I found a photo that I forgot I had, its one that, when I saw it I
was I think AMAZED, that this was inside my chest. I had No
idea was in there..If they told me I sure dont remember thats
for sure. I had to have a heart cath 3 years ago just to check
and see how the bypass was.. This was in March 2003 i think..
I couldnt find the date on it..Its hard to read..but I'm pretty sure
thats about when I had it done, was about the same time my
niece died...shortly after that ...
They usually used the groin area to do the injection of the dye.
I am highly allergic to it, and have to take medication before
I am highly allergic to it, and have to take medication before
they can inject it. I've had so many procedures done there that
this time to get access to the artery was impossible and the
harder they tried the more it hurt and upset I became, so they
decided to use my right arm at the inside of my elbow..which,
of course, meant that I could not use my chair since I needed
arms to move it.. I had to stay overnight in the hospital and
come back home the next day.. They only found some minor
stuff and said no problems and I was allowed to go home then.
The photo is the x-ray of my heart, so you see? I DO have one lol.
What I was so shocked about were the thingies that look like
sardine can keys that they said they used after my heart bypass
to hold my chest together...I had no clue they were inside me.. I
thought something was drastically wrong.! I looked at this photo
when the Dr. handed it to me and immediately said "WHAT is
THAT???" He explained what they were... I was really amazed.
I know I remember those bloody staples they used.. How these
hospitals..well Doctors can use those horrible things..they say
they are so much more anti infectious..THAT is NOT true..not as
far as MY body goes- almost EVERY time they used them I got an
infection..well my right stump didnt..but every where else just
about did that they used them...and hurt? Oh my WORD..YES
I remember every time how badly I cried when it came time to
pull those things out...they're like a regular staple but with a V
in the center..half goes under your skin and the skin grows over
it , then they jerk them out.. I know my chest had like 30 of them.
My stumps each had over 40.. Pulling them puppies out one at
a time..I threatened the last nurse that did it..that I would put one
in HER let her find out just how badly they hurt . Each time she
would say "ok, just a little PINCH now" Ya right...Pinch, LIE~!~
Donnies dad just had a bypass like me, and they used Super
Glue to close it up.. I was SO happy for him..and If I have to have
ANY kind of surgery they BETTER use that on me as well ... .
THAT has to be the VERY best invention yet..I say "BRAVO!!
and about time, stitches werent so great either but ..THIS has
got to be TONS better.
I wish this right stump would wake up.. I laid down this after noon
I just had NO choice.. I am trying to get over this and stop the ache.
It was doing good this morning but as the day wore on .well by
noon I had NO choice but to go back to bed for a while..My stump,
the right one..STILL is asleep.. It drives me nuts.. But its the same
sort of ache..underneath in the back of my stump and seems to go
up into my hip. I think its the mattress that is doing this as well.. I
think by monday If its not better I am going to see about getting a
think by monday If its not better I am going to see about getting a
new mattress and start there. Something has to give on this..lol...
I had to break down and turn the AC back on..I was sitting here and
this little fan just was running its patootie off and just NOT really
helping..So I just turned the air back on for a while to cool if off and
then maybe the poor fan wont have to work so hard.. I am SO glad
I live on the north side of this building and dont get the hot afternoon
sun shining in my windows like the others do on that side.. I put it
on LOW cool and hopefully that will help...
My side trip to the kitchen is to get some Iced tea..Raelynn went to
the grocery store and I asked her to get some for me.. She picked
up a 6 pack of bottles of Lipton Original Iced tea..sweetened, of
course, and let me tell you..It is really good.. I dont like lemon in my
tea.. I was raised on tea, I've tried lemon in it..and I prefer with out I
like the taste of the tea...This Lipton I think is very good.. I know a
long time ago I used to drink some called Arizona Iced tea that was
REALLY good.. But Raelynn couldnt find it.. This Lipton is good, but
Lipton always was the only kind my mother used that I remember.
I'm not hungry which is surprising for me... usually I am, but since
this bout with this stump and back I have been extremely nauseated
and have NO idea why ..thats why Im drinking the tea..lol...so no
food..I dont wanna have to get up a zillion times so its ONLY 1
bottle of tea as well lol.. Im learning.. Like I say, Im slow but sure...
Thanks for all the great comments and hearing from you I really enjoy
reading them. Nice to see new names there as well- RJ..welcome
to my little corner of the world.. :-) Time to say "nitey nite"
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 12:01 AM, Anonymous said…
My angiogram:
When I had my first and only angiogram - they were hours late due to my cardiologist having to have dinner with a friend. They did the groin - Was I supposed to go to sleep? I did and when I woke up within an hour I was soon headed home in a large limosine - in NY we call them Car Services. I think I am borderline everything.
At 7:05 AM, Gray said…
That is a pretty impressive image, Lois. I have never had staples, but I have seen them and they look quite uncomfortable. Jerk them out??? Ouch!
I did once have the experience of removing my own sutures during a backpacking trip on the Appalachien Trail in Maine.
It occurred to me that kids my daughter's age probably have no idea at all what a sardine can key is.
I'm afraid that I am a purist. I make my iced tea with teabags or loose tea. No sugar, sometimes fresh lemon slices.
Take care of that stump. Have a comfortable day.
At 8:13 AM, Lois said…
Good Morning :-)
I've had quite a few of those tests, but I have always had to lay flat for 6 to 8 hours afterwards,cant even raise your head! I think mine was arteriogram...lol..
I had no idea they did this no one told me lol. Nothin like having sardine can keys embedded in your chest LOL... :-)
I need the sweet,, keeps me sweet :-) lol...
Hope you have a good day :-)
always, Lois****
At 8:54 AM, Gray said…
I guess that I am just a sourpuss.
At 10:24 AM, Lois said…
Naaa Gray, you aint a sourpuss.. You know that :-) Your a sweetie too ...
Always, Lois****
At 4:04 PM, Anonymous said…
My dearest little beautie.... You are wonderful at your inside too, ive said that before....But i had NO idea that your chest was like a piece of chinese art, like a wonderful picture.
I have this type of test done, but they tested my eyes...They filled my body with colour-liquid, and then my heart stopped.... It was rush to the wake-updepartment at the hospital... NOW I AM FORBIDDEN TO DO THIS KIND OF TEST...See i am popular, they want me to stay in this world. As i want you to stay in my world Lois.... Lucky you do, and that i still does..... Life is good, since i found you!
At 5:46 PM, Lois said…
Hi Rob,
So good to hear from you :-) Those tests can be very hard on you. I know. Not one of my favorite things to do.
Hope you had a good day :-)
Always, Lois****
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