
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

~Where'd The Day Go?~

I just looked at the time and I have NO idea where today
went.. I know I was awake all day at least I think so.. I
only have been replying to some email and looked at the
time and realized this day was half gone and I havent done
ONE single thing but sit on my patootie and type! I know
I cant do nothing but sit..but sheesh.. I need to do
something a little more productive I think..:-)

I got a upsetting call that I didn't like at all.. My boy Donnie
is having trouble. His back went out..and it had to be SUPER
bad..he had Dawn take him to the hospital where they kept
him OVER NIGHT! I KNOW the boy was mad on that. but
it had to be really bad for him to go..Dawn said its not good.
Donnie works so much ..all the time..he works 2 jobs.. I
think hes over doing it and I tell him that all the time..but hes
so hyper that he cant sit still.. He cant sit and watch a whole
nascar race cuz he cant sit still that long..He will tape it..so
he can come and go during it and not miss anything..

When I was staying with Donnie and his then wife Shirley , it
was a day when there was a race on tv..we all sat and watched
it .. me, Donnie, and the 3 girls.. Kelli , Nikki and Amber..
About half way thru Donnie stand up points out that hes recording
that race and not to touch nothing..till after the race is over..
and he went outside to do something.. Well the girls and I sat
there and watched that race TOTALLY not interested but we
all knew Donnie and you don't mess with his stuff or what hes
doing.. So after the race FINALLY ended.. we turned on a
movie..sat and was watching it.. next thing you know here he
comes..plunks his butt down in the chair..grabs the remote
and proceeds to shut off that movie and turn on his tape of
the race!!! we all 4 screamed at him to STOP! we were
watching that movie.!. He didn't care and he wanted to watch
his race.. So.. I got up ( I had legs then) grabbed that remote,
turned the movie back on and told him if he didn't let us watch
the end of that movie I was gonna tell him who won the race!
He DIDNT want to know! so he decided was to his benefit
to let us see that whole movie..and we did..

Hes got an appointment on Tuesday and I hope they find out
whats wrong ..He has twitches and said his arm went numb
that's why they treated him like a heart patient ..which he
wasn't.. As active as he is.. this back will drive him nuts..just
like when he burnt his ankle he was housebound..waited
patiently for Dawn to come home and take him out..Said
he knew how the dog felt waiting to go out! :-) hes got a
good doctor so I'm hoping they can fix him..

Ive been playing with this new puter and I have to honestly
say I do NOT like Vista.. It makes you feel STUPID.. no
matter what it is your doing it asks you if your sure that's
what you want to do.. Like I'm dumb and don't know any
thing.. I hate that.. The start thing is totally different.. Now
all your programs are in a tiny little list..I just don't like it
like I do XP.. I had 98 before I got the xp and I did like
the xp better.. all they do when they change these windows
is just add perks.. This vista has a thing goes down the
side of your monitor called gadgets.. I have a post it note
and the weather .. a calender and a little slide show that
changes pictures I wish I could put my own on it..but I
don't have ANY photos on this puter.. Theyre all on my
other one.. Probly in a while I will get used to this vista
but I really don't care for it.. XP was easier to navigate.
and it didn't keep asking me was I sure what I wanted
to do...

Today I am making a fav..I'm having some Shrimp..They
had them on sale at Meijers like they always do.. buy
1 bag get 1 free.. sometimes its 2 free but they havent
had that in a long time.. I love them just slightly heated
and then the cocktail sauce.. with some nice golden
fries. I know Buddy..not healthy but I love em..specially
with Shrimp.. Potatoes are good for you its just the way
you fix them :-) I just happen to prefer mine deep fried!
No I like potatoes ..anyway you fix them.. Talking about
potatoes I should make some of my potato salad I make
The VERY best.. its made by me but its still the best ive
had anywhere...my mom's recipe so you KNOW its good
I have a special ingredient that just brings the taste out.

Time for food and time to post this for today, I havent installed
my cam as I think a new one would be better so hopefully
after the 1st I can get a new cam..and then I shall take some
new pics. Now I'm asking friends to send me ones they have
!! I got some back from my mail at gmail I keep them in
my sent mail for a while which I am so glad that's how I got
all my email addys back... Nows the time for my famous
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


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