teeth? I freaked the first time I saw that lol.. And Drum?
they sound like a huge bass drum, just loud, BOOM BOOM BOOM
when you bring them in that comes out of them..Amazing...and some
can get HUGE , I mean massive fish... Galveston was great to fish..
plus you had the very best freshest bait..we used shrimp..and the good
part of that was, what you didnt use for bait you took home and ate lol
and I LOVE shrimp. I really Love seafood. when I SEE FOOD, I eat
lol.. you knew I was gonna say that ... :-)

But it is true, every day is really a story, they arent the same, no 2 days
are alike..thats why they're named different..tomorrow, today and
yesterday, so how can they be the same? I guess todays story was
TODAYS story lol...see? Everyday is one..So now..lets see how
this story for today ends...lol ya, 3 guesses.. ends after a trip to that
little room on the way to the kitchen and up there on that bed.. I wonder
how long it will take me tonite to fall asleep and how many programs
i will not see the ends of lol..I know Sometimes I am glad they have
the summer re-runs so I can see how all of them END!!! :-) nitey nite..

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya.. and thanks hey? :-)
Always, Lois****

Ps. Sorry for the quality of the photo..was taken in 74 what ya expect?
I was surprised I had it. Im lucky all my photos survived. I guess the
things that really mattered did :-) me being the main thing lol.. :-)

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My father & mother had just come back from their honey moon and bought one of those new fangled sun-lamps. Oooops they fell asleep under the lamp and the only part of my father that got sunburned was his penis. Not the greatest thing to happen to newly weds. Some day I will have to tell you the story of their honeymoon during the bank holiday of 1933.

  • At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Thanks for the story and the pic. Sunburn and sun stroke sure is HORRIBLE, ain't it? Had sunburn, but not sunstroke, not even in Egypt. It could be cold at night in Egypt. On guard duty I wore undervest, shirt, winter uniform, pullover and greatcoat and still felt cold.
    Take care, Hun, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 6:13 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning :-)

    Ohh Momar, Poor guy..wow.. Poor MOM!!! :-D .. So good to hear from you again Momar, lol. Glad NY is finally getting their crap together LOL...

    Hiya Raife..
    You just been all over too, aint ya? It gets cold in Texas too sometimes. just to keep you on your toes lol. I got sun stroke twice..once in Texas.. Once Fishing again, of course, in Indiana sitting in an aluminum boat all day out on a lake lol ..no hat..duh...:-) I learned about Texas but not Indiana..I have NOW!! :-)

    Hope y'all have a great day...
    Always, Lois****

  • At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    Another interesting tale. You sure have had a fun life in the main. Good to see that you were prepared to go do life with your man. Leads to all sorts of interesting little incidents - lol which cement a relationship. Nice pics. Love the car and your daily verse at the end of each day.

  • At 7:29 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi RJ,
    so nice to hear from you :-)
    Im glad you like what I put here, means alot to me to know, I thank you so much for taking the time to tell me, and to say such nice things, thanks, sometimes I gripe but I am honest about it all, which is THE only way to be. Nice to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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