
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

~Squirrel Visitors~ 'n Me.. :-)~

We had visitors as you see.. A huge black squirrel. Penny put some
bread out there and he was just pigging out. He would eat a little,
then rush around, run back, eat some more... he stayed out there
for quite awhile..Dutch and LB had a good time watching..well I
guess I did too since Im the one took all the photos :-) it is fun to
watch them..I think we all had a good time watching each other.
He held onto those pieces of bread till every morsel of it
was gone, if any dropped he got them too..he didn't waste
anything.. I think he lives across the street in those big
trees they butchered over there.. There are some nice trees
all through the neighbor hood..I have nice ones here in my
yard.. Im anxious to watch the maple here at the garage, it
was so pretty last year.. I love the changing leaves even
though it means winter and cold and higher gas bills.. I
enjoy the change of seasons...
Just after the black squirrel left 2..as in TWO red squirrels came
up and started eating.. Dutch hadnt been watching for a while
and I don't think the squirrels minded me watching them but as
soon as Dutch got in the window and tapped at it like he does,
they both ran off so fast, and right for that road there, I panic
when I see these squirrels by the road.. I saw one the other
day over by Penny's Garage across the street and I just couldn't
watch as it tried to get across that street out there..its 3 lanes..
people have a hard time getting across it its got so much traffic
and those HUGE semi trucks too.. I don't watch the perils of
squirrels crossing the road..I cant :-)...
The 2 red and the black are just about the same size, I think
the red ones live here in my tree as I always see them out
there..I think the black one just visits.. I know they like that
little bowl of water out there.. I bet it saves them having to
search for a drink, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't take a
bath in it.. At the house in Indiana I always caught squirrels
in the birdbath taking a bath..I had to steady clean it out and
I was amazed at how dirty those birds were! The water was
really bad sometimes..I enjoyed sitting outside in the evening
and watching them eat, then feed..play around.. I havent seen
the rabbits in ages.. I hope nothing happened to them...

I didn't do anything to day except chat with a couple dear friends,
and the rest of the day I want you to know I enjoyed no appointments
or having to call the bank or Dr or whoever.. These lazy weekends
are so good.. I think we all need them.. I didn't go out the door this
week at all but I bet I had more contact and meetings with more
people than some that did go outside... I don't mind company at all.
I enjoy it..I do have one rule, that they call first and let me know they
are coming..when there is a knock at the door I just cringe..I get
so paranoid.. almost afraid to open it.. I know what time of day my
mail gets here..hes pretty good at delivering it the same time every
day..but when he drops the lid down and it clanks I jump every
time..knowing its going to happen... I wonder if he does that deliberately
He maybe does as it does let me know I have mail...most bills..but
I have mail.. I hate when I get my bank statement along with a couple
bills..seems they always come that way..sure ruins a week end.. I
don't open anything then till Monday when Im ready to deal with
another week of ongoing drama...
Theres 2 photos as I am not real sure if I have put these here. I know
I have but not like these I don't think..if theyre repeats..well don't look,
and just look at the cute squirrels..:-)..I know even if these are repeats
I am still a MOST GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. :-)
I have some leftover chicken and I am going to heat it up and have
that for dinner ..I have some really good mints that I love..and I may
have a couple of those..Then its time to roll off into the sunset of
my bedroom and my tv...so that means its "Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!!!
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    The first photo in purple makes you look like your 21 - maybe 28 but no older. How is your leopard outfit coming? Can't wait to see it.

  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We still have lot of squirrel around here...my boys even got one last Sunday.The pecan are falling now,everytime I go out I have to pick up all I can see of then on the ground...
    We just have the brown squirrel here, but they keep my boys busy barking at them.
    Very nice pictures you have taking.
    God bless you Lois

  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning...
    Thanks.!!...boy, thats so NICE to read..made MY day!!! :-) Im working on it and Im looking for a nice black top. I will take some photos in PANTS before I turn them into a skirt..before and after photos..

    Hiya Mary ! :-)
    Pecans are so good..There are alot of black walnut trees here, takes an act of congress almost to open the bloomin things tho ! :-) Im glad you like the photos.. I enjoyed yours too that you sent Mary... Hope you have a good day today..

    So nice to hear from you both..thanks :-)
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Squirrels can get in the attic of a house. They like to eat the insulation off electric wires. If baby squirrels were born in the attic they will eat through the siding to get back in the attic to have their own litters.

  • At 4:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As usual, super pics (of the squirrels, of course!!! LOL ;o) )
    Thank you, honey.
    Just a short post, as Sis i9s here and I have to be the perfect host for a perfect Sis!!
    Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 5:55 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar..
    that wouldnt be good..my sister thought she had squirrels in her attic, she put a cat up there and scared it so bad it ran away, come to find out it was a oppossum...or however you spell it..lol..she was glad when it was gone...

    Hiya Raife,
    I know you will enjoy your sisters visit..2 gormet cooks you will be in heaven..:-) hope everyone is well...

    Good to hear from you two..thanks !!! love ya! :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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