~Photo from 2005~
but they are on my other old computer and I cant get them off
it.. I will try again the next time I boot that one up..If I remember
how. And this was taken with a not very good webcam too.. I
tried to clear it up a little but it still would clean up totally ..but
you can still see the GORGEOUS WEEBLE :-) That skirt I
have on is one that I need to fix..that I need my machine for. Its
one of my favorite silk ones..and I miss not wearing it.. I am
debating to have Penny bring up my other machine that I can
put right here on this little bench next to me..wont be easy to use
but I think I could..enough to get some of this mending out of the
way that needs done.. I want to do that leopard skirt too.. I did
tell a fib im afraid..I said I had NO other pants here, well not true,
I do.. I have a wonderful pink pants suit..silk of course..no its not
really pink its more of a dusty rose color..very pretty..I plan to make
those into a skirt too..but I guess I could take a photo in them just
to say I did.. I don't know if I have a top to go with it tho.I will have
to look..
Now, you know Christmas is coming..and if you have an idea of
a video I could make or something..please write and give me some
ideas so I can plan my Christmas gifties... It will be a video..I just
havent decided doing what.. I had thought of a few things but I would
appreciate some ideas.. Im always open to suggestions... Also..I
have a Christmas list and if you need my addy to be able to include
me on yours..well write and I will send it.. oki? I love Christmas.. I cant
wait till next week for the turkey and dressing..I think Kelli is having her
Dad and her in-laws and of course I would think her 2 sisters for dinner.
Her first major one in her NEw house.. Im so happy for her.. Penny said
she will be cooking and will bring me a plate, that would be great..
My lap is still kind of sore..by that I mean the tops of my stumps.. When
My lap is still kind of sore..by that I mean the tops of my stumps.. When
the coffee went across the desk it landed right dead center and sort of
hit both my stumps..My skirt from getting so soaked did protect me but
it also kept the hot coffee on me longer than it should have been.. I didn't
know what to grab first..I saw the coffee coming at me and with this
carpet I cant roll fast anyway..Ive been putting my blue gel on it..and it is
helping.. Seems at night when I lay flat and stretch the skin more is when
I can really feel the tender spots.. Its healing though I am keeping a very
close watch.. I do have another sore spot on my hand tho..and a 2nd
smaller spot again.. its from rubbing this wheel.. I try to watch so that I
don't rub it..but I have to push so hard to get across the loose bedroom
carpet to get any sort of leverage I have to put my hand totally on the
wheel then that makes the side rub.. The carpet is so badly laid in the
bedroom every roll I make the carpet moves which makes it doubly
hard to roll on it.. Ive tried putting all sorts of stuff on these hand spots
but nothing works..they get real dry and itchy..then after looking awful
for a while they just sort of go away..these I get all the time lately it
seems..well since Ive been in here..I never did when I was in the apt.
That place was bigger, 2 bedrooms..but I do NOT miss it .. There was
NO privacy there.. It took me a long time to realize I didn't have to be
quiet here.. I could play my music as loud as I wanted and even raise
my voice when the need arose.. I love it.. I just hate apartments..
I made some chicken and yellow rice today which I already tasted earlier
and it is really good.. I havent had yellow rice in a while..its so full of such
a good flavor..Was a cold damp winter day today and Im ready to go and
snuggle down and watch TV of course..ya, like I ever get to see very much.
It has a way of putting me to sleep.. My cold is a little better but Im still
coughing specially if I wake up during the night which ive done a lot lately.
I just cant sleep in one position very long and I have to move or I get
stiff and have a hard time moving at all..of course the weight of two cats
laying on my chest doesn't help when I go to sit up..Im tired tho and its
time to get out of this chair for today.. GORGEOUS WEEBLES need
their beauty rest to stay that way you know...and I need all the EXTRA
beauty rest I can get..believe me.."Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS ! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 7:06 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
I can't help but think that a pastor, priest or whatever would be extremely interested in helping you and your situation. It aint a religious thing - it is what they do and what they want to do and what they are trained to do. Call them tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:38 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Wish I could send you my mending, I wait untill there is a lot of it, and in the mood to sew or nothing to wear...what ever come first.
That sore on your hand don't look to good...look deep.
Is your elbow doing ok now, sure hope it is all heal up.
Got that book case looking better.
Lois you really have talent and patience to make pants into shirts...I understand how it would be done...but I don't have that kind of patiences.
I feel an over load again getting ready for Thanksgiving, but I know just keep on going and it will all get done and if it don't get done it alright too. Who really care how the house look but me anyway.
The other people houses never bother me on how it looks just mine.I wonder if most of us are that way...I work on staying calm and not getting myself upset for any reason...
Gave Michael a hair cut tonight while I was in the mood, he sweat so much and need a short hair cut.
It's going to be a very busy week, Becky has a birthday 21st she will be 31 years old... And all the doctor said she would never live...
Well Lois I want to see that dusty rose skirt and the other one too.
God bless you
At 10:13 PM, Anonymous said…
Sunday, I cooked a lot. I made fruit compote to mix with my yogurt, and cooked Italian Sausage for my meat course for dinner. keep cookin' and of course, eatin' yummy
At 12:52 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest little dear one!
Wow what a picture, i bet you got some really wonderful ones in the old puter so hook it up..... Ideas for christmas? Well you know wich one is my favourite.... So do something like that, but a new one, and i suggest: On your couch!
That hand really seems to need some rest, and your electric wheelchair cud help you with that... Take it just for a short time, enough to get it healed....
Hon! Today its traveltime again, and ill get in contact with you latest tommorow, if not earlier. Until that.... Take care of you, my sweetest dearest cutest little Lois!
Feel my hugs and kisses, even if it is only mentally!
wishes from the heart from your own
At 5:35 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey.
Thanks for the pics. You know, in your later pics, you look YOUNGER!! - you do - really, I'm not just saying that - honest!!
Take care of that nasty on your hand, Honey. You really will have to get Donald to take that carpet up for you. You used not to get these nasties when you were in the apartment. I don't think you had carpet there, did you?
Take care, Honey. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 11:55 AM, Lois said…
Hi ...Yes dear,, I did phone..they are going to call me back. its a very small church they dont go there constantly.. But you are right.. and I am sure I can get someone..
Mary, My friend,
I would gladly do your mending for you.. to me is play.. My elbow comes and goes..some days its ok others it is sore again...My hand will get better.. that comes and goes too..always something... :-)
To convert pants to skirts take out the middle inside seams.. sew them together , in a straight line to cut off the crotch area, that will stick out.. and just sew down to make a tube.. all there is to it..very easy... :-)
Hi Momar,
There are not alot of things better than good food :-) I think I remember some of them :-D...
Hi Rob,
Be careful travelling..and thank you.. :-) I hope to chat soon..you know how to find me :-)
Hi Raife,
Well now isnt THAT nice to read! TY TY.. :-) made MY day :-) The hand will get better..I just have to baby it a while..
So nice to hear from you..Thanks bunches.. :-) y'all have a nice day.. :-)
Always, Lois****
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