~A Great Email~ :-)
I got an email that almost made me cry..It was so very
nice..Made me feel really good..that I was helping some
one... Some days I feel as though I accomplish nothing
and just sit all day staring at this computer..which basically
I really do..but this blog, seems to be opening up this
'other world' as I call it..Letting everyone know on a daily
basis that this aint easy..These videos you see and watch
that's not everyday life.. I try to encourage.. I try to help
if I can by being so open about all this.. But these letters,
ok emails Ive gotten telling me I help..do you realize just
how your letters encourage me? You make me feel like
I am somebody..that I do matter..that even though my
life has done a complete 360..I still am me.. and can do
some good.. at least I try to.. But hearing from you telling
me this.. I am most grateful and means a lot to me..You
that write comments here, dear Mary and Raife, D, and
momar..Rob..all of you ..when you write to me here or
in email..I sincerely appreciate it and I thank you for making
this a bit easier for me..you really do...Thanks :-)
Big Kenny came over today and brought a lady named Diane,
she was very nice and really liked the boys..of course they
made her feel welcome like they do everyone... Big Daddy
came to check out the basement..Diane is going to wash
and seal it..paint it too..My basement will be really nice.. I
asked him though since all that stuff down there is already
smelly will that make it still smell ? Kenny will call and let
me know when Diane will be coming to do the work down
there, in the meantime hes sending little Kenny to fix the
faucet outside and to pick up all the dead branches.. I told
Ken again that he needs to have someone look at these
trees..it could cost him mega bucks in damage if he doesn't
pretty soon..
I see the dead wood and the condition of these trees and its
I see the dead wood and the condition of these trees and its
a shame.. I am so tempted to call Julio that worked for me
before..Hes still in the tree service and does still do tree
work..his son has joined him from what I understand.. Junior,
last time I saw that kid he was in 2nd grade I think.. Julio
always said Junior was gonna be a professional baseball
player he loved to play ball so much..Junior was a heck of
a kid..very rebellious..his dad gone so much and his mom
left when he was born...so Julio raised the kid by himself
till he got with his wife now.. I can remember all the things
that kid did..it was a daily drama..from setting the fields
on fire to flooding his house..he was a kid and a half..Id
like to see him again..from what I hear hes very tall and
very handsome..he should be about 26 or so hes older
than Kelli..
I used to watch Junior for Julio when he worked with Willie
on a job..I of course had Kelli too .. She was a very bossy
child when it came to playing with other kids..Julio and the
little boy next door really didn't like to play with her..I would
have to bribe both of them with cookies or snacks if they
played with her.. It was good for her to teach her to consider
other kids..not just herself.. she still bossed those 2 around
though.. depending on what the bribe was they would play
more than just one day with her.. She doesn't remember all
this and its fun to tell her how spoiled she was back then by
all of us.. Well she is still..her Papa and I still look out for
her .. so does her dad...
Penny fixed my new clothes rack for me today. she works
so hard.. Then she had to transfer clothes from the closet,
summer stuff, and move the winter stuff back into the
closet.. I cant get in the closet cuz we keep the power
chair in front of it..and to move it is a pain in the patootie..
But we got it all changed around and now I'm set for
summer.. I really don't need to switch stuff since I try to
keep it the same temp all year long..comfortable. I told
Penny though we have to make sure the power chair is
up close to the wall cuz I cant swing enough to get this
chair pulled up to my bed..
I was going to watch TV and was rolling across the floor
and I swing this chair kind of wide to be able to get up
at the top of my bed..When I did I hit the power chair,
and couldn't move.. I tried to move forward and when I
did I hit the little credenza next to the bed and the back
legs are weak and wobbly anyway ..well I hit that and
everything that was on top of it went to the floor.. The
thing tipped back towards the wall with the collapse
of the legs.. I couldn't get that back up OR get all the
stuff off the floor back there..AND ONE of the things
that slid off the top of that thing was guess what???
my clicker for the tv..so I couldn't watch TV unless I
went up to the set itself..and I couldn't control nothing
then from the bed..so I didn't watch tv..Penny fixed
that today too.. We had to take everything out of it,
which was alot..and then she had to turn it over and
try to get the legs stable again..THEN pick up all the
stuff that went on the floor..She had a very busy day
today.. I bet she was glad to go when her time was
up.. She does a lot for me and I really do appreciate
her and all her hard work.. She never hesitates to do
anything I ask which is really nice..
Well time to get out of this chair for today I have a really
sore spot on my tail bone and I have tried everything to
get it to stop hurting and nothing is working.. I will keep
a close eye.. well no Feel I cant see back there !! :-)
That good blue gel I have helps for these kind of sore
spots I'm glad cuz they sure hurt..but sitting as long as
I do.. well I got up at 5 today and wont get out of this
chair probly till at least 6 or 7..long time to be sitting
and trust me..it sure aint fun.. Id love to stand.. boy
would I LOVE that..
Time to close for today..Know that I sincerely appreciate
you that write to me..I wish everyone did..I would enjoy
that.. Time to say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "NiteyNite".
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 7:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lois you are a big help to everyone here, that why we come...also we want to be a blessing to you too.
Sure hope they get your basement fixes real soon.
I had to take Bob to the ER this morning, another bladder infection...they didn't keep him this time...he sure don't fell to well right now.
He going to have a CAT Scan in the morning and some other test done.
God bless you Lois
Hoping Bob get some sleep tonight then i will too.
At 2:59 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Thanks alot..your too kind..and you ARE a blessing to me...Ive not heard from Big Daddy today so Its a waiting game again...Hope Bob gets to feeling better..:-)
Hope you had a good day Mary,
Love N'Hugs
Always,Lois ****
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