~Meet Heidi~
caseworker from Keystone..Heidi..Isnt she just a Cutie? AND
she is single..mom of 3, lives in the next little town down the
road.. she doesn't drink, smoke, or do drugs.. she is a very
down to earth girl.. and a real sweetie.. She got here at 10
and left at 1:30.. we had a great time.. talked about everything..
I taught her a bit about computers she didn't know.. she said
I taught her a bit about computers she didn't know.. she said
her laptop is not good..from what she describes I am worried
it may be a hard drive or something..says the screen is blue
and says some kind of error.. I didn't know what to Suggest as
I know some about them but not that much.. I hope it isnt.. she
is just making it too.. She is going to help find out about some
info on my grant, if it will be renewed etc..
I told her I would like to have a bigger place so that I can start
I told her I would like to have a bigger place so that I can start
sewing again.. and she said she knows of 2 houses right now
that are for rent.. one is on a lake and its 2 bedrooms.. So I
asked her to get the info on them for me..and asked her to find
out if the grant will increase if my rent increases.. She is also
going to find out if at the end of the 2 years will my grant be
renewed.. this grant is to help people until they can find a job,
so she seems to think too..that they may agree to continue
my grant.. I hope so..If that's true..a lot of my stress will go
away.. I worry about that every day, Im trying to save every
extra dime I have just for the cost of moving in case I can...
and If I cant find a HUD house if this grant stops I will have to
get an apartment and I would rather eat dirt than do that.. but
I just may not have any choice...
Heidi is a sewer as is her mom.. they have gotten a place, like
a little shop at a place called Peddler's Village in Indiana.. I know
the place and have been there many times.. She and her mom
are going to make quilts and blankets etc to sell there.. What is
MOST interesting..is that Heidi's grandmother her Nanny as she
calls her is here visiting her mother.. her nanny is from Cambourne,
Cornwall..in the UK..that is where MY family is.. small world.. she
said her Nanny has dual citizenship here and in the UK and she
is getting benefits from both places..here and there.. Shes. going
to ask her Nan just what to do to find out about it..and see what
she can find out if I will be able to do that since my mother was
born there too.. I am really curious. be nice if I could do that.. I
would just have to get up enough nerve to fly there..
I am just not good with flying and heights..the hardest part is the
claustrophobia ..That is the biggie.. I saw some photos of some
new huge planes that are almost like having a whole house its
so big..the seats even made into beds if it was a long flight..like
from here to Australia..is a 15 hour flight.. I don't dare look out
the windows on a plane..I would have to spend the rest of the trip
in the bathroom if I did.. When I have flown, which I have, many
many times.. I used to fly to Hawaii at least once a year..that's a
8 hr flight from Chicago..What got me on those flights is when the
pilot came on and said " ladies and gentlemen, we have reached
the half way point, there is no turning back now" I just would gulp,
think of all that water down below and the sharks and just close my
eyes and wait till I heard them say " we have landed" THEN I
would open them again.. I would fly to the UK tho.. I have many
friends there..and today I wrote to my cousin, up north to get the
addresses of our family over there and see if perhaps I did come
over there would they like to meet me..take some of these old
photos I have of my great grand parents with me.. I would enjoy
that and seeing ones I am sure they would have..
Well one thing I know im good at and that's EATING..and as busy
as today was AGAIN..I missed lunch..so I need to eat before I can
take these nasty tasting pills for today..I don't think they could make
them taste any worse.. I got the Kool Aid all ready :-) and Im ready
to start my count down to bed.. up again to day at 5.. im an early
bird but I never seem to catch any worms!!! "nitey nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS!!!!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 11:03 PM, Anonymous said…
So wonderful you have another great caseworker Lois...you have been blessed.
It would be nice if you could get that home by the lake...wow you could go fishing again.
It alway nice to have extra bedroom for company or sewing room.
I just wish all my rooms were downstair only...stair and I don't get along well anymore.
There is 3 bedroom and a bath upstair and a 4 large closet.One bedroom downstair and 1 1/2 baths.
Yes and a kitchen, dinning room,living room, utility room and 3 large closet...we are very blessed with closet at this house...and they are full...
You have a great weekend Lois.
God bless you.
At 5:12 AM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Yes, shes a sweetie, Im glad we got along so good...2 floors are ok, but 1 is alot better,but then you have to have the property to spread out..This house could easily be added onto,the yard is huge...2 closets here, not near enough for me LOL...
Hope you have a good week end too Mary...take care :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 9:40 AM, Anonymous said…
I once visited a woman who lived in a 24x24foot house (8x8m) it had 2 bedrooms living room kitchen and bath It seemed so spacious to me.
At 4:29 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
You are right, Heidi looks to be a real sweetie. As Mary says, you are Blessed to have her. She seems to have your good at heart.
Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 6:06 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar,
Good to hear from you..thats kinda small to some but could be huge to others..depending on their size.
Hi Raife,
Yes, she is very nice and going to be a big help. Im glad they chose her to replace Lori..
Good to hear from you..
Always, Lois ****
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