~Up In The Air ~
Things are still up in the air here and I honestly dont know
what is happening.. I ve called dozens of people today and
cant find any help let alone a lawyer..The law says you are
innocent until proven guilty.. yet that is SO not true.. Many
many do NOT think of it that way at all..And that is so not
I have no idea what is going on..and I am afraid to call and
I have no idea what is going on..and I am afraid to call and
find out. I wait and listen for a knock at the door and make my
self sick because I am just so stressed. I tried to sleep last nite
I was up until 430 this morning trying to figure out exactly what
to do since I know they will come and arrest me and I know I
will have to move.. I get so upset and confused I dont know what
to do, where to go or anything and this stress is overpowering.
I guess I did this to my own self for thinking that anyone would
possibly understand my motives, the bottom line that seems to
be the only issue is that it was illegal and there fore there are
NO extenuating circumstances. I tried to call and find out just
what the procedures are of the police here and the reference
from the past Chief of Police and Police Officers as to their
policies were lies..The officers that was here lied..Did you know
that a cop can deliberately LIE to you to get what they want out
of you? Just to intimidate you? how awful .. Because they are
a public servant supposedly they have the right to lie to get
what they want to make themselves look good.. I dont under
stand that. Cops dont have to be people just cops..and do their
jobs at what ever it costs the people they are dealing with ..and
that there may be extenuating causes etc that they wont even
consider much less care about as long as they can say "I am
only doing my job" I did NOT know it was the Policy of the Police
to deliberately lie, intimidate and scare people so they get what
they want. I just do not understand that..
Cops have a dangerous job, yes. But the treatment they give out
at least the ones in this town is horrible.. I have met a few on the
force here and I would not rate any of them as very good at their
job. The attitudes they have here remind me of that Eddie Murphy
movie with Nick Nolte..when Eddie walks into that bar and says
"your worst nightmare has arrived," and boy is that true, then they
"your worst nightmare has arrived," and boy is that true, then they
wonder why people even kids have no respect for them.. Fear I
guess is the kind of respect they like..thats how I feel anyway..
I did something that to them was illegal to me it was illegal but my
only recourse to have some kind of stable and pain free life, but
apparently that has NO bearing on anything..illegal is illegal..so
now its just a matter of waiting to be arrested, my apartment taken
away and other benefits as well,, but I guess was my own fault and
now I will just have to face the consequences what ever they may
be .. If this ticker doesnt act up again I should make it through.
I did call to make a Drs. appointment today to check and see if I
had a minor stroke, but I can't get in until next week..If I am around
I will go then. I am fully aware of what a heart attack feels like and I
I will go then. I am fully aware of what a heart attack feels like and I
know that is what it was monday nite after all this commotion that
morning, the tight chest..the pain in the arms and the stiffness that
rises up thru your neck and jaw making it hard to even talk..I know.
and that is what happened. I am ok..and I feel very sluggish since
but..well I guess this happening is my own fault too..I guess since
i really did this to myself I should just whup myself severely about
the head and face and tell my self "LOIS! you are SUCH a BAD
BAD person to do something ILLEGAL in the name of SELF
Thank you for all your support and good wishes, it makes me feel
so much better to know you care and are sending all those
nice hugs and kisses to me, it honestly does help..be nice if they
really could touch me..but I feel them just the same..and I really
do thank you so very very much...I am not hungry today and I
just have to go back to bed for a while..This post is very early but
I have to go and lay down ..I didnt want to be extremely late
or not at all to cause you more worry for me.. So at least
as of this time of 4 in the after noon I am still here at home and
at my computer..well soon at my bed if I can stay out of the bath
room..the nausea is HORRIBLE. My boys are sticking to me like
glue and Dutch is just a sick little guy..hes so depressed and
just mopes and comes up and rubs against me just like LB does..
I hate what this has done to them..they sure didnt deserve this
from me or anyone to be this upset.. I feel even worse for that..
they have such a horrible mother. We 3 all say nitey nite, and
hopefully will be here tomorrow..
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..bunches..and thanks.
ALways, Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 5:15 PM, Gray said…
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I'm glad that you will be gettin gmedical help, and also that you are doing your besty to get a lawyer. A housing advocate would be useful too.
Good luck to you. I will be thinkg of you and wishing you the best.
At 5:31 PM, Lois said…
Hi Gray,
yes next week, i have appt. and I will go. I tried them all. and not had any luck.
Thanks for the good wishes.lol...
Always, Lois****
At 10:19 AM, Gray said…
Good luck today!
In case IO forgot to mention it, I will be away next week, starting tonight. I hope that you know I support you even when I cannot communictate with you. I wish you the best during the next week.
At 10:55 AM, Lois said…
Hi Gray..
THanks hon..take care and Ill miss ya :-)
Always, Lois****
At 6:07 PM, Anonymous said…
protect&serve? YA RIGHT! the new police motto should HARRASS,INTIMITATE,LIE&CHEAT!
At 6:17 PM, Lois said…
Hi Anonymous.. I agree with you this has been totally unjustified what they did..They dont even KNOW or care what stress and grief they caused me..all in the name of "doing their job"..
Always, Lois****
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