~Wet Basement~ :-(
Penny came today and I am kinda a little upset. She went
down to the basement and apparently the window down
there that faces the front of the house is open. Rain got In
on the last storm and there is water on the floor..2 boxes
of my material got ruined. She brought it up here for me
to see as I know every scrap I have. It sadly, was my velvet
that got ruined.. I don't even want to guess at the value of
it.. It sells for over 15.oo a yard here.. I know Penny threw
out at least 7 or so yards of it.. I was sick.. To see valuable
stuff like that get ruined just eats my lunch.. I did NICELY
call Chris and told him about the leak down there, and I
POLITELY asked when Kenny might be coming to fix my
ceiling.. He said "I will let you know, and I don't think there
is anything I can do about the basement" So...there you
have THAT...
I am going to go thru all the stuff down there and get rid of
everything I don't absolutely have to have, I seriously doubt
If I will ever be fortunate enough to get a bigger or better
place, and the longer all that material stays down there the
worse and more useless it becomes.. I think I should just
give it away and then I wont have to worry about it anymore.
The constant stress of thinking of all that getting ruined is
just not good and I think its best to just alleviate that worry,
and just not sew anymore... Dawn wants to learn to sew..
and I met my new caseworker, named Heidi...she sews.
I was sitting in the doorway enjoying the fresh air with the
boys and I knew she was coming..what I didn't know was
that Chris, the inspector person, was going to be with her.
I was very nice.. Heidi seems to be a sweetie..shes quite
young.. and from what she says has 2 little girls...and she
likes to sew.. So maybe she may even benefit by me
giving her some of this material and help her to learn to
make quilts, which is what she wants to learn.. She asked
if I would teach her and of course, I said "YES!" Its always
fun to teach someone to sew..to create something out of
just a piece of material..to me is a wonderful thing.. I did
show her my purse, and wallet and the quillow I made that
I happened to have right here by my desk.. Heidi seemed
very glad that I was her client so I can teach her to sew.. I
am too..she seems very nice, and the boys really liked her.
If they approve, then its ok...some people come here and
they don't pay any attention to them.. and animals are a
great judge of character...
Donnie is having a birthday tomorrow..the boy will be 43..he
gets so mad when I say "the boy" .. I do call him Honeyboy
though and he wont admit it..but he enjoys that.. Specially
since I call no one else that.. Ive called him that since the
first day I met him.. He was so cute..and SKINNY!! Hes
grown into a BIG BOY now...And a good good man.. One of
the finest men I can say that I have ever met in my life, next
to my Dad.. Donnie is just as honorable and sweet as him...
And hes a wonderful Dad.. You can ask Kelli..Our girl is
doing so good..She and Jorge are buying their first house.
I am SO happy for her..and she will be closer here to us..
just down the highway about 25 miles.. Will be easier to see
her now, it will mean farther for her and Jorge to drive to
work, but they got such a great deal on this nice 3 bedroom
house.. I may take a study thing on buying a house that
keystone is having... that way they might help me to buy a
house... Worth a try to find out... I would love the security of
it being mine... And if it was on a lake or river..wellllll now..
I sure could handle that...
I put off lunch since Penny picked up some things at the
store for me.. she got these little tiny bananas..I bet they
are only 6 inches long.. they are so cute.. Ive seen them
this tiny in Hawaii..My ex sister there had a few trees in
her yard..and they were small ones finger bananas I think
she called them..they were good..and these little mini ones
will be just the right size for a PB&J sandwich..which I may
just HAVE to have.. Ive not had bananas in a while.. so I
may have to hurry and eat them before they go bad.. Well
thats MY excuse anyway... A sandwich, tv and sleep.. I
turned the tv on last inte I KNOW I did..but I cannot think
of ONE thing I saw :-) I was tired.. .like now..up at 5 makes
me tired and I didnt have a nap..that fresh air.. I will sleep
good.. Hope you do too.."Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 9:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
So glad you like your new caseworker, Heidi.
How did the window get open down in the basement?
So sorry some of your material got ruined.
Another long day here, didn't get as much done as I would have like too...still a little under the weather.
The weather here has been so nice and so cool in the morning, not been using the air condition at all, just fans.
Hoping to sleep in Saturday, sure hope I don't have to work this weekend...sure need all the staff person well. Pam keep asking me to work she say "work for me please". She want me to be staff.
That way to many hours for this old lady.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend Lois and God bless you.
At 11:31 PM, Anonymous said…
here in nyc we get all sorts of exotic fruits such as baby bananas and seville oranges. I go to an italian salameria (delicatessen) and get freshly grated pecarino romano cheese, and balsamic vinegar yummy.
At 12:11 PM, Anonymous said…
Bonjour ma Belle,
Too bad about your stuff in the basement. You are right you should give it away before dampness gets to it.
Take care,
At 12:22 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
yes, she seems very nice. I dont know how the window got open..worries me.. I am going to have Donnie put a lock on this door in the kitchen..just to be safe...
I hope things work out for Pam, its got to be so hard for her..
Im hoping a nice quiet one..with no stress, My sis may be coming to bring me some new things.. She cleaned out her house on this move..
Hi Momar,
These little bananas are great.. Im not a real fruit person, but on a PB&J ..theyre good..
Bon Jour Robert..
So very nice to hear from you.. I hope you are having a good day.. Yes I about cried when I saw that material.. Im seriously worried that it all smells already.. that would be a disaster.. I wish I had a sewing room back but I doubt it..so the best thing to do is get rid of it..then no more worries..I need that..
I hope y'all have a great week end..and thanks so much for leaving me these notes..means alot to me..thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
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