Today was a do nuthin saturday, I didnt do anything but
get online and watch tv..Yahoo was down most of the day and
I still cant log on there..I checked the other places AIM and MSN
no one on, but saturday, well everyone usually has something
no one on, but saturday, well everyone usually has something
to do and its gotten a tad cooler so I imagine most every
one is trying to get their stuff done outdoors.. I havent heard
from anyone today, I plan to phone my sis later and see how
her house renovations are coming along..what shes gotten
done.. She lives about 2 blocks from where I did in Indiana..
she lives on the access road that goes to the lake that was
at the end of my road I lived on..her road is where the boat
launch is and a small picnic area..its not a HUGE lake but
its nice..only bad thing is its so build up around it..the houses
are mostly year round and are side by side by side..Up
north..you have a little space between the cottages and alot
were only just summer ones..not year round...
Stanley just wants a new house..already built..my sis doesnt
want mortgage payments..and I can understand that..so they
are just going to renovate and redo the bedrooms and bath
etc, work their way thru the house.. I can understand not wanting
higher mortgage payments but a new house? well that would
be kinda hard to refuse..for me anyway..sometimes the redo's
can run into mega bucks..specially if you have any kinds of
problems with the house at all..they havent as Stan does keep
up on things..well except when it comes to building RAMPS..
So theyre just going to redo and revamp the place so to speak
although they sure could use a bigger place when all her kids
and grandkids are there the bigger they get the smaller her
house gets lol.
This cushion seems to be helping my right stump..I can tell
when I sit too long one way or lay too long on my back.. I have
no choice but to move or I can feel that short stump bone
start to ache..and I have to squirm around to shift my weight.. I
think sitting on this cushion is helping.. I hadnt used one for quite
awhile..and when I lay I have to make sure I am laying kinda flat
and not up too high or it will pull on my hip.. I really think I need
to flip my mattress or turn it or something that may help as well..
The spot on my left scar is not looking real good.. I knew better
than to even touch it..much less put that stupid creme on .. Then
to try to get that dryness off..well no wonder its irritated.. I have
been keeping a very close eye on it..If I went back to what it was
3 years ago..no..I dont think I could handle that again.. I really dont.
To even consider going thru that again..that was the worst pain I
To even consider going thru that again..that was the worst pain I
think I have ever endured in my life..it can compare to no other I
have ever had.. And to think I could even POSSIBLY be headed
back there? no.. no...not acceptable..I will stop that NOW.. I keep
it very clean and washed and I do NOT touch it with my hands,
well fingers at all...It is red and there are a couple little dark spots..
but I have the"eagle eye" on it lol...
Even the boys are lazy today, all they are doing is moving from one
spot to another snoozin..watch then about 3 am Dutch will start with
his face tappin of "hey..hey, you up?" then once I finally sit up..he
goes wandering OFF.. If I lay back down..he comes back..and will
start to tap my face with his little foot and if that doesnt work ..well
then he will very lightly stick out a claw and kinda lightly scratch..
what REALLY does it..and he KNOWS NOT to do it..is to lick my
eye lids.. LORD..does THAT wake me up.. A cats tongue is SO
scratchy that its like sandpaper going across my eyelid.. and THAT
does NOT feel good..He knows what works.. I bug him sometimes
when hes sleepin ill rub on him and make him move and I can just
see the look on HIS face ..wonder if he recognizes that its the same
as what is on both of ours when we wake each other up.. LB? well
that baby just snoozes and meows and whines for his girlfriend ..
thats about his extent..well he does drag her up on the bed tho and
I have to contend with 3 cats..1 stuffed one..Im glad Dutch doesnt
have a girl friend or my bed would be really crowded..and with 6
pillows..3 quilts.. well I maybe need a king size bed lol.
I have not eaten today ive been lazy...I dont know what I want..I may
make a steak and swiss cheese sandwich..we have these little thin
sizzler steaks...and with sauteed onion and swiss cheese? ya..that
sounds preeeeety good lol... I may just have to go out and see to
making myself one of those..and maybe a root beer float for a
saturday night treat..GAWD..I will end up weighing 900 pounds..then
take a fork lift to lift me around LOL Time to race Dutch into the
kitchen ...he cheats and gets a head start soon as he hears this
computer do its little shut down song lol..hes off and runnin..cheater..
lol.. Nitey Nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya and thanks.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 10:46 PM,
Gray said…
I was busy also today, doing yard work in the rain and having a long music rehearsal. Sorry I missed you.
I'm glad the cushion is helping.
Take care,
At 5:36 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Gray,
Yahoo was being a stinker yesterday so I just stayed off line most of the day, I did go to MSN though..kinda like it there ...A music rehearsal..do you play the piano? If you do.. Im moving by you lol..:-) I want to learn how so bad.. I can play one handed lol...
Hope you have a good day today :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
My Dear Lois,
Hope that stump is looking better to-day. Maybe there is some other type of cream that it would not be allergic to that would help to make it moist?
The pics of the stump binder were very interestng. I bet it was pretty darned uncomfortable in hot weather. It's a bugger that you had all that trouble with your left stump or you might have been stomping around on prostheses.
Take care, Hon, lots of love and hugs from
At 7:15 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife,
Im not sure that is exactly what its called but its what I call it..was most uncomfortable, the slightest movement and it would try to slide off. It was very tight.. I didnt like it at all..we didnt have air conditioning there and it was miserable to wear.. Let someone have my fake legs if they want them I dont... :-)Im good to go :-)
ALways, Lois ****
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
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