~New Mouse Tomorrow~
Penny came today but we didn't get a chance for her to
go and get another mouse as she had to leave early to take her
daughter up to Lansing..so she said she would be here
tomorrow to make up lost time and would go to the store
then.. This old mouse I am using is driving me insane its
so awful to use..its the rolling ball type and its old old..it
just works when it feels like it..Ive taken it out and cleaned it
so many times its pathetic..doesnt help..Im glad I have it,
but I will be glader tomorrow with a new one..
My lap is red and very sore today, in fact I was up about
3 times last nite because of it and due to the fact I have a
horrible miserable cold and I am not feeling good at all.. I
bet I have sneezed 9 Brazilian times.. I know this was NOT
the best day ... Im so tired and feel just wore out..perhaps
is a good thing its the week end and I don't need to worry
about anything those days..I think that's one of the rules of
the week end...no worries.. relax, sleep, eat..
Poor Dawn she works all week, comes home and works some
more..Donnie says "I go to work in the Dark, come home in the
dark..lm like a bat, I only go out in the dark" I bet many feel that
way.. Working 2 jobs it would.. I know I tried that.. I worked first
shift at Ben Franklin, and 2nd at EDS when I lived in GreenBay
I felt I had NO life at all..I didn't do it for long..was just too much
for me..
No one has taken me up on my offer Im sad..I do plan to call COA
though and see if they may have someone they know that does
help people get winterized.. Penny said she can put the plastic up
in the porch and If I get some lined thermal drapes for over the
windows in the bedroom that should really help.. I feel such a draft
in there at night its awful.. I have 3 woolbies in there to cover us
up..The boys sleep on top of me to stay warm in there the windows
are so drafty, plastic would help but then that's another job to add
on to my list.. and its already so full its scaring everyone off :-)
I am making this short as I cant predict how long this mouse will
work, tomorrow I will have a new one again.. We made some
goulash in the crock pot and it smells so good..and of course I
am hungry.. this miserableness has not affected my appetite sadly.
its only made me tired..I am hungry and tired and my scorched
stump and lap are not making me feel too good..and its time to
lighten the load so to speak..and go and watch tv..I might do some
knitting.. Early to post, early to bed, early to rise, hopefully tomorrow
I will be happy and wise... "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks ! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 9:23 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
So sorry you couldn't get your new mouse today.
I hear it going to be cold on Thanksgiving and maybe snow...I would like for it to be nice and warm.
Lois so sorry you got burn with the coffee.And having a cold sure can make you feel real bad too.
Thing has to get better for you.
I use to enjoy going to the Ben Franklin store...time sure does fly. When Beth was small I put a few winter clothes on layway for the next winter for her, in August I had to get them out...it got so cold that month and we needed them right then. Ben Franklin has lots of wonderful memory. I really missed them when they closed up.
Have a great weekend Lois.
God bless you
At 4:44 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
So nice to hear from you.. I will get my new one Monday..Im taking it easy with this one , using as little as possible..
Im learning.. Im going to get a sealed coffee cup for like in a car..
I worked at 2 different Ben Franklins..they still have one in green bay now ..or did a few years ago..was all crafts... i enjoyed that. :-) right up my alley..
Hope your having a good week end too Mary..its cold and rainy here..but we are snug and warm..hope you are too..
Thanks My Friend.. :-)
Always, Lois ****
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