
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

~Proof Is In The Puddin ~

Many nights I've written here about my Crappy lunches,how late they get
here, and to look at it is not appetizing at all, and 95% of the time, there
is NO taste at all. I got lunch yesterday late as usual, and it looked just
awful..So..I decided to show you just what I mean so you dont think I am
just being nit-pickey. I'm really not..wait till you see...First.. up there see
the time? For me, It really doesnt matter, but I happen to know 5 others
in here get this lunch and I happen to know they need it. Some so
they can take their meds, others because THIS is their main source of f
ood. Many only eat this one meal a day, and now their whole schedule is
messed up..for me..it doesnt matter time or anything..but I am thinking
of these others..and there are LOTS of people desperately need this
food.. It gets me so mad, I KNOW im NOT the only one complaining
and IM not griping for me..I am for THEM. What they do is fix their own
lunch now and save the delivered ones for supper. Which is ok..but its
NOT sposed to be that way..then why deliver them hot and go thru the
extra expense of trying to KEEP them hot? We live, get this...RIGHT
across the street from the Commission On Aging..thats where this food
comes from. WE are LAST to get it.. because they go the opposite
direction when they start out to deliver. we are last...I know better late
than never..but still...lol...

The past few weeks I have NO idea who is coming here with this stuff..
which makes me worry as well, I am NOT saying they are bad people..
but they have had young women,, to kids..to men..to older ladies... We
never know who its going to be.. If they are sending all these different
people then I would think something is drastically wrong over there. I
know there is a gas shortage and the cost is high, and I shouldnt
complain..this food is free..But.. I wonder just what they are saying and
doing over there that they are justifying this?

I got into it with the social workers there, 2 of them..they dont like me at
all..and because I dont get along with the OFFICE people they decided
they would NOT send me a home help aide..thats why I am with another
company. I got mad when they told me I was not to be online at all, when
I had dial up, when their worker was here so they could reach her if they
had to..excuse me? Im paying for this service..well not me myself..but I
am considered the employer here. I blew up..when I KNOW for a fact,
that there are people that dont have phones and have their aides.. well
they got all mad when I really did question them.. when I called and talked
to the Director over there. well was like talking to a Robot..sounded like
she read the whole thing as to what justified what they did..

Well... they have NO one on the board over there over 55..and NO ONE
that is disabled.. So..ok these people do have college and degrees etc..
but does THAT make them experts? I dont think so not if they have never
dealt with elderly or challenged people in person.. Thats a horse of a
different color.. Yet..they keep on..they beg for donations to keep them
going..well thats like the Red Cross or the GoodWill , or Salvation
Army even the ACA.. yet when it comes right down to it, they dont do near
what they claim..as sadly every one is finding out ..

Ive written to ACA many times for advice and help on doing something
well all they did was send me a big envelope full of booklets saying
"here ya go, do it yourself" well HELL. I could have done that my own
self on line..I thought when asking a specific question or for help they
would at least be more personal about it.. Not have it all probly
computer generated and some one there getting paid for this.. from
all the donations..is just hitting a key board and putting in my addy
saying "Lois wants to know...." and the computer does it.. They all go
on Holiday free, when they have these "meetings" I asked once if they
had a special fund that perhaps I could attend one of them. I cant afford
to go.. they told me Im not a minority so they wont help me even SENT
me the names of different groups I could ask if they would pay my way to
go to a Amputee convention..so WHAT is wrong with this picture? Am I
being picky? Or not seeing something clearly? it just makes me so mad
And there is not a bloody thing me or anyone else can do about it.. If I
complain ? well I hear "Your services are stopped" or "MOVE" or shut
up or we will not send you a thing... TRUE!!!

Well this ugly lunch ...if you can name that crap YOU can have it OK? lol..
I looked at it, smelled it.. and my boy? well he did his famous smell-
,jumped straight up in the air and RAN!!! Like he was afraid of it..NOW
THATS scarey !!!! lol.. My boy aint too 'fraid of nuthin now if he was
willing to attack a 80 pound DOG ?? He ran from that food like it was
contaminated.. LOL.. I dont want to sound ungrateful.. I am that -if I had
NO other way to get food.. and MANY of these dearies.. this is the only
thing they eat of a day..now that makes me feel really bad..that they just
have no choice but that these people that are involved in this dont see
just what it is that they are doing maybe? I know these dearies are grateful.
but cant the food look better and have some taste and be here when they
close to noon? Just because these people are poor and have nothing
cant someone give them something? I would go down here to that kitchen
and cook for them in here if they wanted just so they COULD have some
thing halfway tasteful to eat at least ONCE a week!!! Theres a kitchen
down there..But.. no one would approve of that..because it would REALLY
be helping.. I dont know but it sure is discouraging. to me it is. and I dont
depend on this I can make it on what I get. well its not as easy as it was
anymore since I dont get the free food boxes twice a month anymore but.
well I still do ok..and I eat my fries n gravy ,, now if I couldnt make that???
well talk about a unhappy camper.I would definitely make arrangements
if I had to grow my own potatoes LOL...

When I had no dealings with these organizations before my amputations
I had no idea just what or how things were done.. I had no reason to..I
was ok..no health issues. NOW..being an amputee..I am really finding out
that we ARE taken advantage of..used..and all in the name of charity..
MANY places do that I am finding out. Like Dell Computers. I read in one
of their catalogs I got in the mail..said they donate computers to the
disabled. I wrote asked if they could help me get one. I got a reply.it said
"Send us $35.oo and we will put you on a list, when we get one we think
will be suited for you, you will be notified" ..well thats not donated or free
is it? I didnt have the $35.oo.I did get a computer.yes. I saved and saved
until I got the $300.oo I needed to get my very first one.. THIS is what I
mean.. isnt it amazing? I still have the letter from Dell..and even from a
Organization in Chicago that was said to do the same thing.. well give
them a nice donation..and sure..they will help you.. lol.. . . Oh well I dont
have to worry .. This puter I have..well I hope it lasts for ever ..although
it was sposed to come with a cd writer and I HAVE NO idea how to get
that to work..Ive had 4 friends that I asked for help and none of us can
figgure out what is wrong..When I called emachines..they said..well no
credit card..so you will have to send us $20.oo and we will tell you why
it wont burn a CD!!! :-) well guess what? I dont need to burn one THAT
bad.. I told them cuz I didnt have a credit card they were discriminating
against me.. they said go buy a prepaid one then..lol...always something.

Well now that I have griped and CRAP..I hope I didnt ruin anyones
saturday..But now you have proof.. I didnt do too much of nothing..
Raelynn came today instead of yesterday and we are squeakin ....my
kitchen is all clean and I am gonna go out and see how badly I can mess
it up ..No No.. Just kidding, Im a neat cook..and besides soup aint messy
to fix and thats all I want..so guess where this pickey weeble is headed.?.
EAST..to the kitchen..I KNOW I GOT GOOD food out THERE!!!!
Nitey Nite...:-)

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya..and THANKS!!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

Ps..Glad your up and runnin again Momar..about time NYC got their
stuff straight lol.. Missed ya ..Glad your back too Raife..Now Gray
gets back ..we be all set !!! I know your out there too Rob..and
Robert.. lol.. its so great to hear from all of you.. I LOVE Those
comments .. they go so good with my coffee of a morning :-)

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest lovely Lois!
    It is easy to say: "Dont eat that crap", but if you dont you´ll starve.... And if you starve, you will die.
    NO ONE, and i mean no one want you to do that, so youll have to eat that icky crap-stuff. Hold your nose and swallow it with lots of coke or something, and get big and healthy... You need that, cause if youre strong and healthy you will be able to keep chatting with me.... And I NEED THAT, AND YOU.... You are NOT icky in any way, cause you are the most adorable female on earth....
    Three Rivers is a lucky place that has you, but the Net is also a nice place........ Thats where my love lives....
    Take care dear, so youll have strenght to feel my kisses all over...
    Your own

  • At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    In NYC, we call them Meals-on-Wheels. Somebody once wrote a play about delivering Meals on Wheels.
    I have several friends who give me their meals and I have become an expert at doctoring them up so they can be quite good.
    Tomato sauce, parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, and basil are what I use - then I microwave the food and it usually tastes quite good. In NYC meals are prepare in a central commisary run by Altria, (Phillip Morris).

  • At 6:41 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Rob,
    True, We all have to eat. You forgot if I eat TOO much then I get FAT!! :-) and THAT is NOT a good thing. Butts are heavy to drag you know :-) lol...

    If I get a lunch that is half way decent I do doctor them up as well. just salt and pepper helps! lol They prepare the food in another town and then deliver to all the COA's. The one here just needs better organized. Small town thrills :-)

    Hope y'all have a great day, :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Sorry I'm late posting. I've been beating up on my thumb with a 1 1/2 lb hammer!! It's all blue & bloody.
    Yes, that "food?" looks absolutely revolting. My old Grandad always used to say "God sends the food and the Devil sends the cooks", but that was when he was a ship's engineer - he couldn't have said that about my Grandma's cooking!!
    Could you have a little box of earth outside your door where you could grow some herbs to liven the food up a bit? Worcestershire Sauce is a big help, too.
    Take care not to do too good a job, or you'll have that chair shrinking and you might get cuddlier than ever!!! lolol ;o)
    Take care, Hon, don't over-eat!! Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 6:27 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well Raife..doesnt that hurt? geez..I could think of other things to do than beat myself up with a hammer!! OUCH :-( be careful...
    I have all kinds of fixer upper stuff trust me lol ..no we arent allowed to have anything outside cuz of the mower guy. :-(
    Ya, cuddlier is one way of puttin it lol. :-)
    Always, Lois****


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